As expected, apart from the 'chess pieces' here, they are also here.

Then it's no wonder that the experimental subjects were killed. The experimental subjects are definitely no match for them.

In the huge siren fleet under the dark clouds, the tall silver-haired tester has controlled the huge manta ray suit behind him.

She looked at the intense firefight between carrier-based aircraft in the sky, and the cold smile on her face remained unchanged.

Although Siren carrier-based aircraft were constantly being destroyed and falling in the sky, the entire Siren fleet was still moving forward at full speed.

Each Siren individual enjoys a shared real-time combat information system.

Testers have learned about Zeppelin's existence from aerial battles in the night sky.

It's really strange, why they came here, and why they fought side by side with the chess pieces. This is completely inconsistent with the deduction of the natural calculation system. What is the reason?

The tester's dark golden eyes were still bright.

She is the high-level siren in the entire siren testing facility that is responsible for intelligence collection.

Unlike the Purifier, her combat power may not be as powerful as the Purifier, but her ability to analyze intelligence at high speed is unmatched by the Purifier.

No matter what, if we get rid of them, we will know the reason.

I'm not here to make fun of you this time.

As the mass-produced aircraft carrier in the Siren fleet once again raised a large number of carrier-based aircraft, the tester sneered.

The chess pieces posed no threat to her at all.

Through the battle situation information that was constantly coming in during the air battle, she had already deduced that there were not many of the iron-blooded ship girls who traveled to this world with them and were currently participating in the battle.

Soon, when the Siren's carrier-based aircraft discovered Brünnhilde, Egil and others, the testers became more certain of this inference.

Even if she didn't take action, just relying on this huge siren fleet would be enough to completely destroy the city.

With this number of Iron-Blooded Ship Girls alone, the opponent would not be able to resist them after she personally took action.

My probability of winning is... 83%. Oh, without that person to break the deduction of the natural calculation system for you, you can't escape from my grasp this time.

And the tester's inference is indeed true.

The overwhelming number of carrier-based aircraft alone has caused a lot of trouble to Brunhild and others who came out to attack.

With this number of enemy planes, the Siren is serious this time.

On Brynhildr and others' side, everyone's ship-mounted anti-aircraft firepower was firing in all directions.

Since Lin Lan had already equipped them with fully reinforced graduated anti-aircraft guns, a large number of Siren carrier-based aircraft in the airspace near them were shot down like moths to a flame.

But those chess ship girls don't have such intensive anti-aircraft firepower.

Soon Siren bombers flew over them and conducted dive bombing.

However, these Siren carrier-based aircraft are all released from Siren mass-produced aircraft carriers, and the hit rate is not that accurate.

In addition, Akashi's anti-aircraft firepower was also fully activated, helping these chess pieces and ship girls temporarily stabilize the situation.

These chess pieces and ship girls were able to avoid serious damage in a short period of time.

My fighter team has been unable to take off for a short time, but it is not without gain.

Zeppelin's face was gloomy. The Iron Blood Fleet was not primarily focused on aviation power, and she was not an aircraft carrier who was good at fighting for air supremacy.

Therefore, facing such a large number of Siren carrier-based aircraft, she cannot defeat the enemy with a small number.

I know who the senior siren of this siren fleet is.

Zeppelin turned on the communicator and said in the channel.

What model is the Advanced Siren? How are you doing there now?

Lin Lan's concerned voice came from the channel, which slightly relieved the gloomy look on Qi Bolin's face.

There are a lot of carrier-based aircraft coming from the Siren, but we can still cope with it so far. Controlling this high-level Siren is... a tester.

Hearing the name tester, not only Lin Lan from the port area had a look of surprise on his face, but all the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls were also stunned.

It's not because of how strong the tester's fighting ability is, but because this guy is really difficult to deal with.

Cunning, insidious, sophisticated and unscrupulous.

This is what everyone, including Lin Lan, knows about the testers.

It turned out to be that guy. Then I was right not to go to sea with you. This guy is always the Riddler and can't ask anything of value.

Lin Lan's voice continued to ring from the channel.

He had already heard the roar of anti-aircraft guns and knew that the current anti-aircraft pressure on the Iron-Blooded Fleet was probably quite high.

If the pressure is too great, retreat. Don't resist. I understand... ba ba ba ba...

Lin Lan's voice suddenly stopped, and the entire channel fell into noise.

It's the Siren's signal jammer, they're here.

Brünnhilde's solemn voice echoed across the battlefield.

They were already under dark clouds, and visibility on the entire sea surface had become extremely low.

The waves grew larger and larger accompanied by the strong wind, and the low hum of the carrier-based aircraft resounded in the surrounding oppressive clouds.

The anti-aircraft guns continued to fire, and the Siren carrier-based aircraft with orange flames fell towards the sea.

The scene around the ship girls was like an abyss in a nightmare, extremely terrifying.


Amidst the dense sound of anti-aircraft guns, the roar of large-caliber main guns suddenly sounded.

Egil at the front of the fleet fired.

As Egil opened fire, it was announced that they were officially facing this huge siren fleet.

Not long after Egil opened fire, the roar of the main guns of the Mainz and Spey ships also sounded in the dark sea.

The quantity is really quite large. It seems that I have to do something serious this time~ I must ask the commander to compensate me for a long vacation.

Lützow had already restrained her lazy posture, and the black-red dragon hovering beside her slowly pointed forward and opened its ferocious mouth.


The large-caliber high-explosive shells of the trial twin-mounted 406mm SKC main gun, carrying dozens of small black and red missiles exclusive to the Lützov ship, cut through the dark and oppressive night sky and rushed towards the battlefield ahead.

And Lützow's action also means that their battle with the Sirens has officially begun.

Right in front of the fleet, Egil, Mainz, and Spey formed a tacit triangle formation, galloping on the rushing waves, dodging the incoming Siren shells one after another.

Her long silver hair was flying behind her. At this time, Egil had a maniacal smile on his face, controlling the dragon suit, dodging the incoming cannonballs, and also firing back at the huge Siren fleet ahead.

She didn't need to aim at all because there were so many sirens.

Surrounding the three of them, dozens of elite Destroyer Siren Explorer IIs with short silver hair and fish-headed ship-suits in their hands holding plowshare-shaped fish heads had surrounded them.

Although Egil, Mainz and Spey came and went without hindrance, they continued to sink the explorers blocking the front.

But there will always be new explorers filling the encirclement, like an endless tide.

This is where Sirens are truly powerful.

They are not afraid of death, and will always use sheer numbers to crush everything that stands in front of the Sirens.

Tester, don't hide behind the mass-produced model and the executor, come and have some fun with us!

Egil looked at the mass-produced siren fleet outside the encirclement. The huge manta ray ship was mounted on the tester who was watching their battle with a sinister smile, and he started to mock.

But the only person who responded to Egil was the tester's unchanging sinister smile.

The tester is not a chatty person like the Purifier.


Egil's dragon suit suddenly poked its head out, blocking a heavy cruiser main gun shell coming from her side.

A terrifying explosion erupted on her dragon ship, and the violent air waves blew Egil's long silver hair into the air again.

But except for a black mark, the shell did not cause any damage to the black-red steel dragon.

Super Cruise's powerful defense was fully demonstrated at this moment.

Egil, there are too many sirens!

The silver-haired light cruiser Mainz, with its silver naval sword unsheathed, used its shield skills to block several shells that hit Spey, and after counterattacking the attackers, it looked at Egil with a solemn tone as it galloped.

But as soon as she finished speaking, Lützov's main gun shells came from behind.

The few explorers who gathered relatively close were unable to dodge and were blown apart by the battleship-level main gun.

The barrage of black and red missiles that followed the main gun also hit a wide range of explorers, stopping the uninterrupted cross-fire, and the pressure on Egil and others was suddenly reduced.

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