Lin Lan originally thought he would wake up earlier than Ron.

But it turns out that you should never underestimate any professional chef’s biological clock.

When he woke up, the pink-haired elder sister Ron who was sleeping with him in his arms had disappeared.

This Ron is really hard-working and a role model.

Lin Lan sat up from the bed. He knew where he would see Ron at this time without even thinking about it.

It must be the canteen in Minato City.

Ron, the extremely gentle eldest sister, will always prepare meals for other companions in the cafeteria, unless she is asked to go into battle.

When facing enemies, Ron will transform into the most terrifying battlefield ghost and tear apart all enemies he can see.

After getting dressed and washing up, Lin Lan came to the window, opened the curtains, and found that the sky outside was covered with clouds and it was actually raining.

However, Lin Lan soon felt relieved. After all, Aulan was a rainy season after autumn, so it was unusual for it not to rain during this period.

Mainly because every time he faced the sirens, it was always under strong winds and billowing dark clouds.

Now even ordinary rain has left him with battlefield sequelae.

I don't know if it rained heavily when Ron left. It would be bad if he got caught in the rain.

Youdao is like an autumn rain and a cold.

Lin Lan muttered that she was worried about Ron, then opened the door and walked out of the room.

When he went downstairs and came to his office door, he found that his office door had been opened for ventilation.

A tall, tall beauty with long black ponytails wearing a black and gold dress was sitting on the sofa in his office.

This beautiful woman with fair skin and burgundy eyes holds a steaming teapot that has just been heated in her hand, and she is elegantly brewing mint tea in a porcelain cup placed on the coffee table.

Such an elegant, tall black-haired beauty, Lin Lan recognized her at a glance.

Isn’t this Tokisaki Kurumi...

Phew, isn't this the time management guru who helped him get rid of his procrastination habit a few days ago, Peter Strasser.

Commander, I'm very pleased that you woke up earlier than I expected.

Seeing Lin Lan entering the room, Peter's delicate oval face looked at him with a sweet smile.

You came here very early. It's obviously not time to go to work yet... Well, well, actually, I don't know exactly what time it is in Minato City to work.

Lin Lan laughed and complained while walking to the chair behind his desk and sitting down.

At this time, he noticed an extra umbrella in the room that was still stained with rain.

I will tell Akashi to set up an umbrella bucket in your office.

After Peter brewed two cups of steaming mint tea, he brought one of them to Lin Lan and said with a calm smile:

Before I came back, I asked Akashi to pay attention to the weather forecast here in Minato City. It should rain in the past few days.

Picking up the mint tea handed over by Peter and blowing the mint-scented hot air, Lin Lan couldn't help but smile:

This Oran doesn't have satellites, so his weather forecast is completely deceptive, so don't take it too seriously.

Satellite? What is that?

Peter, who sat back on the sofa, tilted his head and looked at Lin Lan with confusion on his face.

Um, that's right, how should I put it...

Lin Lan then remembered that the ship girls in his game didn't know what satellites were.

So he spent a lot of time explaining to Peter what this high-tech product that could break through the atmosphere and be extremely convenient in space looked like.

Although he is not a professional scientist, he has watched so many short videos and can easily explain the principles roughly.

I see, there are machines that can fly higher than carrier-based aircraft and airships.

With a smile on his face, Peter, who listened carefully to Lin Lan's explanation, sighed, as if it was unimaginable that there would be an endless universe higher up in the sky.

But Peter soon put his mind back and raised his head to look at the clock hanging on the wall.

Commander, it's time for breakfast. I went to bring you breakfast and a new umbrella. I didn't expect that Akashi didn't prepare an umbrella for you. It was my dereliction of duty as a secretary ship.

Lin Lan looked at the hour hand on the clock pointing to eight o'clock, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart that Peter is really a ship girl who attaches great importance to the concept of time.

But he just wanted to go out for some air, so he said to Peter who had already stood up:

Why don't we go to the cafeteria together? There's no point in staying here alone.

Seeing that Lin Lan had discovered that there was only one umbrella in the room, Peter immediately understood what Lin Lan meant.

A faint blush rose on her elegant and delicate face.

That's fine. Commander, I'm going to take up your time greedily, hehehe.

The two came to the first floor, and the misty autumn rain outside seemed to cover the world with a layer of white gauze.

Peter originally wanted to hold up the umbrella, but Lin Lan stopped her with a smile and took the umbrella from her hand.

Leave it to me to hold the umbrella.

Hehehe, Commander, then I would rather obey your orders than be respectful.

With a smile on his lips, Peter watched Lin Lan holding up an umbrella and walking into the rain. He gracefully bent down and extended his hand to her in a gesture of invitation.

So, Peter also smiled and held Lin Lan's hand, and the two of them walked side by side in the misty autumn rain under an umbrella.

As a tall ship girl, Peter was half a head taller than Lin Lan after putting on high heels.

Lin Lan looked at the elegant black-haired beauty beside him from the corner of his eyes. He had only seen this romantic atmosphere of walking in the rain in TV series.

The green belt in the surrounding port area has been completely planted with trees and lawns.

The rain pattered on the road and umbrellas, making a dense rustling sound.

The air in the port area in the early morning is mixed with the fragrance of rain-soaked earth. Due to the rain, except for the sound of rain and waves, the port area is quiet at this time.

Feeling the warmth from Peter's silky little hands, Lin Lan felt extremely warm in her heart, even if the surrounding temperature had dropped enough to exhale the mist.

Commander, why didn't I realize before that you actually have such a gentlemanly side, haha.

The two were walking on the road, and Peter beside him asked with a chuckle.

Then in your eyes, what kind of person was I before?

Lin Lan couldn't help but curiously asked, wanting to know what kind of person he was in the hearts of his shipmates.

He likes to harass the secretary ship, give people random nicknames, disappear from time to time, force his companions to attack constantly, and he also gets angry suddenly and inexplicably.

Peter put his index finger next to his face, tilted his head and thought carefully for a moment before giving the answer.

No, I recognize the first four. What does it mean to be inexplicably irritable?

Lin Lan was stunned when he heard the last point of Peter's summary.

In his impression, he is not someone who gets angry easily.

You will always start to wail in pain after the port area runs out of oil, supplies, or the Mind Cube.

The corner of Peter's mouth curled up, recalling as many treasures as he could remember:

And your companions have repeatedly attacked many times. They are all tired, but you still say some incomprehensible words with an angry face, such as... you haven't caught anything yet?

Hearing this, Lin Lan had a guilty epiphany about what Peter was referring to.

When building a large building within a limited time, if he consumes all the materials or mental cubes and still has no ship to build, he will explode in pain as he has obsessive-compulsive disorder with full illustrations.

The same goes for salvage.

If he salvages a ship on the same map for several days in a row and still doesn't come out, and even when the oil is exhausted and there is still no sign of salvaging a limited-edition ship, he will just put on the mask of pain.

I will reflect deeply and will never do this again.

Facing the past events Peter mentioned, although Lin Lan felt embarrassed, she could not find a reason to refute.

After all, these were all facts, and he had no choice but to admit his mistake.

Haha, I'm not blaming you, why do you need to apologize?

Peter had a smile on his face, but his body moved closer to Lin Lan.

After all, you are our commander. We have long been accustomed to these things about you, and there is no need to deliberately change them.

Hearing Peter's doting voice, Lin Lan was suddenly extremely moved.

Is this the charm of a ship girl...

Of course, your bad habit of wasting time still needs to be corrected. I will urge you to get rid of this problem, haha.

Hearing Peter's chuckle, Lin Lan's initial emotion was immediately overshadowed by fear.

Time management guru, please spare me!

As the two of them were talking to each other, before they knew it, the Minato Canteen, covered by the rain curtain, came into view.

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