Let me tell you Shi, is this telephone pole of yours reliable? Can it really be connected to the Oran network?

Three days have passed since the meeting with Jian Qianou.

In these three days, Lin Lan did not leave the port area.

He was either trying out various elemental skills and drawing spells in the office, or he was studying how to deal with tomahawk weapons efficiently.

After all, Jian Qianou reminded him that Tomahawk Military Industry was up to no good in Dongyun City.

Naturally, he must make preparations in advance, and he will definitely eradicate the Tomahawk military industry forces in Dongyun City.

Of course, he didn't miss out on accompanying U101 on a ship-mounted motorcycle racing on the sea.

The thrill of riding wildly with the tough little lolita on the sea left a deep impression on him.

During this period, in-depth discussions with the secretary ship who worked overtime every night naturally continued steadily.

Since he has this strength and all the ship girls have made an oath with him, he must not refuse anyone who comes.

Whether it was Dezhi who was arrogant at the beginning and weak in the end, hugging him tightly, or the familiar two sisters, Prince Eugen and Blücher.

They all gained great joy from the in-depth discussions with him overtime.

In addition to these, the new fortress on the sea near the port area has also begun to take shape with the help of Muscle Cat.

Moreover, the fortress has also been covered by the iron-blooded mirror sea. From the outside, it is impossible to see that a fortress is being built.

It was just after nine o'clock in the morning, and Lin Lan was dragging his secretary, Lu Zuofu, to watch Akashi control a few Manchus wearing hard hats to set up signal poles in the square in the port area.

But seeing that the signal pole had been set up, Lin Lan still had no signal on his mobile phone, which made him doubt Akashi's business capabilities.

Commander, don't worry, meow, the Internet must be connected in the port area today, I said so!

Regarding his ability being questioned, the little profiteer's cat ears trembled as he seemed to be thinking about why the signal was not connected.

Next to him, Lützow had already been waiting for nearly an hour. He hugged a shark pillow on a bench and fell asleep in the warm sun.

Lin Lan was bored and had already walked around the small square in the port area.

I don’t know who set it up, but there are several clothes drying racks on the edge of this small square.

The shelves were filled with quilts and clothes that had not yet dried.

In addition, there are many dry ingredients placed on the carpet near the canteen. It seems that Ron put them here.

“It’s a really cozy port area.”

After Lin Lan walked around in a circle, he returned to Akashi again, sat next to Lu Zuofu who was sleeping soundly, and sighed secretly.

The late autumn sun was warm on his body, and listening to the soft snoring of the gray curly hair on the side made him feel a little tired.

There is an old saying in Donghuang called autumn fatigue, and Lin Lan felt that at this moment he was already being burned by the sun and was feeling tired.

However, apart from autumn fatigue, there are also spring sleepiness, summer fatigue and hibernation. Human beings are indeed creatures that become lazy all year round.

Just when Lin Lan narrowed his eyes in boredom and was about to take a nap, he suddenly noticed that a special Chirp cautiously poked its head out from the bushes in the green belt nearby.

Seeing this Manjiu, which was obviously larger than the other Manjiu, Lin Lan immediately recognized it as the Manjiu that lived on the balcony of his room.

Hey, isn't this a pillow for you when you feel sleepy? Come here and let me hold you for a while.

He happened to be coveting Lützow's pillow, so he waved to the wild chirp.

Discovered by Lin Lan, the chubby chirp jumped helplessly into Lin Lan's arms even though it was reluctant to come out of the bush.

Putting Manjiu on his lap and sitting down, Lin Lan buried his face directly in the fluffy light yellow feathers of Manjiu.

It's very good. There's no peculiar smell. It's indeed a normal creature from Blue Star and the mascot of the game.

Akashi, who was thinking about the telephone pole, also saw the exclusive Chiu in his arms, but after taking a few more glances, he continued to work on solving the problem of the signal pole.

Lin Lan spent another hour just taking a nap in his arms, being scorched by the warm sunshine.

Yawn~Commander~ Isn't it done yet?

What woke him up was Lützow's lazy yawn.

Lin Lan opened his eyes drowsily and saw that Akashi in front of him was still discussing the drawings with these wild chirps.

Next to him, Lützow had already sat up, and the battle patrol girl was looking at him with an angry look, as if she was complaining about why she wasted so long here.

Akashi, if you delay a little longer, everyone who went out to sea to train and clean up the sirens will be back to work. Everyone is waiting for your signal to be connected so that they can watch TV.

Lin Lan looked up at the sun, which was about to reach the top, and couldn't help but urge Akashi.

It shouldn't be, meow. Logically speaking, the signal line and power are enough. What is going on, meow...

The little profiteer seemed very confused about the fact that there was no signal from the signal pole, and his face was full of doubts.

If it doesn't work, forget it. After the fortress is repaired, I will ask someone from the Tianou Group to install the signal pole.

Lin Lan placed Manjiu, who was warmly covered by him, on the ground, straightened the folds of his clothes, and prepared to stand up.

However, just when Akashi was at a loss and was about to give up, the Barbarian Jiu that Lin Lan put down suddenly emitted a dazzling white light.

what's the situation?

Lin Lan was startled by this scene, and even woken up from his drowsiness.

He immediately jumped up from his seat and pulled Lützow back several steps.

Meow? This is...

Akashi stared at Manjiu, who was shrouded in white light, with wide eyes, as if he had seen something incredible.

The dazzling white light lasted for a few seconds. After the light disappeared, something happened that shocked Lin Lan.

Where the one-size-larger Manjiu was originally located, a man wearing a pure white short skirt, over-the-knee boots, and white wristbands appeared...

Cute white-haired little loli? !

This little white-haired loli duck suddenly appeared sitting on the ground, with the hair on its forehead shaking slightly, and a long white tail trailing behind it. At the end of the tail was a mechanical plug that erupted with crack lightning.


After seeing the appearance of this little loli, Lin Lan rubbed his eyes blankly, as if he couldn't believe this fact.

The dumb white-haired little loli looked around in confusion at first. After seeing Lin Lan, a happy smile appeared on her face, she jumped up from the ground and flew into Lin Lan's arms.

buli!!! Sister Buli finally changed back! Commander! Hey hey hey!

Lin Lan was dumbfounded as the little loli hugged her like crazy.

This...isn't this right?

The one here just now was obviously a barbarian. How could it turn into the general-purpose burrito that was so abundant in the port area?

In the game, when ship girls break through stars to gain more power, they must use breakthrough materials.

As for breakthrough materials, in addition to using repeatedly obtained ship girls of the same name, another way is to use Brie of the same rarity.

That's right, Bree is divided into three rarities, which are the legendary three Bree sisters.

Specially designed for elite (SR) level and below ship girls to break through, it is this white-haired general-purpose cloth.

It's just that Lin Lan never thought that Brie turned out to be a man!

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