Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 179 The Countryside

Lin Lan walked on the road with his hands in his pockets, and when he was bored, he took out his mobile phone and checked his mobile phone while walking.

Suddenly, Lin Lan stopped, looking at the contents of the phone, Lin Lan was stunned.

"Due to my family's reasons, I need to leave here. I am afraid that the house will lose its vitality if it is unoccupied for too long, so I endure the sale. It only costs 50,000."

Lin Lan opened the photo taken by the homeowner, and Lin Lan's heart was moved. Lin Lan kept opening the software in front of him back and forth, and began to hesitate in his heart.

Own savings and the location of the house is in the countryside, if Lin Lan moves to that place, why should he continue to suffer here and suffer the possibility of being attacked at any time every day.

Lin Lan's selfishness began to take over her mind, and finally Lin Lan contacted the owner of the house.

When the homeowner saw someone contact him, he pinched his fingers and counted, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Finally I can see "Qi San Qi"."

The owner stood up and made an appointment with Lin Lan.

As the evening approached, the homeowner was sitting under his tree, quietly looking at the location of the gate.


Lin Lan popped his head, looked back and forth and found the owner in front of him, then walked in with a smile.

"Eh? Are you a girl?"

The landlord smiled and asked back with his hands on his hips.

"Can't girls?"

Lin Lan smiled and rubbed himself. He didn't care about the other party's gender, but he just wanted to quickly buy this place that he regarded as a treasure so that he would not be embarrassed in the future.

The two walked into the house, the landlord took out a contract, and Lin Yan immediately took out a pen and wanted to sign it.

"Look first?"

"Ah...Let's take a look first."

The landlord and Lin Lan were walking in the large yard of hundreds of square meters. Suddenly, Lin Lan stood in place and looked at the big tree beside him.

"This big tree has Immortal Qi."

When the landlord heard it, his eyes widened immediately, and he bent down to appear in Lin Lan's field of vision and explained.

"You are so knowledgeable, but how did you tell that it is contaminated with Immortal Qi?"

Lin Lan pointed to own's eyes and said to the landlord.

"My eyes, dogs can detect changes."

Suddenly, the landlord pointed at himself and at the same time gradually approached Lin Lan and asked.

"In that case, do you see if I have Immortal Qi?"

"Ah, I didn't feel it at all."

Lin Lan scratched his head in embarrassment, and the landlord started to circle around Lin Lan with his hands behind his back.

"You have been exhausted recently, and your heart is always accompanied by sudden pain. You often can't fall asleep peacefully. Every time you are about to fall asleep, you wake up suddenly, don't you?"


Lin Lan looked at the landlord with surprise in his eyes.

"I really don't have any supernatural power, and it is the supernatural power that I lost in my generation, but I have acquired the ability of supernatural calculations by accident. I can see through the secrets. At the same time, because I have seen through the secrets, I also know you What do you want."

The landlord leaned in front of Lin Lan and grabbed Lin Lan's collar tightly.

"What you want is a quiet life, but unfortunately, you will always be caught in battle for no reason, do you want to know how to crack it?"

"What cracking method?"


Lin Lan was taken aback when he heard this, and immediately rejected the cracking method proposed by the landlord.

When the landlord saw that Lin Lan was afraid of Death, he also laughed and patted Lin Lan on the shoulder.

"Kill the strong you now and turn back to the weak you. However, there is a problem. Your heart will always yearn for the strong self, not the weak self, isn't it?"

Lin Lan fell into deep thought, and the landlord issued the contract just now and placed it in front of Lin Lan.

"All in all, the choice is yours, whether you want to change back to your cowardly self is entirely up to you.

Lin Lan grabbed the contract, signed his own name and said.

"I want everything, I want a strong self, but also a quiet life."

"However, being strong means losing freedom, everything."

"It doesn't matter, I will do my best."

The landlord looked at Lin Lan with a smile, counted his fingers, and raised the corner of his mouth.

"I believe you."

After speaking, the landlord turned and left, leaving Lin Lan alone.

Lin Lan's cell phone ding-dong rang, and Lin Lan immediately turned on his own cell phone to look.

"Your dear landlord."

Lin Lan froze for a moment when he looked at the expression of love behind him, and nodded in agreement with a dull hand.

Just when Lin Lan was about to observe, the phone rang again...

Lin Lan fell into helplessness watching the lines of speech, and could only listen to each line.

"What you just said, if you follow through, the future will be changed by you.

Hearing this, Lin Lan understood the landlord's hint to own.

"what your name?"

"My name, my name is Chen Yuan, doesn't it sound nice? This name."

"Well, it sounds good."

After finishing speaking, Lin Lan began to scan everything in the house, and by the time Lin Lan cleaned up, it was already late at night.

Lin Lan lay on the bed without quilts, lost in thought.

"Suddenly I feel that own consumption is so revengeful. It is obvious that every day I spend 50 yuan to survive, but today it is better, 50,000!"

Lin Lan covered her head remorsefully, when she suddenly heard a thud, Lin Lan stood up suspiciously.

Lin Lan stood up, and suddenly found that there was a basement here.

Lin Lan lifted the wooden board in front of him, and the dust shook out.

Lin Lan waved his hand and coughed, trying to fan the dust away from own.

Lin Lan took out his mobile phone and used the flashlight that came with the mobile phone to take a photo towards the bottom, but the bottom could hardly be seen inside.

Lin Lan took precautions and jumped down with golden light all over his body.

Lin Lan fell to the deepest point, and there was no doubt that Lin Lan's legs were injured.

"It hurts."

After 3.0 finished speaking, Lin Lan stood up and walked forward.

After a while, Lin Lan found that the end of the road was already in front of him, and the road behind had disappeared.

"what happened?"

Doubt appeared in Lin Lan's eyes, just as Lin Lan was about to take out his mobile phone, he found that the mobile phone could not work at this moment.

Lin Lan had no choice but to put the phone in his pocket and touched the wooden boards on both sides.

"Since it is a wooden board, can it be destroyed? If it is destroyed, will it cause the entire tunnel to collapse?"

Although Lin Lan had concerns in his heart, but he had already settled down like this, so how could he be willing to go back with nothing.

Lin Lan's fist exudes golden light, but the deepest part contains a little void energy.

Lin Lan hit the board firmly with a fist, but to Lin Lan's shock, the energy bounced back. .

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