Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 77 Finding Lie Wu

"Finding the Liewu Warfare is considered to have solved a major issue, but now there are more major issues that need to be dealt with.

Longcheng sighed, looked at the Liewu tactics in his hand, and held it tightly as if it were a treasure, feeling both pleasantly surprised and worried, with mixed emotions.

"The research on Gongsun Hong's corpse will be handed over to your research institute. Old Fang, you have to take good care of it."

"Research... Tsk tsk, I'm afraid I won't be able to break it with his physical strength! I can only try my best.

"Is it okay to use a laser?"

"We'll see what happens then."

Longcheng nodded, now he probably has a guess about the physical strength of Liuhe Realm.

It is hard to imagine what the complete Liuhe Realm Power would be like, even if the physical body of the Liuhe Realm that has been suppressed for 2000 years has been weakened and suppressed by self-abandoned power!

"Let's find a place to have a good discussion. Recently, there are more and more things." Longcheng sighed, "The four of us have not had such frequent discussions alone for a long time."

The three of them also lamented...the great era has come!

The four sat down in a room in the institute.

Longcheng Road, "Have you counted all the news I got from Lin Lan that I told you when I came back?"

"How can I know it? I'm about to take off." Fang Yuanming sighed, "The earth is a big fragment. Although I have guessed it before, but after I really know it, my heart is still cold. "

"Now, I think of an ancient saying, there are mountains beyond mountains, and people beyond people! We think we are standing on the highest peak, but we don't know that there are more peaks outside!"

Li Xuan also took the words, "Now is not the time to sigh."

"The earth is very special. It is the sky before the Great Destruction, and it is guarded by watchmen. I am thinking, so what is so special about the earth?"

"It is said that there are gods living in the heavens. According to the practice system, the earth should be a place where the Venerables of the Seven Stars lived countless epochs ago, and the sages of the Eight Desolations were like dragons! Even those Nine Heavens Great Emperors also had many entrenched here .”

Li Xuan also said, "I think there are a lot of amazing things hidden in the ground! For example, the Qinghe Proving Ground, the highest-grade artifacts, the tokens, and the Resurrection Pill are all there waiting for someone to draw them." Let's go. Then there must be something even more terrible hidden! Saint Yuan, the Cultivation Technique of Shenhuang level will also be there? Only in this way is it worthy of the name of Tianyu!"

Dong Zhongci said, "These are things that happened later, just like what the living fairy said, with the recovery of Spiritual Qi, these things will surface sooner or later."

"Just talk about the current Qinghe Proving Ground? How to deal with it?"

Longcheng thought for a while and said, "Qinghe Proving Grounds, our officials must not be able to eat it...... Being involved in an accident, knowing that there are quite a few citizens in Qinghe Proving Grounds, this thing two

not come down.

"You mean publicly?"

"Since we can't keep it secret, why not disclose it to the people? When they find out later, their attitude towards our higher-ups may not be good. It's better to throw it out now to win over the people."

"There is also the matter of Gongsun Hong, which cannot be concealed. We must give an explanation to the people. In this case, it is better to announce all these matters."

"No matter how the future changes, this country cannot change! The country is built on the basis of the people, and we must always be tied to the people!"

"Besides, the items in the Qinghe Proving Grounds are randomly selected, and each person can only enter once in a lifetime. Only our people can't exhaust the items inside, and the rest is wasted. After the announcement, they can also Going directly into it to get rewards to enhance own strength is equivalent to enhancing the strength of our country.

When Longcheng said this, he repeatedly mentioned one point, "But one point is very important! I can't tolerate it!"

"Since this proving ground appears on our territory, only citizens of our own country are allowed to enter! Other countries want to get a piece of the pie, and they will never allow it!"

Longcheng said heavily, "From now on, domestic news will be completely blocked, and it is not allowed to spread outside! Notify all communication agencies, cut off all signals leading to outbound stations, and all import and export goods and foreign trade cooperation will be closed! Closed Door Training Lockdown Policy!"


Several people were frightened by Longcheng's words, Closed Door Training locks the country! Cut off all contacts with foreign countries... This has a lot to do with it! Maybe many domestic economic chains and trade chains will be broken Drop it and rewash it!

Longcheng said with determination, "There must be great changes in the great era! If we remain unchanged, we are destined to be abandoned by the times! The times often favor those who take the first step! This is a sacrifice to make for change!"

"However, Closed Door Training has changed too much, and sooner or later some countries will find something is wrong."

Longcheng sneered, "Whatever is wrong, they also need time to react, and even more time to test us! What we are playing now is the time difference strategy! We only need this time to be a big step ahead of them! The so-called One step at a time, one step at a time, in the great era, we will be able to keep them behind forever!"

"If you fall behind, you will be beaten! I, Dragon City, will always remember this sentence."

There is a fiery light in Longcheng's eyes, now the opportunity has's time for us to take the lead!"

Longcheng analyzed, "There are also ghosts in foreign countries, but they don't have watchmen, and naturally they can't get in touch with more secrets. They are still kept in the dark. From this point, we are ahead of them!"

"Now, what we want is a temporary Closed Door Training lock-down, leaving them far behind!"

After hearing Longcheng's words, several people thought about it for a while, and felt more and more the benefits of Longcheng's determination and this idea, so they all agreed with Longcheng's idea.

Longcheng Road, "Make every effort to check this point! Work together from top to bottom to create brilliance!"

"I want to reiterate again that leading is the key to our success! Take good care of the gates! Once anyone is found to have crossed the line, they will not be lightly forgiven, and they will be punished as treason!"

"These information will be handed over to the Ministry of Communications and Radio and Television, and let them announce the truth to the public."

Several people nodded heavily.

At this time, Fang Yuanming asked again, "There is another point."

"I was more concerned about what Lin Lan said after he arrived.

"He said that Xie Chong sensed him, so he ran to the city ahead of time. Then there is a problem, why can the Xie Chong occupying Gongsun Hong's body sense the fairy god of Realm like Lin Lan? And after Lin Lan arrived, Gongsun Hong clearly showed fear and panic!"

"It was the same with the ghost in Liming Village last time. It was stronger and could turn into a real body, so it took the initiative to find Lin Lan and wanted to kill him! It also sensed Lin Lan in advance!".

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