Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 84 Shock

When I saw these monsters, I didn't have any fear at all, and I really didn't know what they were thinking.

This is not a joke, Lin Lan just didn't dare to think too much, the three monsters rushed towards Lin Lan as if they had made an agreement.

The current state is really embarrassing. If you don't have a good grasp, these things will be very difficult to solve.

Especially when he saw these three monsters, he could make himself very speechless. He really didn't expect that the other party would directly point the finger at him.

"Okay, okay, you are just two girls, I really have nothing to do with you."

When he said this, Lin Lan also let out a sigh of helplessness, but he couldn't procrastinate about these things now.

Otherwise, something unexpected will happen later, but 543 is really a little unreasonable, and these things right now really should be carefully grasped.


"And the two of us are in danger."

"Don't say anything more?"

Liu Wenjiao was even more worried. She stood behind Lin Lan, grabbed Lin Lan's clothes with both hands, and planted her head on Lin Lan's back. She didn't dare to say anything more.

The current incident has dealt a huge blow to own, and it is really impossible to imagine what kind of result it will appear.

If you drag on like this, you don't know what kind of danger you will encounter.

"Let me go first."

"Okay, I practiced martial arts since childhood, so I can protect you."

"Leave the rest to me."

Lin Lan was speechless when he said this. Seeing the three (ceda) monsters rushing towards him, especially the way their claws were dancing, made Lin Lan very angry.

If you say you can't solve it yourself, then how embarrassing it is, this matter should really be handled carefully.

It is also very scary to think about it, and this matter in front of you must be handled carefully, otherwise it will be more troublesome.

Seeing that the other party was already stunned there, he was also extremely speechless. There should be no procrastination at all in these matters right now.

Then Lin Lan directly pinched the opponent's arm, forcing the opponent to let go, and then rushed towards the three monsters in a flash.


"What are you going to do? Did you say you were going to die?!!"

Looking at the state in front of her for a while, Liu Wenjiao didn't know what to say. Seeing Lin Lan's impulsiveness really made herself very speechless.

He dragged his hands, although there were still some pains in his hands, but seeing Lin Lan like this, he was very worried in his heart.

"Okay, I don't want you to play with this matter, I will protect you in case of any danger in the future.

"There's nothing we can do about you now, you can just hide behind."

Lin Lan was speechless, but in this current state, he had to go all out to fight against the three monsters.

However, at this moment, it was like Lin Lan turned around and rushed towards the opponent.

In the end, there was no drag at all, and he kicked towards the opponent's body.


However, only a loud noise was heard, and all of this erupted, and it was impossible to imagine what it would look like.

It's really scary, the power in this one is used to create all of these.

It was so shocking, the monster flew upside down without any drag at all, just like a kite with a broken string, it couldn't be held back at all.

I can't even imagine what kind of state it will be like, everyone just watched it, all the eruptions inside are really terrible.

The strength in this is not a joke, especially when I felt the explosion just now, it just shocked me.

"Damn, isn't this young man also a person with superpowers?"

"What's the situation?"

"I really can't imagine what kind of state it will appear."

When talking about this, Liu Wenjiao also sighed helplessly, these things in front of her really gave her a big blow.

In fact, I can't accept these things even more, Lin Lan's strength can be so strong.

"You all die for me."

When it came to this point, Lin Lan didn't show any procrastination, just turned a few times casually, rushed to the side of another monster, and then shot out directly.

The scene was very turbulent, and I didn't take it all To put in one's eyes at all. For me, this matter is definitely a trivial matter.

"Damn, isn't this person a bit too tough?"

"Anyone can think of such a situation, this is a legendary monster."

"It's not a joke, it seems that I can really hold a good news session now.

Speaking of this, the little reporter was even more excited to see that the current state should be carefully grasped. .

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