Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 198 The Withering Of The Big Tree

Just as Yinxue and the others left, the towering giant tree withered and shrank in place. Lin Lan's heart throbbed even more, and the void monster appeared in front of Lin Lan's eyes and said with a smile.

"Finally broke free from the shackles, that guy is just the essence of energy, if I go against it, that guy will not be able to bear all this, and will eventually turn into powder Death

"What do you mean? Haven't you been accepted by me?"

"Accepted is accepted, but there is a problem that I am stronger than you, and your promise to me is completely useless, so let me replace you.

Lin Lan's head was tightly grasped by the monster, but there was a smile on the corner of Lin Lan's mouth, his eyes glowed red, the burst of energy directly blasted the monster out, and the monster kept gliding on the ground, Lin Lan rushed forward with a long sword in his hand.


There was a golden light on the top of the long sword, piercing into the monster's body, but the monster's body gradually became lighter, and finally turned into a purple light, which appeared behind Lin Lan. Lin Lan was extremely shocked, Then it is the assassin of the body.

And Zhang Xiao, who was not far away, was watching all this, only to find that the silk threads on his body resurfaced again, flying towards Lin Lan non-stop, Zhang Xiao sighed helplessly and said.

"The feeling of being absorbed by energy is really bad. Forget it, that guy Lin Lan is going to die soon, and the most important thing is to open the door."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiao disappeared in place, while Lin Lan had an evil smile leaking from the corner of his mouth, and suddenly looked behind him, the monster realized something was wrong, and immediately blurred his own body "However, the thing that puzzled the monster was that Lin Lan actually able to catch yourself.

"caught you."

In an instant, the surrounding area was surrounded by golden patterns. At this moment, the surrounding cities collapsed and even spider web patterns appeared on the ground. The monster's body began to be torn apart, but the monster laughed loudly.

"Lin Lan! Don't you know my characteristic? My characteristic is the strength of a split body!"

Lin Lan ignored it, but said lightly.

"I can beat one, let alone two, three, or even four?"

Lin Lan's words made the monster extremely excited, and five figures appeared around Lin Lan, stretching out the giant claws and attacking Lin Lan at the same time, but Lin Lan suddenly backed away "dodged this time attack.

The monster was five in one, and then opened its own giant claws and attacked in Lin Lan's direction. The golden light from Lin Lan's pupils made the monster freeze in place and roared loudly.


"Me? Surprised, right?"

After speaking, the monster dissipated in place, and Lin Lan knelt on the ground, panting heavily, and at this moment, the man's voice reached Lin Lan's ears.

"You can use all your own abilities with confidence. If you feel lack of energy, it's just because your body is too tired, but don't worry too much, I'm right by your side.

"Who are you?"

Lin Lan asked loudly, but the man's voice had disappeared. No matter how Chu Ye shouted, the man never responded to Lin Lan. Lin Lan also sighed helplessly and didn't continue to say anything.

Lin Lan continued to walk forward, and when he came to the door of Death Realm, Zhang Xiao discovered that the golden thread had appeared again, looked behind him suspiciously and said inwardly.

"Didn't that Lin Lan die?"

Suddenly, Zhang Xiao widened Own's eyes, touched Own's chest, frowned tightly and said.

"Wait a minute? Where's that guy? Why isn't it in me anymore."

Zhang Xiao suddenly looked at Wang Qing who was at the side, and Wang Qing had already inserted the key in, Zhang Xiao stretched out his own hand and asked Zhou.

"Do you have anything to do with Lin Lan?"

"Not at all, we were even enemies.

After finishing speaking, Wang Qing looked at Zhang Xiao in front of him with incomparably angry eyes on the wounds on his body. Zhang Xiao smiled slightly and did not say anything more. He inserted the key into the buckle, and the three keys turned automatically. Finally, the gate of Realm opened slowly.


The man shouted loudly, and saw that the monster in the void had already raised its own claws high, and quickly attacked the man, just when the man was ready to die, Lin Lan actually blocked the man's side , the man said in shock.

"Mr. Lin Lan..."

"Get out of here quickly, I will take care of everything here, but please be careful."

The man nodded, and staggered towards the back, and the Dragon City recruits had already arrived at Area B. Looking at Lin Lan in front of them, they all felt relieved, and then walked to Lin Lan's side and said.

"Mr. Lin Lan! I'm here to assist you!"

Hearing this, Lin Lan smiled slightly, and then rushed forward, killing the monsters in area B in a short while, Chu Ye also felt relieved, just when Chu Ye was about to sit on the ground, behind him Suddenly there was a loud noise, which made Lin Lan's eyes widen.

Lin Lan looked at the holy dragon behind him, trembling all over. The holy dragon was constantly licking the blood on the ground, and then he revealed his sharp fangs and looked at Lin Lan and said.


Lin Lan was completely annoyed, and flew behind Shenglong in an instant, piercing Soaring Dragon's neck with a sword 500, Chu Ye's long sword pierced Shenglong's neck continuously, but Shenglong smiled coldly, Turning back sharply, he bit Lin Lan's body.

"You must die for me."

After finishing speaking, Shenglong's mouth was tightly grasped by Lin Lan, and then Lin Lan's hands began to exert force gradually. Finally, Shenglong's body was torn apart bit by bit. Any use, was killed by Lin Lan.

The soldier who was lucky enough to survive in the corner looked at Lin Lan with shocked eyes, and he was very clear in his heart that he and Lin Lan were completely different in magnitude, but the fear in his heart made the man keep moving towards the inside of the base. direction to run.

"Papa papa."

The sound of Zhang Xiao's applause came, and Lin Lan retreated abruptly [Zhang Xiao also praised China and the United States.

"You are really powerful, but there is a problem, why do you absorb my ability little by little, even that guy has entered your body, obviously I have sealed it, it is really interesting, are you really is the savior."

Hearing this, Chu Ye couldn't understand what Zhang Xiao said at all, and just kept backing away, while Zhang Xiao took out the holy sword, and quickly attacked Lin Lan, Lin Lan stretched out his own hand, tightly Grabbing his sword tightly, he asked.

"You are a statuette, right?".

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