Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 197 Key Transaction

After the man calmed down his anger, the statuette called out the man's name.

"Zhang Xiao."

"What are you doing?"

Zhang Xiao suddenly turned his head and looked at the little golden man, who also raised his hands with a smile and said.

"Don't always treat me with such an angry attitude, because now you have no use value."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiao spit out blood suddenly, the little golden man's hand had already pierced Zhang Xiao's body, Zhang Xiao kept backing away, and finally lay on the ground, panting heavily and asking .

"What are you doing?"

"Oh? What am I going to do? I don't know, I just want to kill you.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiao's heart was forcibly pulled out, replaced by a statuette occupying Zhang Xiao's body, not long after, "May 10" Zhang Xiao stood up slowly, looked at his hand, and smiled slightly Said.

"Sure enough, this body is very strong, but it still can't function, so let me replace you."

After finishing speaking, the little golden man pierced the heart with his hand, trying to crush the woman, but because of the existence of Lin Lan's energy, the woman will recover in the end no matter how she destroys it. The little golden man's goal is naturally changed to Lin Lan, the little golden man smiled.

"Lin Lan, let me kill you and be you."

Just when the little golden man was about to leave, Wang Qing's voice came from the entrance of the cave, and the little golden man looked at Wang Qing's position with a little doubt. said the three keys.

"Let's make a deal, let's distort the world, and what do you call a brother?"

"Who are you?"

"The biggest beneficiary of Realm's distortion, Wang Qing, is also the main person who launched the destruction plan."

Hearing this, the little golden man smiled slightly, took the key in Wang Qing's hand and spoke.

"Well, if that's the case, then let's join forces, kill Lin Lan, kill them, and, let me introduce myself, my name is Zhang Xiao, and I am the owner of the Hand of God

Hearing these words, Wang Qing nodded slightly, and put the sword of fate in front of Zhang Xiao and said with a smile.

"Is that sincere enough?"


"Ah! Don't hit me!"

Lin Lan ran forward with big strides, while Yinxue kept chasing behind him, Yinxue's face was full of angry roars.

"You bastard! You run around every day and get hurt everywhere! What do you want us to do! Let us worry about you so much!"

Yinxue kept apologizing, but Yinxue rushed to the front of own and said.

"I don't accept your apology! Accept the punishment properly!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Lan was directly pressed to the ground, and was spanked continuously. Lin Lan was slapped on the ground, his face was full of hopelessness. Suddenly, Lin Lan realized that something was wrong, and suddenly looked at the sky, but The abnormality in the sky only exists for a moment, and then disappears.

Lin Lan was puzzled at first, but the doubts in his heart gradually disappeared. Suddenly, a woman's voice reached Lin Lan's ears.

"The sky will change soon, and the whole world will fall into chaos, Lin Lan, you will face countless people, so please be sure to become stronger during this time, otherwise, everyone will die."

"What? What are you talking about?"

Lin Lan asked anxiously, but the woman's voice had disappeared, and Lin Lan stared blankly forward, not knowing what to say for a while, Yinxue also noticed Lin Lan's strangeness, and put her hand on the Asked on Lin Lan's shoulder.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Lin Lan retreated abruptly, shook his head with a smile, then hurried back into the house, looked in the direction of Lin Zhu and Lin Huanhuan, saw the two were playing games with laughter, Lin Lan smiled slightly, and then squatted down beside the two of them.

"Huanhuan, we will move soon, I will take you to live in a super super big villa, of course, Badiu."

Lin Lan touched the heads of the two, while Yinxue walked in puzzled, staring at Lin Lan in front of her and asked.

"What happened, why are you suddenly talking about it?"

Lin Lan suddenly looked behind him, just shook his head very seriously, walked out of the room without saying anything, and called Longcheng.

On the other side, Longcheng, who was negotiating business, saw Lin Lan calling himself, feeling a little puzzled in his heart. He answered the phone, but Lin Lan's urgent voice was on the other side.

"Dragon City, summon all the supernatural beings, the battle will start soon!"

"How is it possible, I don't believe what you said, the world is still fine, I'm alive anyway..."

"No! Don't you believe me?"

Lin Lan asked angrily. Seeing Lin Lan like this, Longcheng frowned slightly. He no longer thought that Lin Lan was joking but it was true. Longcheng also asked.

"In the end what happened."

"The person who gave me the ability told me that the end will come soon, I guarantee that what I said is absolutely true.


Longcheng asked very seriously, suddenly, a voice came from the intercom, and the voice on the other side said to Longcheng in great horror.

"Dragon City! Help us! Void creatures are coming out! Dragon City! We need more people!"

When Longcheng heard the voice from the opposite side, he completely froze in place, and stopped talking to Lin Lan in a joking tone, and immediately yelled loudly at the subordinates outside.

"Everyone! Go to Area B to help, it has been invaded!"

Lin Lan realized that something was wrong, looked towards the sky, and at this moment his heart was also lost in thought and fear, and said to Longcheng on the other side.

"Can Lin Huanhuan and the others help me pick it up? I will rush to the battlefield. I can assure you that I am the number one main force. My only request is to protect the two children and Yinxue."

Silver 5.8 Xue heard it, and immediately walked behind Lin Lan, holding Lin Ke tightly with her hands and saying.

"Can you stop wanting to take on everything yourself?"

Hearing this, Lin Lan suddenly looked behind him, looking at himself with eyes that were completely different from usual.

"Hurry up to find Dragon City and find a safe shelter. You must leave here."

Hearing this, and looking at Lin Lan's expression at this moment, Yinxue hugged the two children, looked at Lin Lan and asked.

"Can you keep own safe?"

"Of course, Yinxue, don't worry, you still trust me."

After speaking, Lin Lan quickly left here, but on the way, purple lines appeared on Lin Lan's body, the energy could not be controlled by himself, and then he fell to the ground, rolling continuously.

"what happened?".

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