Good morning... Hey, Commander, why did you only hold an umbrella?

As soon as they entered the main entrance of the cafeteria, Ron's gentle voice came from the kitchen.

But when he saw that Lin Lan and Peter were only holding an umbrella, and Ron was already wearing his usual Iron-Blooded uniform and apron, the smile on his face suddenly froze.

Forget it, I don't have an umbrella in my office, so I can only use one with Peter to eat.

Lin Lan, who noticed the change in Ron's expression, explained the reason directly and openly.

Akashi, please explain.

Ron was relieved after receiving Lin Lan's frank explanation, then turned to look at the dining area of ​​the cafeteria and shouted with a raised voice.

Following Ron's line of sight, Lin Lan saw the little green-haired profiteer sitting in the corner of the cafeteria eating breakfast.

Meow? Umbrellas are commodities and you must pay for them, meow.

Hearing Ron's call, the little profiteer Akashi twitched his cat ears, looked at Lin Lan, and explained in a very firm tone.

You little profiteer, you even have to ask me to pay for your umbrella, you...

Lin Lan was so angry at Akashi's words that she was about to go to Akashi to ask for an explanation and slap the cat's head hard.

But he suddenly felt something lift up the collar on the back of his neck, pulling him up from the ground.


Lin Lan turned around in shock.

A burly muscular commander meow was staring down at him with an extremely cute cat head and face...

Then, he violently brushed his hair with a thick palm.

Lin Lan was stunned by this sudden hard spanking.

What the hell? Muscle...muscle cat?


Lin Lan couldn't help but tremble when she heard the cute meow that was completely inconsistent with her body shape.

This macho body is full of strong and muscular muscles, but it actually has a cute commanding head.

This strong visual impact caused his brain to shut down immediately.

Akashi, stop making trouble and put the commander down quickly.

Seeing this interesting scene, Ron covered his mouth and said to Akashi with a smile.

Well, it seems that the automatic defense system of this robot needs to be improved a lot.

After Akashi took out the remote control and controlled it, Lin Lan was put down by the mysterious muscular meow.

With his feet on the ground, Lin Lan didn't care about trouble with Akashi anymore. He turned around and looked at the moving muscles with lingering fear.

He almost instantly remembered the collection of furniture given by the game official to 2 million fans.

The burly muscular cat in front of me and the piece of furniture were literally carved from the same mold, exactly the same.

Peter, who had been standing behind Lin Lan, was also amused by Lin Lan's shocked expression just now.

Akashi, the robot you made based on the collection of furniture really scared the commander.

After hearing Peter's words, Lin Lan remembered that before he left for Yalang City, Akashi had arranged for Deutschland and Magdeburg to develop Oran's robot.

I just didn’t expect that this robot would be made into the image of a muscular cat furniture, which is really too abstract.

If Germany saw that scene just now, I think he would be rolling on the ground laughing, haha~

Ron had already asked the barbarian chefs who had helped her serve steaming jam bread and milk, and said with a smile.

It's hard for her to see this scene. I'm afraid everyone in Hong Kong will have to know about this scandal.

Lin Lan sat speechlessly at the breakfast table and was about to eat when she heard Akashi's voice with a sly smile:

This robot is a meow with video recording capabilities. Commander, if you don't want Germany to know, you need to pay me...

Before Akashi finished speaking with a smile, he saw Lin Lan standing up silently and rushing towards her.

Meow! Commander! Akashi is joking with you, meow! Don't, don't, don't touch my ears so fiercely! Ugh, meow!!!

Along with the wails of the little profiteer, Lin Lan's breakfast today was extra delicious.

So, you have really cracked Olan's robot and started mass production?

After breakfast, everyone sat at the clean dining area table.

Lin Lan lowered his head, looked at Akashi who was sitting in his arms and had been masturbated, and asked curiously.

Meow, hum, that's necessary, meow. With the painstaking research of Dezhi and I, the first muscle cat has been officially developed.

Good guy, this robot is really called Muscle Meow.

Although I know that Akashi, as a leading capitalist, must not have contributed much.

But Lin Lan had to admire these ship girls for being able to transform the Olan robot into a unique machine cat in the port area so quickly.

So Akashi, please explain what functions this robot cat has, so that it can open our eyes and everyone's eyes.

Seeing that Peter and Ron were also looking at the burly muscular cat standing upright in the cafeteria with curious eyes, Lin Lan decided to let Akashi show it to everyone.

Then you have to watch carefully, meow~

Akashi sat lazily on Lin Lan's lap, took out the remote control from his long sleeves, and then pointed it at the burly muscular meow and pressed it.


As Muscle Meow made a cute meow, this burly Muscle Meow unexpectedly appeared in front of everyone...

Various poses were put on to show off muscles.


The expression on Lin Lan's face froze, and she stared blankly at Meng Meow, who showed off the graceful lines of her muscles with various movements.

Although these poses were very powerful, that was not what he wanted to see.

Ah, sorry, I clicked on the wrong one. I clicked on the wrong one, meow.

Akashi also felt the embarrassment in everyone's silence and quickly pressed the remote control again in a fit of laughter.


As the muscle cat let out a cute meow again, this muscle cat actually...

He landed directly on the ground with both hands and performed the Thomas Pivot. His movements were extremely standard and there was no fault at all.

Akashi, I didn't expect that your hobbies are quite extensive.

Sensing the unkindness in Lin Lan's tone, Akashi finally suppressed the lazy smile on his face and said in a serious tone:

Commander, if that's the case, I won't do this scene anymore, nya.

Hearing the change in Akashi's tone, Lin Lan couldn't help but become serious.

Are we finally getting to the point?

With our improvements, the first version of Muscle Meow is not only extremely powerful, but also inherits the original function of commanding the cat - real-time projection of the cat.

The little profiteer spoke in an extremely serious tone, like a professional and reliable little mechanic.

Commander, please keep an eye on Meow.

Following Akashi's words, the little profiteer pressed the remote control hard again.

Muscle Meow, who was dancing the Thomas Pirouette, immediately trembled with his burly body, stood up quickly, and straightened his back.

Then, its eyes emitted light, and a three-dimensional fuzzy screen slowly unfolded in the air in front of everyone.

Not bad, this function is pretty good.

Looking at the screen that was getting clearer, Lin Lan was praising Akashi on his lap, but the next second, he saw someone on the screen that was getting clearer.

A girl with long black hair, a short but curvy figure, and blue eyes with white and red highlights. Wearing only a black gauze underwear with a small amount of fabric, she was facing the screen, humming a song and selecting something in the wardrobe. skirt.

Almost as soon as Lin Lan saw the picture clearly, the iron-blooded girl turned around and discovered the screen that suddenly appeared, as well as Lin Lan and others on the screen.


Ah, ah...

As Deutsch's face instantly became filled with unbelievable blush and anger, the next second the screen heard the iron-blooded little princess covering her chest and shouting loudly:

Commander! You inferior creature! Don't look at it!!!

Lin Lan suddenly felt as if his eardrums had been shattered, and his whole head was buzzing.


The picture on the screen instantly became blurry again, and Lin Lan guessed without even thinking that the camera on the German side might have entered the mouth of the Iron-Blooded Dragon ship suit.

Hehehe, Commander, you may be in trouble today.

Peter and Ron laughed gloatingly at the same time, which made Lin Lan's face turn ugly when he reacted.

He grabbed the back hood of Akashi's clothes that quietly jumped down from his legs and was about to slip away, and lifted the little profiteer directly up.

Akashi, you did a great job.

He lifted the little profiteer and turned around to face him. Thinking that he would soon face the wrath of Germany, Lin Lan gritted his teeth and stared at the instigator.

Point, point, Commander, I said it was an accident, do you believe it? Meow... No meow!!!!

Akashi's wails once again sounded from the cafeteria in the port area.

Thanks to: [Bao Duo Liu Hua yyds, Quantum Herrscher, Bao Bai Ai Pi] three bosses for their monthly ticket support! The boss is awesome!

I hope you all enjoy watching it!

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