Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 25 A Transaction

Lin Lan was speechless, and looked at Lin Xiaoqi in disgust.

However, the fragrance of virginity overflowing from Lin Xiaoqi's body and the touching youthful vigor made Lin Lan's heart flutter.

Especially this perspective can see some beautiful scenes. It's more visually and psychologically impactful than seeing that wonderful canary yellow through a dress!

At this moment, Lin Lan has an immature idea, that is, a punching hole, no, an impulsive idea!

For Lin Lan, who is a first-timer, it is normal for him to blush when he is shocked!

"Leave it alone, every girl."

Lin Xiaoqi saw the slight change in Lin Lan's face at a glance.

Pretending to be calm!

Let me just say, this girl is still attractive!

Ever since, Lin Xiaoqi was about to rush over again.

Lin Lan stopped her directly, "Hey, it's okay, I'm afraid of you!"

Lin Xiaoqi suddenly showed a triumphant smile.

"You're right. The purpose of Ziyang Gong's existence is just like this, and I have no right to control it. Besides, it's time for Ziyang Gong to be born. The world will change drastically in the future. You can use Ziyang Gong."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the three of them changed back and forth as if they had changed faces.

"What do you mean by that?"

Lin Lan said, "Didn't you all hear it just now? The world is shattered, and the end of Dharma is coming. Now, Spiritual Qi has recovered, and the appearance of evil spirits is the best proof!"

"There are too many, I won't say anything, you all understand."

Zhang Lixin thought for a while, and then asked, "May I ask who you are? Is there still a person like you?"

Lin Lan said, "You will know later."

After a pause, Lin Lan said again, "You got the answer you wanted, but I didn't get the answer I wanted."

"So, I can give you the Lieshan Ziyang Kung Fu, but you have to promise me one condition!"

Zhang Lixin pondered for a moment, "Say it."

"Don't worry, it's not a difficult matter. It's very simple. I want your spiritual archives! In it, I may find the answer I want."

Although the source of the golden energy has been figured out, the spiritual archives are still needed!

Don't talk about the energy it can provide, just talk about a ready-made dungeon template, you must have it!

What if you come across a ready-made template and turn it into a copy directly? How comfortable. Earn blood!

Moreover, the more copies there are, the easier it is for Lin Lan to fool around! The better you earn golden energy!

Therefore, no matter from which point of view, official archives are necessary.

Wu Zhengxi thought for a while, and his heart was twitching wildly. It's not a loss at all! Exchange a bunch of useless documents for a magical cheat book, and make a lot of money!

Not only Wu Zhengxi, but the other two also thought so.

All three of them showed expressions of earning money, which made Lin Lan stunned and speechless for a while.

Yes, yes, you made money, and I almost lost money and became the richest man!

If possible, Lin Lan really wants to laugh out loud!

Ziyang Gong, the full name, is the castrated version of Zixia Divine Art!

Moreover, after you find out that the castrated version is effective, you will be even more convinced of my deception! Dig a big hole!

That's right, you made money, and I'm about to lose money and become the richest man.

"If that's the only way, we can share the archives with Mr. Zhang Lixin said.

Lin Lan smiled, and the power of Innate Gong burst out all over his body, and the powerful Cultivation Base of 600 years of pure Internal Energy exploded, and Lin Lan shot up from the air, and the whole house rose from the ground!

Then clasp your hands.

With a bang, the whole house was crushed and turned into ruins!


This scene is too Fantasy, people can't help but swear! What a house in front of you was uprooted abruptly, and then crushed into powder, simply! doesn't seem right!

Didn't you say to give us Ziyang Gong? The house is gone, and Mao's Ziyang Gong is still there!

"Sir, you..."

"Don't be nervous!" Lin Lan took a shot in the air, and then took out a piece of broken stone, "This is the storage body of the gap in time and space! Um... In today's words, this is equivalent to a CD, a photo of time and space It’s already inside, you can watch it anytime you want.”

Lin Lan entrusted this divine domain directly in a stone so that they could take it away. If this thing is given to the authorities, what kind of disturbance will it cause? How much golden energy can be earned?

As for why the house should be crushed...

Show off your muscles! Let them see the terrifying power that Lin Lan possesses!

Needless to say, they understood the act of crushing the house.

"The deal is concluded. I'll go back first and wait for your news." After speaking, Lin Lan turned into a gust of wind, leaving behind a series of afterimages and disappeared.


The three were silent for a moment.

"Sir, what do you say?" Wu Zhengxi looked at the stone in Zhang Lixin's palm with fiery eyes, wishing he could melt the stone and eat it!

Zhang Lixin sighed, "What else can I say? Report it! We can't decide this matter."

"This thing must be handed over to the top few!"


Central National Security Agency.

"Han Ju, how do you reply from the media?"

Han Dong glanced at the subordinate who came to hand in the documents, and said, "Waterspout! Local waterspout!"

"But... will it work?"

"This is the best explanation! You just said that it was the smallest local storm eye, which just happened to gather in Nanhe! It also happened to hit the fire building, so they can only report like this! Not a single word!"

Han Dong said seriously, "In addition, find a few more experts and let them figure out a way to make up a little nonsense. In short, we can't let the Nanhe fire incident become supernatural, understand?"

"Understood! I'll go down and do it now."

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