Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 190 Horror Paradise

"What a spooky paradise... It's daytime outside, why is it so..."

The girl looked at the other half of own and asked in a low voice, the boy just frowned tightly, looked at the girl fiercely and asked.

"Are you going to play or not? I've already invited you, it's already considered a good thing! Always pick and choose! What do you want to do? Are you giving you too much face, if it doesn't work, let's break up!"

The girl looked at the boy in front of her with tears in her eyes, but she still hugged the boy's hand tightly and walked towards the deepest part of the paradise. In front of her was a man wearing a mask, standing in the inspection room. Standing on the seat of the ticket, he watched the two of them approaching.

When the boy handed the ticket into the man's hand, the man let out a piercing laugh. The boy was taken aback for a moment, and a little fear appeared in his heart. Just as he was about to turn around, he and his girlfriend had already entered the inside of the paradise. there is a voice

"Please sit on the carousel, I hope you can abide by the rules of the park."

The boy gasped heavily, then took the girl's hand and walked towards the front, suddenly, the boy felt his own hand become lighter [looked suspiciously at 97 holding his girlfriend's hand tightly.


The pupils of the boy kept trembling. Looking at the severed hand in his hand, he threw the severed hand towards the other side in horror, only to see that the girl's head had disappeared, but she was still walking towards him step by step. He backed away and said in horror.

"Don't...don't come here!"

When the man saw the stones on the ground, he kept throwing them towards the girl's body. As the girl's body moved forward quickly, the boy's body only struggled for a moment before completely losing its movement.

In the evening, Lin Lan brought Lin Huanhuan and Lin Huanhuan to the gate of the park. There were also crowds of people around, including couples, tourists who came here for the name, and a few serious teams with props in their hands standing at the gate.

The man checking the tickets always had a smile on his face and kept serving people. Lin Lan looked at this scene, but always felt a little bit wrong and psychologically uncomfortable.

When Lin Lan entered the park, Lin Huanhuan pointed to the carousel, pinched Lin Lan's face and said.

"Huanhuan wants to play!"

(ceeh) "Okay, Huanhuan wants to play.

Lin Lan said to Lin Huanhuan fondly, holding Lin Zhu with the other hand, and the three of them sat on the merry-go-round.

However, what made Lin Lan feel wrong was that the merry-go-round above was full of bloody breath, which made Lin Lan feel uneasy. Lin Lan's pupils were slightly red, and he looked into the deep structure of his eyes.

"Is there nothing?"

Although Lin Lan had doubts in his heart, since he didn't find anything unusual, he could only play with the children temporarily.

Lin Lan suddenly looked at Lin Zhu, Lin Zhu's face was obviously very uncomfortable, Lin Lan gently grabbed Lin Zhu's hand, and asked worriedly.

"Are you sick? It seems that you are not feeling well."

"No, lord... big brother, the smell of blood here is too strong, I can't bear it at all, just like our family, the smell of being slaughtered is exactly the same, in my mind, all my family members died look."

Lin Zhu's discomfort was obviously not faked, and Lin Lan was very clear in his heart, and Lin Huanhuan definitely had a corresponding reaction. After all, Lin Huanhuan didn't seem so excited since he got on the wooden horse.

Lin Lan jumped off the wooden horse, hugged Lin Zhu into Own's arms, grabbed Lin Huanhuan, and hugged him into King Huai.

Lin Huanhuan has fallen into a coma, and a very obvious guide has appeared on the neck, Lin Lan clenched his own teeth.

"Is it Yinxue's plan? No, it shouldn't be. That guy may also be one of the ones who were planned. After all, that guy wanted to invite us from the bottom of his heart. Maybe she has already been killed."

Lin Lan watched Lin Huanhuan's constant struggle, and knew in his heart that he had to take Lin Huanhuan and Lin Zhu out of here.

The muscles of Lin Lan's legs swelled, but he found that everything that was originally crowded seemed so vast, and Lin Lan felt even more puzzled.

"Obviously there were so many people here before, why did they disappear in such a short time?"

After Lin Lan rushed out of the paradise, both Lin Huanhuan and Lin Zhu were panting heavily, and at the same time, the guidance on Lin Huanhuan's neck gradually faded [Lin Lan also breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Lan hurriedly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and told Longcheng what happened in this paradise, but Longcheng said in shock when he heard the paradise where Lin Lan was.

"That Paradise! It has already been demolished early on, and there was an irreparable loss in it due to the murderer and the Realm growth incident, why did it reappear?

"What? I don't know, then Yinxue is definitely in danger, then! Longcheng, I will send Lin Huanhuan and the others to a safe place. You will call them later, and you will pick them up, bye!"

Longcheng also replied to Lin Lan firmly, saying yes, Lin Lan also felt relieved, put the two of them in a relatively safe place, and quickly returned to the paradise, and the shadow of the paradise gradually faded, Lin Lan was in the paradise Before disappearing completely, entered the paradise.

I saw that the few people holding props just now were being chased and killed by a man who was three meters tall and holding a 1.5 meter machete. One of them had his arm cut off, but he did not break away from the battle, but insisted on fighting own companions to fight together.

"Thunder flash!"

A bolt of lightning passed through the man's body, and Lin Lan appeared in midair. The three looked at Lin Lan in shock and asked.

"Who are you?"

Lin Lan shouted loudly at the three people in front of him in mid-air.

"Time to question me! Isn't there no time to work together to solve this guy first?"

After finishing speaking, the three of them took out the talisman in their hands, made the same movement, and launched an attack towards the man. A golden light flew around the man, and where the golden light touched, a huge body would appear in an instant. gap.

The lightning in Lin Lan's hand gradually became irritable. Lin Lan raised his own hand high, bent over and rushed behind the man, and pressed his hand tightly behind the man.

The man's body was torn apart, and Lin Lan landed safely. He lowered his head and breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, several people roared loudly.

"Sir! Where are you leaving!".

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