Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 83 Reporter

I really didn't expect that the other party would directly ask about own work.

It's really disturbing, and I have to take good care of this state now, and these things must not be messed up in any way.

Thinking about it is also very tragic. I don't even know what kind of state will happen just now.

"Okay, okay, that's the only way to do it right now."

"There is nothing to do with these now, and isn't this kidding me?"

When he said this, Lin Lan also sighed helplessly, and he didn't think too much about this state.

Otherwise, something unexpected will happen in the end, but there is really no way, and it really needs to be carefully grasped.

"Okay, okay, you two young people don't show your affection here."

"There's nothing we can do about you now, how long will we last?"

All of a sudden, a reporter shouted angrily beside him, but he was also speechless.

Lin Lan turned his head to look at the reporter. He was wearing a black leather jacket, and his curves were even closer to perfection.

She is a beautiful woman, and Lin Lan couldn't help being dumbfounded, but seeing the other party's willfulness is also very speechless.

I really didn't expect that the other party would be so calm and disregarded everything, and I have to take good care of these things now.

When has it arrived? If it continues like this, I really don't know what kind of danger I will encounter.

For a moment Lin Lan was also speechless, looked at the other party and smiled, there was nothing he could do.

"Okay, okay, come with me quickly, you can't stay here any longer."

"It's more troublesome. There must be no state in this state now."

"Otherwise, it would be really troublesome. This is not a joke."

When he said this, Lin Lan also sighed helplessly, and walked towards the distance while holding the other party's little hand. He felt very shocked.

There must be no laziness in any way, the current state is really a blow to myself.

"What the hell is this going to do? It really leaves you speechless."

"Well, don't have any fear, these things are small things."

"You see that the troops ahead have already arrived, what are you afraid of?"

"I really don't know when to say you'll be better.

For a while, Liu Wenjiao was also helpless, she directly pulled out Own's arm, looking at Lin Lan as if she were looking at a hooligan.

Lin Lan's face was full of black lines, he didn't know what to say, his eyes were dazed, and he didn't know how to answer the other party.

You don’t need to know too much about what the other person is thinking, isn’t this just joking with yourself? You have to take good care of your current state.

"This is no joke."

"Can the military really take care of these things?"

"That's very speechless to you. These things are definitely not as simple as you imagined."

Lin Lan was also helpless, he really didn't know what this old woman wanted to see.


At this moment, Liu Wenjiao yelled and put her hands in front of Own's mouth, she was full of fear, she really couldn't believe what happened.

This state is really terrible, and if it continues in this state, it will be speechless.

It is really impossible to imagine what it will look like, and it really needs to be grasped carefully.

Hearing the other party's cry for help, Lin Lan turned around with a tangled brow, only to see that at this moment, those three ugly monsters rushed over.

Unable to imagine what kind of state would appear, Lin Lan swallowed involuntarily.

~ I rely on, no way, monsters are already so frequent now. "

"It's not a joke, it seems that we have to take care of it."

When it came to this, Lin Lan didn't procrastinate at all, grabbed Liu Wenjiao and put him directly behind Own, and he had to handle these situations well.

Liu Wenjiao also felt Lin Lan's movements. There was no other way but to follow the strength of the opponent's arm and reach the opponent's back.

I really didn't dare to think about what kind of state (Nuo Hao) Xiang would appear in. It was too scary here, and I didn't dare to say anything more.


"That's so exciting, it's finally big news."

"Then I have to work hard."

At this very moment, a little reporter hid in a corner with his camera in his hand, photographing the situation in front of him, in order to fill up many expectations.

This can definitely be hyped up, and it is the first time that so many scenes have appeared. This is also a rare scene, and this is not a joke.

Lin Lan was speechless when he saw these two girls, although they were both very beautiful. .

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