They never thought that the opponent's strength could explode like this, it was really unimaginable.

This is not a joke, if you drag on like this, you don't know what kind of state will appear.


At this moment, Lin Lan didn't hesitate at all, and immediately punched him out. That scene was even more terrifying.

For these scenes, I don't need to have any delay at all. The current state really should be carefully grasped, but to see what kind of horror the other party can have.

Looking at it this way, this monster doesn't have much strength, and these things need to be grasped by oneself.

After making all the preparations, Lin Lan kept flashing, not giving those monsters a chance to get close at all.

I really can't imagine what it will be like. The current scenes are indeed enough to shock everyone.

Then it is unimaginable that a human's speed can be so fast that it simply turns everything in it into nothingness~.

"Damn, is this still a human-?"

"This Lin Lan doesn't seem to be easy, and he needs to take care of it in the future.

When she said this, Liu Wenjiao swallowed involuntarily, and at this moment she finally understood why the other party rushed over abruptly just now.

It is true that there is some strength. If there is no strength, how could it be possible to do this? I am a fool when I think about it.


"Quickly end it."

"There is really no way to take down these monsters. With these strengths, it's like taking down yourself. Isn't it a bit too simple?!"

I'm relatively speechless now, don't ask about the current state, and I don't need to talk too much, just solve this matter as soon as possible.

Thinking about it is also very helpless, I really don't understand why there are so many upgraded humans at this moment.

It is to make myself very speechless, it seems that the real storm is coming soon, these are just some small things.

"Damn, aren't you a little too powerful?"

"It's really my idol, how on earth did you do it?!!"

"This kind of strength is really terrifying."

Speaking of this, Liu Wenjiao was even more excited, and ran directly to Lin Lan's side and gently rubbed Lin Lan's arm into Own's arms.

It's really unimaginable. What kind of appearance will it appear in the end, it is really a big blow to Own.

"Okay, okay, there's really nothing you can do about it, don't procrastinate here, hurry up and retreat."

"Otherwise, I don't want to procrastinate any troubles I might encounter later.

When I said this, I really sighed helplessly, and hurriedly wanted to let go of my own arm.

For such a woman, I have no way to do it. I really don't understand what the other party is thinking. I have to take good care of these things myself.

Right now, I don't care about too many thoughts in these states, and I can only live like this, and I have to feel it well.

"Everyone stay still.

"I order everyone to stay still."

At this moment, a team ran to Lin Lan one after another holding guns in their hands.

...asking for flowers......

That look is even more mighty, and it is also very scary to look at, especially the weapon in his hand reveals a lot of majesty.

It's really unimaginable what kind of appearance it will be. Looking at the state in front of him, Lin Lan also sighed helplessly.

I'm really speechless, what kind of meaning does it mean? And is the strength in this just joking with myself?

When will it appear, and I am about to run away, but I was stopped by these people.


"Let me tell you, this is..."

And at this time, Lin Lan also directly blocked Liu Wenjiao's mouth, really can't imagine that the other party dared to say anything.

If you let the other party say it directly, isn't it kidding yourself? I don't want to have too much noise.

In this current state, I have to take good care of it, otherwise it will be really troublesome.

Seeing Lin Lan like this, Liu Wenjiao immediately noticed these things about owning. It was really unimaginable that Lin Lan was so low-key. She knew these things very well, and the other party didn't want her to say it.

"What are you going to do?!"

"I feel that you are very suspicious, hurry up and go back to the police station with me.

"At this time, I have to interrogate you first."

"Otherwise, these things must not have any other meaning.

Speaking of this, I was very excited to see one of the soldiers again, and I had already grasped this matter a little. .

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