Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 46 Director Lin's Big Production

"Congratulations sir!"

Lin Lan shook his head and said, "I don't know yet."

After finishing speaking, Lin Lan's middle finger flickered, enlightening this resentment, and another divine realm was in Lin Lan's hands!


The space twisted and shook, and Lin Lan and his party appeared in another world.

"Gap in time and space?" Seeing this familiar change, the three of them were puzzled and slightly surprised at the same time.

Gap in time and space! Last time the space-time gap brought them Ziyang Kungfu, what about this time?

Attunement to God's Domain, the scene of Liming Village decades ago is about to reappear!

"Handling, transform the image of the original residents of Liming Village into images of ancient peasants, change all the houses into earth-embryo houses, add blood rain, space turbulence, tremors, mountain torrents and tsunamis and other special effects, and add two emperor-level characters The material... as long as the special effects are enough, and at the same time decompose the ghost material."

The scene of Liming Village is very suitable as a stage for Lin Lan's play, and it can be used directly with a simple modification!

The hand spirit was doing another thing, but Lin Lan himself quickly created four character materials himself!

A domineering and ignorant of the world!

A god shines bright, majestic Sacred!

A battlefield, full of madness!

A phantom is ethereal, evil and awe-inspiring!

The material is in place quickly, and the show is about to begin!


"Mr. Lin..."

"Stop talking!" Lin Lan stared at the four figures above who were intertwined and fighting together.

The three of them followed Lin Lan's gaze.

! ! !


They crashed, only the word "fuck" popped out, and then their minds went blank.

In the sky, four figures representing eternity were fighting together, surrounded by thousands of roars and celestial music.

These four figures are Supreme, with boundless divine power, just looking at them makes them feel inexplicably terrified and shuddering! They seem to represent eternity, the acme of the world, they are everything!

With just one figure, they saw the beginning of the world and the end of the world!

Every move they made caused the world to tremble, the space shattered, and the turbulent flow of the void floated wantonly!

The sky is crying, and it's raining blood!

The earth is neighing, mountain torrents erupt, tsunamis are rolling, and the monstrous water waves sweep away the mountains and rocks!

boom! hum!

The four supreme beings fought again.


Like shattered glass, the world was shattered! Countless dense gaps emerged! The world is broken and overwhelmed!

At this time, a figure vacated. It was an old man. He approached the battle of the four supreme beings cautiously and fearfully, and shouted hoarsely, "Your Majesty! Stop it! This world can't take it anymore!"

The appearance of the old man's submissiveness and his heart-piercing risk of persuasion seems particularly insignificant. Yes, compared to the four Supreme beings in the sky, he is as small as dust.

"God Emperor! Stop!"

"Devil Sovereign..."

"Go away!"

The divine voice was rolling, roaring between heaven and earth, like an explosion of world-ending thunder, and the old man was pushed horizontally on a mountain wall by a huge force just by saying "Get out of the way!" The mountain wall burst and crumbled!

Immediately afterwards, another younger figure jumped into the sky, "Fengdi, are you alright!"

He cautiously flew to the side of the old man and rescued him.

And the old man didn't speak, just weeping bitterly, and after a long time he roared, "Big Destroyer! Emperor! Open your eyes!"


A sword sound resounded, and countless Sword Qi spewed out like a wave!

One of them fell into the ancient well in Liming Village!

The picture above the sky became blurred, and they could be vaguely seen fighting to the other side.

The surroundings seem to be quiet again...

At this time, the villagers of Liming Village woke up from the state of petrification, and saw that their faces were dull, and there was sorrow in their expressions.

"It's over, it's over!"

"Even Fengdi and his elders can't persuade the Four Emperors. This world is hopeless, and it is destined to go to great destruction."

"Hey... For the rest of the time, let's have a good time. Before you die, it's good to do things that you don't dare to think about or do at ordinary times."

"What do you want?"

"He's dying, what else can he do? She likes to ask for tea leaves from the mountain, and I'll pick them for her."


"Then I'll go to Beilang City to seek justice."

"You don't want to live anymore?"

The two did not answer.

At the entrance of the village, the two figures went away, and the broken afterglow of the setting sun shone on them, and they waved goodbye.

So far, the big bust script 1 has a perfect curtain call! Stay tuned, Big Bang Scenario 2!

Director: Lin Lan.

Screenwriter: Lin Lan.

Producer: Lin Lan.

Special thanks to: Lin Lan production team.

Ahem, the script ended, and everyone returned to the real world.

The three of them were silent, allowing Own's brain to recover from the earth-shattering scene.

This stimulation is too great, they must take it easy.

Lin Lan was also silent, with a pensive look, and at the same time, his eyes were full of reminiscence and melancholy.

Of course, Lin Lan is pretending, he is waiting for the other three to slow down for the next round of performances.

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