Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 189 Invitation

Lin Huanhuan pointed to Lin Lan and answered the question raised by Longcheng, who also smiled slightly.

"If that's the case, I will call you in advance if you need to register after the procedure. Remember, you must answer my phone when I call you, otherwise, I will not accept your request."

Lin Lan looked at Longcheng's serious face, and waved goodbye to him with a smile, then looked at Lin Huanhuan behind him.

Lin Lan gently picked her up, thinking of the Children's Paradise, Lin Lan raised Lin Huanhuan high and asked with a smile.

"How about going to the children's playground with Dad? Let's go play, and then wait for the dragon Uncle to take care of your school's mess, and then we go to school

Lin Huanxuan was also very happy to hear that he raised his own hands, and finally put his arms around Lin Lan's neck lightly. His immature face touched Lin Lan's. Lin Lan froze for a moment, while Lin Huanhuan was Said gently.

"Thank you, my father, although you look like my big brother no matter how you look at it, but since you saved me, I have already regarded you as my father in my heart, and it is the first time you let me I feel what love is."

When Lin Lan heard this, he was only puzzled. Obviously when he saw Lin Huanhuan, that man tried his best to protect Lin Huanhuan. Why is Lin Huanhuan now telling himself what love is for the first time.

Seeing Lin Lan's puzzled face, Lin Huanhuan let out a bright smile and said to Lin Lan.

"My biological father doesn't actually love me. He just wants what my mother left me. He will only choose to love me, hold my hand, and hug me in public places. Let me feel that false warmth."

Lin Huanhuan turned her head away, sighed softly, and said again.

"I am immersed in this false fatherly love and cannot extricate myself. Once I lose the aura of the crowd, my father will be like a beast, constantly beating me and insulting me. My heart...may have been distorted. "."

Seeing Lin Huanhuan's non-stop emotions, Lin Lan was stunned. Lin Lan immediately put Lin Huanhuan down and asked seriously.

"Are you Lin Huanhuan?"

"The me now? Of course not, but a soul temporarily living in Lin Huanhuan's body, but soon, I will give Lin Huanhuan to you, but before I leave, can you hug me once?"

Lin Lan didn't take any action, but Lin Huanhuan had already opened his hands, looked at Lin Lan with a smile and said.

"Just treat me as I have been protecting Lin Huanhuan for almost ten years, just treat me as I have borne so many twisted emotions, please hug me once.

Lin Lan squatted down and hugged her tightly in her arms. Gradually, Lin Huanhuan fell asleep in Lin Lan's arms, her body looking extremely tired.

Lin Lan's eyes were full of doubts, Lin Lan's eyes fixed on Lin Huanhuan who was already asleep in front of him, and he smiled wryly.

"No wonder your mood is so unstable, that's how it is, hard work, Lin Huanhuan, from now on, let you stay by my side, I will raise you up, I will not interfere with your future , I hope you can grow up happily."

When Lin Huanhuan woke up, it was already evening. Lin Huanhuan looked at Own's stomach, which was rumbling non-stop. Suddenly, the door was opened, and Lin Lan held a bowl of noodles in front of Lin Huanhuan's eyes.


"Huh? What's the matter?"

Lin Lan gently looked at Lin Huanhuan in front of him, and Lin Huanhuan also stared at Lin Lan. Finally, Lin Huanhuan smiled, picked up the chopsticks in front of him, gently picked up the noodles, put them in his mouth, and chewed them lightly. up.

"Thank you dad, dad has worked hard."

Hearing Lin Huanhuan's words, Lin Lan inexplicably felt a warmth in his heart, and immediately covered Own's chest and questioned.

"What's wrong with me, this is the first time I have such an inexplicable feeling, why do I want to laugh out loud."

Lin Lan watched as Lin Huanhuan ate the noodles with great gulps. Suddenly, Yinxue hugged Lin Lan and grabbed Lin Lan's waist.

Lin Lan turned around suddenly, a sharp pain spread to Lin Lan's waist, Lin Lan also put a hand on Yinxue's head, with a sudden force, Yinxue fell directly to the ground

"pain pain pain"

Yinxue stood up with difficulty, and at the same time looked at Lin Lan in front of her with a smirk and said.

"You boy, your figure is so perfect, you don't have any fat on your body.

"I can't get fat either..."

One sentence made Yinxue stunned in place, looked up at Lin Lan and spoke again.

"What did you say?"

"I don't eat fat, even if I eat too much food every day, I don't necessarily get fat, but I lose a few pounds, probably because I need to maintain energy, and my own consumption is enough.

Yinxue touched the flesh around her waist, then raised her head and remembered what Lin Lan said just now, stomping her feet angrily.

~ Damn it! Why can’t I lose weight all the time! No way! I really don’t accept it!”

Lin Lan heard Yinxue's excited words, smiled and shook her hands, stepped back and said to Yinxue.

"Don't step on the floor, this is the second floor, if you fall, you will hurt yourself."

Hearing this, Yinxue immediately pouted and looked aside, stretched out her own hand and said.

"I'm going to go out tonight. It's a paradise that invited me to perform, but I can't understand why it's a paradise. Then! Do you want our whole family to go out tonight? Watch my performance."

"Who is in the same family as you?"

Lin Lan's tone was filled with disgust, and Yinxue also clenched her fists with an angry face, and even roared with white smoke coming out of her head.

"Aren't we a family the way we are now, Kay?"

Lin Lan (Nuo De Zhao) scratched his head with a smile, rubbed his own head for a while and asked.

"I can't feel it, forget it, I'm always wondering if there is something wrong with the family, what time will it start at night, I will take Lin Zhu and Lin Huanhuan over there to see, after all, something happened last time I saw your performance, but I hope this time Nothing will happen."

"Can you hope for a better..."

Yinxue's tone was a little speechless, Lin Lan immediately smiled and hugged Yinxue in front of him, and whispered to Yinxue.

"Do you need money to buy a ticket? If you want money, I will go to the scalper now."

"Your uncle's! Do you think of me! I have prepared the tickets for the three of you! Here you are!"

Seeing three tickets appearing in Lin Lan's hands, Yinxue walked out angrily.

"Go all the way~"

Lin Lan held the piao in his hand, and kept waving it back and forth. Looking at Yinxue's leaving back, Lin Lan's smile gradually disappeared. .

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