Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 183 Bullying

"Please, don't kill my child.

A man kneeled in front of a man in a suit.

Seeing the man begging him, the man in the suit looked at the man's daughter.

The man's daughter was about five years old, and there was visible dust on her face and clothes.

The girl looked at the man in the suit in front of her with fearful eyes.

The man in the suit strode forward, grabbed the girl's hair, and slammed it against the wall.

The girl suddenly fainted in the corner, and the man in the suit clapped his hands in disgust.

"Please, you are so lowly, how can you have the face to beg me for mercy? We are supernatural beings, and we will not let the weak ones go."

The man's pupils kept trembling, and finally his throat was pulled out abruptly by the man in the suit.

"Are you the daughter of the sea? But the creature you turned into is not a creature in the sea at all."

"Hey! I regard you as my master! You don't believe me, do you?"

The girl kept stomping her feet in anger, and Lin Lan said with a helpless smile on his face.

"It's not that I don't believe you, but that I'm puzzled by your sudden arrival. After all, we've never met before, and I'm not your master."

"That's not it! You are!"

After finishing speaking, the girl slipped into Lin Lan's arms again, and the sticky feeling filled Lin Lan's body again.

At this moment, Lin Lan's body had a lot of goosebumps, and then he pushed the girl away violently.



The girl looked tearfully at the dislike of own Lin Lan, and finally turned into a stone and entered the fish tank.

Lin Lan looked at the girl who turned into stone and didn't say anything, just took out a towel and wiped off the mucus on her body.

Yinxue covered her own face, feeling worried about Lin Lan's emotions.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Lan got up early, stood up and left the house.

Lin Lan came again to the bridge where he met the girl yesterday, and just watched silently, looking at the water.

"Who is that girl?"

Lin Lan suddenly asked loudly, but the only response was the silence on the water surface.

Suddenly, the phone rang, interrupting Lin Lan's meditation.

"Hello? Dragon City?"

Longcheng coughed twice, and said to Lin Lan.

"Do you have any special support abilities?"

"If you want me to have it, I can have it."

"All in all, in the far south, there is a group of gangs who are constantly slaughtering innocent villagers. My subordinates were there as assistants in the education industry, but they were killed by them.

Lin Lan heard it, but sighed helplessly.

"What are they killing innocent people for?"

"Blood Realm, if one can receive the blessings of the Blood Realm, ordinary people can become gods in an instant.

Lin Lan heard it, hummed, and then spoke.

"I will go to support, send me the approximate location, and I will rush there within half an hour.

"You must also be careful, some of them pretend to be villagers, and it is for this reason that my men died of other people's people.

Lin Lan heard an understatement hum, and after hanging up the phone, lightning gradually spread from his body.

"Consecutive explosions will break bones, but innocent people are waiting for me."

After speaking, Lin Lan's legs were strong, and lightning burst back and forth in the air. About half an hour later, Lin Lan had arrived at his destination.

"The throat was pulled out and you didn't die, hee hee, you must be half a supernatural person, right? I can see that your body is recovering a little bit. Sure enough, it was right that you didn't kill the killer yesterday. After all, you It’s a good nutritional supplement!”

After speaking, the man's throat was directly pierced, and blood spit out from the man's mouth.


The man struggled to make a sound, but the red monster suddenly appeared, and the man was swallowed directly into his mouth.

The man in the suit saw that the light on the red monster's body became more dazzling, and he couldn't help being ecstatic in his heart.

"Okay, okay, the next thing is the children of supernatural beings. It turns out that the blood realm prefers supernatural beings compared to ordinary people, so let's use them all as our nourishment.

The little girl was on the verge of death, and opened her own eyes in a daze.

The girl who didn't even drink water for eating all day and didn't even have the ability to control her body could only watch helplessly as the red monster approached step by step and opened its bloody mouth.

Lin Lan fell from the sky, and the energy in his hand exploded at this moment, piercing the monster's body directly.

The moment the man in the suit saw Lin Lan, his eyes widened.

"What? People from Dragon City? Could it be that the information has been exposed?"

"Wang Shuai? Shouldn't you be dead already?"

The man in the suit was even more shocked. Even though he had changed his body and even his face, Lin Lan could still see his true identity at a glance.

Wang Shuai smiled at this moment, put his hands next to his face, and saw that the human skin mask was directly released.

Wang Shuai smiled and opened his own hands and said to Lin Lan.

"As you can see, I am a new body composed of cells, stronger than before, Lin Lan, you can't kill me.

Lin Lan looked at the girl lying on the side, and knew very well in his heart that if the girl didn't receive treatment, she might die within an hour.

Wang Shuai has already swooped in. Due to the existence of the blood realm, Wang Shuai's attack methods are almost all weapons made of blood.

A long sword made of 043's blood had already pierced Lin Lan's eyes, and Lin Lan retreated sharply to avoid the attack.

"The reaction is much faster than before!"

Wang Shuai laughed and looked at Lin Lan in front of him. Lin Lan suddenly sat on the ground, holding onto the girl's clothes tightly.

Lin Lan's body exploded with lightning, while protecting the girl with his hands and body, preventing her body from being torn apart by this powerful speed.

Lin Lan came to the roof behind him, and Wang Shuai also walked out, looking at Lin Lan in front of him with a smile.

"You actually know that I can flex my fists in such an open place, and it's your weakness that you care about ordinary people, so that's why."

Lin Lan was stunned for a moment when he heard the movement below, and saw the bloody spikes protruding from the roof. Lin Lan picked up the little girl and flew into the air, which just happened to give Wang Shuai a chance.


Blood appeared around Lin Lan, and countless spikes pierced Lin Lan's body in an instant.

The little girl's face was only scratched on the cheek, and a smile appeared on Lin Lan's face.

"It's fine..."

Lin Lan coughed up blood, fell to the ground smoothly, and put the little girl on the ground.

"Lin Lan, a person like you will be killed by own kindly."

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