Lin Lan exerted force with his hands, and the energy in his body was discharged little by little, and the blood thorn fell to the ground.

Lin Lan looked back at Wang Shuai, then squatted down, and the green fluorescent light wrapped around the girl's body.

Lin Lan was not angry, but looked back at Wang Shuai calmly.

"You are very powerful, I admit it, but you slaughtered civilians at will, I think what you have done is already too much.

Wang Shuai didn't think he was wrong, but quickly attacked Lin Lan.

Wang Shuai's blood-condensed long sword slashed towards Lin Lan's neck.

Seeing Lin Lan's head being chopped off, Master Wang laughed wildly.

"I won!"

"No, I won."

Lin Lan's hand rested lightly on Wang Shuai's shoulder, Wang Shuai turned around in shock, his eyes widened instantly when he saw Lin Lan whose body was still intact.

"What? Didn't you just die?"

"Yes, in your impression.

I saw that the surroundings were surrounded by shadows, and Lin Lan's body that had just been chopped turned into a shadow.

The shadow transformed by Lin Lan's body began to dance crazily in the own space.

Wang Shuai's body was pierced countless times, and gaps of various sizes appeared on his body.

"Why do you have the power of shadow, why?"

"Why? I don't know either, hehe."

Lin Lan touched his head with a smile, and this action made Wang Shuai feel extremely angry, and his body began to emit red light.

"coming soon."

Lin Lan kicked Wang Shuai's body, and then kept jumping backwards.

Everything gathered in the blood realm began to fly towards Wang Shuai's body quickly, and finally Wang Shuai's body was fused by large and small pieces of flesh.

Everything formed by the shadow was exploded, Master Wang smiled and stretched out his own hand and said.

"Lin Lan! You are going to die!"

Wang Shuai stretched out his own hand, and saw a five-meter-long sword appearing in Wang Shuai's hand.

Wang Shuai raised his own hand high, and slashed towards Lin Lan without hesitation.

Lin Lan smiled, and the holy shield blocked Lin Lan's eyes.

"What? Isn't this ancient~~?"

Lin Lan bounced back this force, and Tu Wang flew out directly.

Lin Lan raised his own hand, and at this moment, huge energy poured into Lin Lan's body.

Wang Shuai looked at Lin Lan in front of him in horror, raised his hand and shouted loudly.

"Don't absorb everything from me!"

"No, I will."

Finally, Wang Shuai's body turned back to an ordinary person, while Lin Lan's body was slightly red.

"This kind of power is useless, forget it, let's do it like this."

Lin Lan clasped his palms together, and in an instant, golden light covered Wang Shuai's body.

Wang Shuai struggled to raise his head, and finally his body was gradually reduced to ashes.

Lin Lan walked up to the girl step by step, knelt down and picked her up.

"This girl is the only one alive in this village."

Lin Lan looked at the blood on the girl's body, and couldn't help feeling distressed.

"Take it back for treatment first."

Lin Lan finally took the girl back to the newly bought house and placed her in his own bedroom.

When Lin Lan watched the girl start to have a high fever, he panicked and called the doctor, and finally gave the girl an infusion.

The doctor stared at Lin Lan and asked before leaving.

"Have you ever abused a child?"

Lin Lan froze for a moment, then quickly shook his head and said that he had never abused a child.

The doctor just looked at Lin Lan suspiciously, only suspecting that Lin Lan snatched a child from someone else.

In the middle of the night, the girl opened her eyes, and when she saw Lin Lan who had been guarding her for a day, she was not moved in any way, but kept backing away in fear, screaming loudly, and crying incessantly.

"I want daddy!"

The girl's words made Lin Lan open his own eyes suddenly, and when he saw the girl curled up in the corner, Lin Lan froze in place.

Lin Lan walked over step by step, the girl closed her eyes without struggling.

However, Lin Lan gently hugged the girl in front of him.

"Your father is dead, and I am not human."

"Except for Dad, you are all bad people!"

The girl scratched Lin Lan's neck vigorously, but Lin Lan didn't struggle, and still hugged the girl in front of him tenderly.

The girl froze, hugging Lin Lan with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry... big brother."

There was also a smile on Lin Lan's face, and the girl put Lin Lan on the bed, then turned and left.

When the girl woke up the next day, she was surrounded by clothes, including skirts and everyday clothes.

Lin Lan opened the door cautiously, and looked at the little girl in front of him.

"Do you want to take a shower before changing clothes? Can you handle it yourself?"


The girl whispered, Lin Lan nodded, then closed the door and left.

Lin Lan came to hang out in the yard, and then called Yinxue.

~Hey! I picked up a baby. "

"Oh, what's the matter? Kid?"

"Yes, the only surviving girl, she is even willing to believe me, I want...Adopt her? But it's not good for a boy to adopt a girl."

"Of course not!"

Yinxue denied Lin Lan loudly, and then asked to let herself raise the girl.

After a while, a top luxury car drove into the yard and rushed over.

"Lin Lan! You picked up a goblin yesterday, and a girl today, so you have to pick up an alien tomorrow?"

"It's not impossible."

After speaking, Yinxue asked Lin Lan to take herself to the room where the girl lived.

When Yinxue saw that it was clear and clean, and put on the clothes Lin Lan had prepared for her, she froze in place.

"so cute."

Yinxue hugged the little girl in front of her, smiled and pinched the girl's face, looking extremely happy.

Yinxue noticed a bed of clothes that Lin Lan bought for the girl and immediately stood up and said to Lin Lan. (I got X)

"You don't know the girl's size! Why do you buy her clothes! You even buy so many! The wardrobe I looked at didn't buy as much as this time, right?"

Lin Lan was a little overwhelmed, and put his hands in his pockets.

"Don't say big brother...Ju"

The girl whispered to Yinxue, and Yinxue also squatted down immediately, stroking the girl's head and said.

"Being vicious about big brother is only because big brother did something wrong."

"No, he is my savior, if there is no big brother, I may die like my father"

The girl's voice trembled, Yinxue looked at Lin Lan, and at the same time noticed Lin Lan's innocent face and laughed out loud.

"Let me raise this girl."

"No...I want to follow big brother, big brother feels like daddy

The girl's words made Yinxue's eyes widen, and then Yinxue glared at Lin Lan in front of her.

"Did you give her some kind of ecstasy drug!".

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