Lin Lan is not in a hurry, with his Martial Saint's Realm and Earthly Celestial-like Cultivation Base, a mere ghost is not enough to see.

Lin Lan stretched out his right hand, and pinched Li Gui in his palm, even though Li Gui screamed and struggled frantically, he couldn't even move an inch.


This is too easy, right?

Everyone couldn't imagine that their eyes exuded terror, mortal threats, and the extremely powerful and ferocious Li Gui was easily pinched by Lin Lan!

Totally effortless!

It's like an eagle catching a chicken...

No, it should be said that adults and babies fight.

The ghost struggling and screaming in Lin Lan's palm looked like a baby, weak and weak!

And at this time, glazed flames rose from Lin Lan's body again!

It was a smoke-like glazed fire formed by extremely rich qi and blood accompanied by yang qi being stimulated by gang qi!

How strong is the qi, blood and yang qi of the Martial Saint class? The burning of the glazed fire can be described as the essence of energy like wolf smoke!

The yang qi of the most yang and the most intense burned the ghost, causing her extreme pain!

At this moment, Lin Lan is like a flame God of War, so powerful that it is suffocating!

The gazes of the three seemed to be expressing... Come and see the gods!

Under the sluggish, awe-inspiring, and fiery gazes of the three of them, Lin Lan squeezed the ghost directly with his right hand!

Li Guisha turned into strands of black smoke and fled away, and then condensed into a ghost figure that had shrunk a little in front of him.

Lin Lan hasn't played enough, how can he let it die.

Hmm... The three next to him haven't seen more amazing operations, raising Lin Lan's own mysterious and forceful speed, this century-old ghost is still useful.

Lin Lan stretched out his palm and grasped it in the void, and he could see an area centered on the ghost image in front of him shaking suddenly, the air compressed extremely quickly, and then bounced away with a 'bang', forming a vacuum zone in it!

With the rapid compression of the air, it exploded and flowed, and a powerful wave of air swept over it, forming a storm!


The storm is breaking out! Waves of wind pressure caused by the vacuum belt swept in, sweeping away all the dust in the world!

The weeds on the ground and the branches and leaves on the trees were rattled by the sudden gust of wind. This wind pressure not only hit the surrounding trees and weeds, but also stirred the unsettled hearts of the other three!

too strong! Can this power really be mastered by humans?

Looking at Lin Lan's understated and very relaxed appearance, the three of them felt that the strength Lin Lan displayed now was probably just the tip of the iceberg!


There was a bang in the vacuum belt, and then it subsided, and the surrounding wind gradually subsided, and wisps of gray-black smoke floated and wandered, losing its due vitality.

" it dead?"

Lin Lan said, "The body is destroyed but the spirit is immortal! This thing has become a spirit, very clever, and is running around, playing hide-and-seek with me... It's a bit troublesome to clean up."

The form is destroyed and the spirit is immortal! The resentment in that ancient well is the supernatural god of Liming Village! And the image of this female ghost is just a specific physical manifestation, a medium that can appear in the real world.

Looking at the devastated and messy surroundings like a hurricane passing through, the three of them swallowed hard.

Having trouble packing up? no feelings......

Excuse me, when you say trouble, do you mean can you use the second method?

This is completely unilateral devastation!

Lin Lan glanced to the left, and in a gap there, a pale eye was looking at him with resentment and fear.

With a flick of Lin Lan's fingers, another burst of Gang Qi shot out, splitting gold and cracking rocks, piercing through all obstacles.


A finger of Gang Qi broke it up again.

After playing for a few times, Lin Lan became a little annoyed, and the heat was almost just right. The magical power and force had already been manifested, but if he continued to play, he would appear weaker.

That's it! An undetectable black air approached Lin Xiaoqi, and immediately turned into a ghost claw!

Lin Xiaoqi only felt his vest go cold, turned his head hastily, saw the ferocious ghost claw, and let out a cry of surprise.


Before the ghost claw landed, Lin Lan shattered the ghost claw with a finger of Gang Qi.

Lin Xiaoqi was still in a state of shock, and her beautiful eyes were rippling, and there was an inexplicable color in the eyes looking at Lin Lan.

Lin Lan no longer played, the Dzogchen Innate with 600 years of skill instantly rose up, and he pushed forward hard with his right palm!

The Gang Qi wave is launched immediately, pushing everything horizontally like a bulldozer, and everything it passes is reduced to dust!

Wherever the Gang Qi wave passed, it was empty! The original houses and weeds were all bulldozed!


The three looked at the empty space, not knowing what to say.

"Are you all right?"

The three of them shook their heads like rattles.

what can they say...

Now their minds are still full of the majestic appearance of Lin Lan just now!

Lin Lan nodded and said, "Look for that well! That well may have witnessed the answer I want to know."


The three of them immediately searched for the strange ancient well mentioned in the files in this dilapidated Liming Village.

A few minutes later, Zhang Lixin found the ancient well.

"Mr. Lin, is this the well you want?"

Lin Lan looked at the well, good guy, the resentment inside could fill the whole dry well!

The resentment here is not only the old ghost's, but also the 100-year-old resentment accumulated by hundreds of lives in Liming Village!

This resentment is much stronger than that house at the foot of Huayin Mountain.

If this is attuned to God's Domain... Be darling, earn a fortune in blood!

"Yes, that's it!"

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