Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 153 The village is connected to the Internet

So, under the influence of me and the Mental Cube appearing at the same time, Manju will have a mental breakthrough and evolve into Bree?

After the little profiteer Akashi explained to him, Lin Lan finally understood what all this was about.

He let the cute little white-haired Bri sit on his arm and accepted this setting...

What a ghost!

Brie evolved from Barbarian. So where are all the Brie that were used as breakthrough materials before?

And there is also a trial version of the Brie MKII and a special version of the Brie MKIII. Please explain where they come from!

Lin Lan was very confused now, and was asked one question after another.

The little profiteer with the cat's ears calmly faced the question from the commander in front of him, with a faint smile on his face, and spread his hands to explain:

In addition to being able to do more complicated tasks than Manjiu, Brie's most important role is to transfer the pure power accumulated in her own ship to our ship, breaking through the upper limit~

After they finish transmitting their energy, they will turn into Manju again and return to the management of me and other camps~

Also, if the commander is absent for a long time, Brie will turn back into a wild cat.

After Akashi finished speaking, he looked at Lin Lan with a hint of amusement in his eyes:

As for the trial version of Bree MKII and the special version of Bree MKIII, they are both general-purpose Bree. The longer you stay with them, the easier it will be to continue evolving.

Akashi's words were so full of information that Lin Lan no longer cared about the cute little Bri sitting on his arm and holding his neck.

Although the three Bree sisters in previous games were obtained through official activities, weekly tasks, etc.

But now that he has traveled through time, all this is really so reasonable under Akashi's explanation.

No wonder he hasn't seen Bree since he traveled through time.

Seeing the lively little white-haired lolita hugging his head more and more intimately and cutely, Lin Lan had no choice but to put her gently on the ground.

At this time, his face was also enveloped by the fresh milk fragrance, and Brie's body smell was quite fragrant...

Thinking that he had held Brie's body for so long just now, Lin Lan couldn't help but blush.

What, I thought you knew why you hugged Manjiu for so long~

Lü Zuofu's joking laughter came from his ears, making Lin Lan even more embarrassed.

Fortunately, the person involved, General Brie, was a cute and cute little loli and didn't mind what Lin Lan did at all.

But Bree evolved at the right time, Meow~ Bree, come here quickly and help me deal with this signal pole Meow.

buli! Green cat, wrap it around me!

Upon hearing Akashi's arrangement, the cute little loli jumped on the spot with energy, and a spanner suit that was longer than her body appeared in her hands.

Seeing Brie summoning the ship suit, Lin Landen felt familiar. This was the Brie portrait he saw in the game.

And just when he was curious about how the general-purpose Bree was going to solve the problem, he saw the little Loli holding the wrench tightly with both hands and swinging it at the tall signal pole...


A crisp sound.

This signal pole, which was standing on the ground and made of solid concrete, was smashed to the ground by the little loli holding a wrench!

Lin Lan suddenly realized after seeing this violent scene. The biggest difference between Brie and Manjiu is that Brie has a ship suit!

Even in the game, the three Bree sisters can level up and participate in battles like the ship girls.

Although the combat power is aside for the moment, it is still much stronger than Manju.

Watch Sister Buli put this thing up!

Lin Lan couldn't help but start to look forward to seeing the white-haired little Bri holding a wrench and frantically banging on the fallen telephone pole. His movements were very skillful and professional.

As an evolved form of Barbarian Chi, his technical level must be even higher.

However, as the fallen signal pole was knocked into pieces by Brie, Lin Lan realized how professional this was?

This is simply unsystematic destruction.

Get buli!

After smashing all the signal poles prepared by Akashi, Bree punched the huge wrench in his hand on the ground and clapped his hands and raised his chest as if to take credit.

Is this...done?

Lin Lan looked at Akashi blankly when he saw that other Manjiu had taken brooms from nowhere to clean up the remains of the signal pole.

Seeing Bree solving the problem so wildly, even the little profiteer had uncertainty on his face.

Meow, it should be finished, meow?

If you hadn't used such a doubtful tone, I might have believed you.

Just as Lin Lan was looking at Brie to ask what was going on, the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

He took out his phone and clicked on the screen. He was so surprised that he almost couldn't hold the phone steady.

News and missed messages popped up one after another, but the signal directly above the phone was actually full!


What exactly is this principle?

Lin Lan put the phone back into his pocket tremblingly, and looked at Bri with shock in his eyes.

Meow~ Commander, you don't have to worry about Bree's affairs, just know that they are reliable, meow!

The little profiteer breathed a sigh of relief and came closer with a smile.

Commander, should you pay for the cost of connecting the signal?

Seeing the business smile on Akashi's face, Lin Lan burst into laughter.

Well, after all, the material cost of this signal pole was provided by Akashi, so he still had to pay what was due.

Anyway, he already has an extra seven or eight digits in his current account, which is enough money.

As for why the signal could be connected under Bree's wrench, he still didn't figure it out in the end.

It’s better not to delve into the affairs of another world.

Commander, just in time, I have sorted out the specialties of the Teaching Kingdom, meow. Do you want to come to the shop and have a look, meow~

Facing the warm invitation from the shop proprietress, Lin Lan had nothing to do at this time and looked at Lu Zuofu standing aside.

He will set off for Dongyun City tomorrow, and all the preparations have been basically completed with the help of Lützow this morning.

Hmm~ The store is also a good place to go on a date with the commander. You can go and have a look~

Lu Zuofu held the Iron-Blooded Shark pillow and held Lin Lan's arm gracefully.

Lin Lan couldn't help but be a little surprised when he got Lu Zow's answer. He thought that Lu Zow would be unhappy and wanted to go back to sleep.

This lazy battle patrol girl from the High Seas Fleet is obviously in better spirits today than before, which is very rare.

Since Lützow had no objection, Lin Lan took Lützow's arm and led a group of wild Akashi to the port store.

Sister Brie naturally followed.

On the way, Lin Lan agreed with Akashi and handed over Bri to him to take care of him.

After all, Manjiu and Lin Lan could carry it around easily, but it would not be very convenient if Manjiu became sister Brie.

After arranging Sister Bree's future affairs, he turned on his phone and quickly read the news that popped up on his phone.

He wanted to see if there was any news about other camps in his port area in the news.

Unfortunately, these news feeds were still the same as what he had seen in the academy before, which were very unsatisfactory content.

After turning off the news, he saw that Luo Tao and other classmates had also sent him several messages of greetings, but a few days had passed.

It's also time to tell them that my village finally has access to the Internet.

Lin Lan smiled and began to reply to these students one by one with one hand.

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