Through the address on the mobile phone map, Lin Lan took the iron-blooded mass-produced transport ship and quickly arrived at the port area of ​​​​Yalang City from the sea.

In the port area at this time, Luo Tao had organized a dozen ship girls who were once Li Banan's subordinates by the seawall, unfolding the ship's equipment on the seaside and getting ready for departure.

Lao Luo, I'm here.

Lin Lan had already called Luo Tao before arriving, after all, the appearance of his Iron-Blooded Ship Girl's ship uniform was too scary.

In order to avoid being accidentally injured, you still have to say hello to your old classmates in advance.

Seeing the iron-blooded ship girl who came with Lin Lan, Luo Tao already knew that his classmate's ship girl was powerful, but he was still shocked by the black and red dragon and shark ship uniforms.

However, the news of the cooperation between the Six Cities of the East China Sea and Iron Blood had not been announced before, and Luo Tao did not know the relationship between these Iron Blood ship girls and the Ministry of Navy.

He just thought that Lin Lan was very lucky, and the ship girls he built were very rare and rare ship girls.

Lin Lan knew Luo Tao as a person, and he didn't introduce much about his ship girl.

After boarding the dock to meet Luo Tao, Lin Lan looked at the Oran ship girls on the sea around them.

Although they all look very similar to ordinary ship girls, there is no difference between them, but they do lack a bit of spirituality.

This is the difference between a chess piece and a real ship girl with a mental unit.

Although the combat effectiveness of the chess piece ship girl may be similar to that of the real ship girl in the early stage, the room for growth will be greatly reduced, and the personality is rigid, making it difficult to mature over time.

In the Iron-blooded Fortress, this kind of chess piece ship girl can also be produced as a consumable in the Iron-blooded actual combat exercises.

But right now, Lin Lan still couldn't say this.

And he didn't plan to explain it to anyone in Oran in the future.

Once this kind of thing is known to the Navy Department of the United States of Orange, the turmoil it will cause will probably be huge.

The most important thing is, even if he knows this, what can Olan do?

Even their imitation of the pseudo-Mind Rubik's Cube was obtained by the technology given by the Siren. I am afraid that only the Siren has the real Rubik's Cube of the Mind.

Oh, Lin Lan actually has a lot of mental cubes in the port area, the number is at least four digits.

But he is not a saint, how could he hand over these real mental Rubik's cubes?

Therefore, Lin Lan decided to just keep it in her heart that all the ship girls in Oran were pawns.

Lin Lan, the ship girls here are all I can command at the moment.

Luo Tao looked at the more than 20 destroyers, light cruisers and light cruisers on the sea, and he was filled with emotion.

Since Li Banan had not talked to them before, these ship girls had no feelings for Li Banan.

He continued to Lin Lan:

I have explained to them the news about Li Banan being plotted by Tomahawk Military Industry. Until the new commander comes, they are now willing to obey my command and protect Yalang City.

Lin Lan nodded slightly. Although he did not expect the combat effectiveness of these chess pieces and ship girls, getting help from his old classmates was better than nothing at the moment.

Is that whirlpool in the sky really the prelude before the arrival of the high-level siren? It's really oppressive.

After explaining the current defense strength of the port area to Lin Lan, Luo Tao raised his head and looked at the blue light vortex in the night sky, his tone mixed with uneasiness and worry.

Although the shore defense system of Yalang City is many times stronger than that of the county town, which is basically defenseless.

But thinking of the terrifying Siren fleet, Luo Tao still couldn't feel any sense of security.

High-level Siren is an absolutely terrifying existence for anyone.

It was uncertain how long it would take for support from other ports to arrive. Just relying on the two ship girls like him and Lin Lan, they would definitely be at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers against the Siren main fleet.

After hearing Luo Tao's words, Lin Lan just reached out and patted his shoulder:

Don't worry, you are not the person directly responsible for Yalang City at the moment. The fortress siren fleet is too powerful, so let's moisturize it.

Lin Lan's joking words relieved the pressure on Luo Tao's heart a lot, but his face was still heavy.

However, the high-level siren that Luo Tao was worried about was different from the high-level siren that Lin Lan thought about.

The senior sirens recorded by the Oran Admiralty refer to battleship or aircraft carrier level executors - game breakers and chess players.

Although the executors of these two types of elite humanoid sirens are powerful, they are still not considered high-level sirens with minds in a precise sense.

In the games played by Lin Lan, the game breaker and chess player are often the bosses stationed in a sea area. Although they are powerful, they are completely unable to communicate with them.

The high-level sirens that Lin Lan was thinking of were those who could communicate verbally, that is, purifiers, builders, and the like.

Zeppelin and other chess piece light aircraft carrier girls have already released the carrier-based aircraft responsible for reconnaissance. Once they discover the incoming siren fleet, they will be able to detect it as soon as possible.

After all, it is a commonplace that Oran's radar often fails when facing the Siren main fleet.

Skilled commanders have long known that only by relying on the carrier-based aircraft of the ship's mother can the siren be more accurately discovered.

At this time, a cool sea breeze gradually rose from the originally calm sea surface.

Lin Lan looked towards the deep ocean in the distance.

Dense billowing dark clouds appeared at the edge of his field of vision.

The flickering blue lightning danced in the distant clouds, bringing an extremely heavy sense of depression.

Commander, here we come.

Zeppelin's serious voice came from the sea with the ship's armor fully deployed.

As Zeppelin's voice fell, orange flames flashed in the sky over the distant sea.

This shows that the Siren's carrier-based aircraft have begun to exchange fire with the carrier-based aircraft released by the ship girls for reconnaissance.

Commander, you go back first, leave this place to us, keep the communicator open, we will be at your command at any time.

Brünnhilde bravely waved the sharp crimson spear in her hand, and bravely stood on the sea surrounded by the iron-blooded dragon ship suit.

Okay, please be careful, everyone.

Lin Lan knew that if he and Luo Tao continued to stay here, it would not be helpful to the battle, so he directly dragged Luo Tao towards the air defense building in the port area.

All the ship girls left the port with their ships fully equipped and sailed towards the direction of the dark clouds.

Luo Tao, who was being pulled by Lin Lan towards the air-raid building, finally regained his composure and asked his old classmate some puzzled questions.

Lin Lan, I've noticed something is wrong since the day.

Why are your ship girls not only extremely powerful in aura and ship uniform, but I always feel that they are no different from humans?

What do I need to do to make my ship girl stronger? I... don't want to be ridden by the Siren anymore.

After hearing Luo Tao's words, Lin Lan thought for a moment, looked at Luo Tao's worried and unwilling face, and said seriously:

Maybe...because I'm a European dog, right?

You're really looking for a fight! You're still in the mood to show off with me at this time, right?

When Luo Tao heard such violent remarks, he immediately became furious. He raised his hand and punched Lin Lan in the chest.

Most of Lin Lan's worries about the battle were gone.

After the two chased each other for a while, Lin Lan stopped joking. Looking at his curious classmate, he really couldn't bear to tell him the truth.

Finally, Lin Lan thought of the plot in the previous game.

In the early plot of the different-color grid activity, the chess piece Iron-Blooded Ship Girl still has emotions even though she is a chess piece.

At the end of the plot, they were also admitted by the Siren that they were no longer mere chess pieces, but had undergone changes beyond imagination.

At that time, Lin Lan was still new to the industry, so she still had a deep impression of the plot of that event.

He looked at his classmates and said in an extremely serious tone:

As long as you always have unchanging sincerity towards the ship girls, they will slowly become more humane under your influence, and they will respond to your expectations and become stronger.

Lin Lan's words made Luo Tao's heart tremble.

He knew that Lin Lan and he participated in the departure internship together, and their relationship in the college also made him know that Lin Lan would never harm him.

Finally, Luo Tao's eyes became determined.

Are you really sincere? I understand.

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