Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 78 Guess

"Afterwards, Li Gui was defeated and kept avoiding Lin Lan in fear, and tried to force Lin Lan to compromise by capturing Lin Xiaoqi as a hostage, but unfortunately he failed.

"This is a big problem! Why can Xie Chong sense Lin Lan!? Why does Xie Chong want to kill Lin Lan, but is extremely afraid of him?"

"For other people, Xie Chong doesn't have such abnormal emotions."

Fang Yuanming raised this thought-provoking question.

"I thought about it for a while, Lin Lan has two special points, the first one, he has Magic power and is a fairy god, the second one, he is a watcher!"

"If it's the first one, because of issues like Spiritual Qi, it shouldn't be killing intent and fear. According to speculation like Journey to the West, it should be a desire to eat and devour.


"So I prefer the second one, because of Lin Lan's identity as a watcher! That's why Lin Lan will be sensed, and will be hated and feared by evil spirits!"

This...well, Lin Lan didn't think about it at all, he didn't think about it at all, and he didn't design it at all.

Lin Lan can only say that your brain power is beyond my imagination! People are talking about you!

This brainstorming show is so showy that Lin Lan doesn't want it.

Fang Yuanming further expanded the problem, "Thinking of this, I thought about the origin of evil spirits. Lin Lan once explained the emergence of evil spirits, saying that it is because the resentment of heaven and earth utilizes the special energy body of the great resentment of the wronged people. , has achieved this resentment, and let it turn into Xie Chong, who has the power to harm people."

"In the final analysis, the power of evil comes from the resentment overflowing from the scars of the world! This hates the supreme four emperors!"

The word "Four Emperors" blurted out, and everyone else shuddered suddenly, "Four Emperors... These four beings are too powerful, too stalwart, just mentioning their honorable names makes people inexplicably intimidated!

They are the source of everything, standing above the latitude of time, transcending the long river of fate, the Supreme Supremes transcending the world!

At the same time...they are also the culprits who caused the destruction of the world! They are the ones who smashed this beautiful and incomparably brilliant world into countless pieces!

So there are scars and hatred in the world! This hatred is for the Four Emperors!

Have hatred for the Four Emperors, for Lin Lan who is the watchman

Thinking of coming here, everyone couldn't help feeling inexplicably horrified, as if a great horror was approaching!

The silent room fell into a strange silence!

Fang Yuanming smiled awkwardly to break the weird atmosphere, "Of course, I just said that there is this possibility, and there is another possibility, I am more inclined to this one.

"Another thing is that in the period of great destruction, the existence of the evil emperor and the like adopted some alternative extreme methods in order to allow themselves to survive, or a big scuffle broke out between the cultivators, which caused the world to become even more dilapidated and on the verge of destruction. Therefore The damaged world has resentment towards this kind of cultivator!"

"Before we speculated that the watchmen were related to the Hefeng emperor lineage. Maybe the watchmen were given the mission by the existence of the Fengdi lineage that caused the world to be damaged even more because of the great melee broke out?"

Several people also nodded, avoiding this somewhat high-powered question, Four Emperors...the honorable names of these four are too great and powerful! So strong that everyone avoided them subconsciously.

So they also ignored a very important question... If it was the mission granted by the existence of the Fengdi family, then why did the Fengdi and other existences not escape the Great Destruction, but the watchers escaped? This obviously does not make sense !

Who is capable of escaping the Great Destruction? Or who can keep others from the Great Destruction? The answer to this question is simple.

As a matter of fact, the guesses made by a few people have already crossed the line with the real identity Lin Lan set for himself, and they have already figured out a clue!

The identity of the watcher that Lin Lan set for himself is related to the Four Emperors!

Longcheng Road, "Let's not care about Lin Lan's identity for now, he is too far away from us. In the future, the truth will always surface."

Long Cheng said again, "Sorting out the news, it's time for us to give a formal explanation to the people of the whole country."

After finishing speaking, Longcheng said to Yuan Ming, "Old Fang, you must pay close attention to the work at the research institute! The analysis of Gongsun Hong's body and the analysis of fierce martial arts must be done as soon as possible!

At this time, Dong Zhongci asked again, "Ziyang Gong is a remnant of the Xuanling-level Martial Dao Cultivation Technique. It has been practiced to the extreme and is comparable to the one-yuan realm. How should it be dealt with now? The army has already achieved results, and there are many soldiers. They all feel that their strength has increased greatly, their speed has become faster, and their bodies have become lighter. Some of them have started to practice the second body training technique...that is, the second layer of Ziyang Gong."

Longcheng thought for a while, "~ I've reached the second level so quickly... Umm... There's no need to hide it from the army. After we announce the news, they will know sooner or later and pass on Ziyang Kungfu." .”

"In addition, send more people to the Qinghe Proving Ground. The Qinghe Proving Ground is related to Lie Shanzong, so there must be a follow-up Martial Dao Cultivation Technique of Lie Shanzong in it! At that time, Ziyang Gong will have a follow-up, maybe it will be Shattering Void-level Cultivation Technique."

"Should all such precious Cultivation Techniques be passed on?"

"I really found the follow-up. I must set up a military system to recover Spiritual Qi. I am afraid it will not be peaceful. There are many places where the army can be used. Set up a military system and let them redeem the follow-up Cultivation Technique. On the one hand, it can limit the flood of Cultivation Technique. , On the one hand, it plays an encouraging role.”

"Later, after the fierce martial arts are analyzed, they can also be added to the exchange system according to the situation."

"Then where are the people going?"

"People have the opportunity to own it, we just need to provide basic assistance to help them grow. After all (Zhao's) we are playing with a time difference! We have to race against time."

"The people also set up an exchange system. They can exchange Ziyang Gong or fierce martial arts with us... Of course, the army takes precedence over the people. When we find more Cultivation Techniques in the future, there will naturally be a detailed distinction ."

"In this way, the general direction can be established. We will plan in detail after the follow-up aspect comes out.

As they spoke, several people analyzed and discussed some specific aspects of **'s future plan.

Soon, some news that could no longer be called secret was sent to the Ministry of Radio, Television and Communications, and they were asked to convey the news to the people of the whole country immediately.

And after reading these rumors that were hidden by high-level officials, their faces changed drastically, as if they had discovered a new continent, no... it should be said that they had seen a new world.

So, they spread the news with trepidation. .

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