Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 26 Stone

After his subordinates left, Han Dong rubbed the aching brows, "Shuilong... This is the first time I have encountered such a strange supernatural event."

After thinking about it, Han Dong called the Central Special Intelligence Team.

"Korean Bureau?"

"Old Liao, you have been dealing with supernatural events for so many years. Have you ever encountered such a situation as the Nanhe fire incident?"

"Evil spirits who take the initiative to help humans put out fires? Sorry, I've never heard of it."

"...You have already started with this matter?"

Team leader Liao smiled bitterly, "There is no way to start! First, no one died, and second, there was no energy field reaction! There are so many people at the scene, there is no way to investigate."

"What about surveillance and satellites?"

"The thick smoke interferes too much, you can't rely on the satellite. As for the surveillance, there is very little surveillance in the Nanhe area, and the waterspout in the incident area can't be photographed at all."

"......All right."

"Wait, don't hang up, I have something, I have to check your tone."

"Did you commit a crime?"

"This actually is not. I just want to ask, when I tested the Taoist monk's method, it was definitely invalid? Could the above few be hiding something?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Don't ask, you tell first."

Han Dong frowned, "Impossible! I personally supervised the whole process of the test, and it was completely confirmed that it was invalid."

"Well, then I hope you won't be too surprised!"


"Don't ask, the things will be delivered to you immediately."


"I don't know, it was discovered by three of my subordinates...a shocking secret from ancient times! A secret that can shake the whole world! That's what they said!"

"It's not clear on the phone. Seeing is believing. So even if they said it, I was still in a daze, and my views were a bit broken. Anyway, it's a very big thing, you can see for yourself."

Team Leader Liao paused, "They have been arguing about the importance of this. If they want to report it to the central government, I will let them send it to you directly. The time is almost up."

"Remember to tell me after reading it, what is the big secret."


After hanging up the phone, Han Dong frowned. What happened to this old Liao today, he was always hesitant to speak, as if he didn't dare to speak out about some shameful and important matter.

"Ju Han, Team Leader Liao's people are here, and they are waiting for you in the conference room."

"Well, I'll be right there."

Han Dong pulled up his coat and put it on, and walked outside. He really wanted to see what kind of medicine the guys from the special operations team were selling in Calabash.

In the meeting room, Han Dong and Lin Xiaoqi met.

"Hello, Hanju!"

"You are the people sent by Lao Liao? Tell me, what kind of medicine do you sell in Calabash?"

Zhang Lixin looked around, "Ju Han...this..."

Han Dong waved his hands and said, "It's okay, they are not outsiders."

"No, this thing is really important, except for you..."

Han Dong's eyes became sharper, and his whole body instantly became extremely energetic, like an eagle, and the people who watched were terrified.

"You all go out first."

After the others went out, Han Dong said, "What the hell is so mysterious."

Zhang Lixin's face was inexplicable, "You can see for yourself, Han Ju, we can't explain it clearly."

After Zhang Lixin finished speaking, he took out an ordinary stone from a locked box.

"A stone..."

Han Dong's face changed drastically before he finished speaking.

I saw that the stone emitted a distorted and strange light as soon as it appeared.

Afterwards, Han Dong and the others disappeared into the conference room and appeared in a new space!

"This... what is this?"

Han Dong pinched Own's hurts! it is true!

"It's a time slot, essentially the equivalent of a documentary."

"Others, I won't say much, you can see it yourself."

Zhang Lixin said, "Ju Han, what happens next may shatter your world view, you have to be mentally prepared."

Then, Zhang Lixin led Han Dong into the house.

A few minutes later, Han Dong was dumbfounded and stunned, and his iron-like world view was shattered!

"Quickly, write down Ziyang Gong!"

Han Dong roared, and at the same time, his eyes closely followed the depiction of Jin Yao's Sword Qi, deeply memorizing every word of Ziyang Gong.

"Don't worry about the Han Bureau, use your mobile phone to take pictures!"

Seeing Ziyang Kung appearing again, Zhang Lixin was shaken in his heart, the last time it ended here! This time, I can finally see the true face of Ziyang Gong.

Forcibly suppressing the passion and impatience in his heart, Zhang Lixin explained, "Besides, this stone is in our hands, and it can be analyzed and deciphered at any time."

Only then did Han Dong realize that he had lost his composure, and adjusted his own mood slightly. Han Dong said, "The not safe! Take a paper and write it down."

If your phone is hacked, it's...

Although the official guy is not so prone to problems, but if you are not afraid of 10,000, you are afraid of it! Such a big event can't be sloppy!

Just like the official top-secret files, they are all stored in paper documents!


A few minutes later, Jin Yao committed suicide, Jian Ying left, Han Dong and the others searched the house and left without finding anything.

Time and space were distorted, and the four of them returned to the meeting room, and the stone lost its light.

Han Dong returned to normal, and asked seriously, "How did you find the stone? How many people still know about it?"

Zhang Lixin said, "I'm going to tell you this."

"Hanju, we got this thing from Lin Lan, a mysterious character. And what we exchanged with him is the official ghost archive!"

"He seems to be looking for an answer."

"According to our speculation, Lin Lan should be the current inheritor of a Sect before the world collapsed."

Afterwards, Zhang Lixin and Han Dong explained all the information about Guan Linlan in detail.

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