Looking at Lin Lan's sworn expression, Sui Qiong seemed to be deeply entangled.

She originally thought that the United States of Oran had been destroyed and all her companions had disappeared, leaving her alone before she fell into metamorphosis.

But what Lin Lan said was extremely true, like a beam of light shining into the darkness, giving her a ray of hope again in her heart that had been plunged into despair.

But Lin Lan didn't know what Sui Qiong was thinking at this time.

The mirror sea around them has begun to tremble more and more intensely, and dense spatial cracks have spread all over the sky, as if it will completely collapse at any time.

Although Lin Lan didn't know what would happen if he continued to stay in the mirror sea that was about to collapse, but judging from this pace, it would definitely not be a good thing.

Maybe, they will also collapse due to the cracks in the mirror sea!

Shattered Qiong, let's leave here together first. Our companions are still waiting for us outside.

Lin Lan's left hand was already placed on the edge of the bag at his waist, and he looked at the white-haired girl who was still thinking and said eagerly.

After all, there are more and more gaps in the sky, and a lot of space debris has even fallen down with the vibration.

A strong sense of crisis enveloped him, and he knew that if he didn't leave, it might be too late.

Just when he thought Sui Qiong still couldn't get rid of the entanglement, the girl stood up slowly and looked at him seriously.

Commander, I, trust you, let's go.

Before Lin Lan could react, his right hand was held by the girl.

The next second, majestic air waves like a hurricane hit from under his feet, and his whole body was dragged up into the sky by the black-winged girl who took off!

Seeing the blue tail flames spraying out from the black wings next to him, Lin Lan's tense heart finally relaxed a little.

Well done! Let us work together to break out of the gap in the sky!

Lin Lan, who was held by the machine girl and flew up into the sky, felt the strong wind pressure and roared to Broken Qiong.

What he was actually most afraid of was that Sui Qiong only sent him out and he chose to stay here.

Then everything he did before would be meaningless.

But now it seems that Sui Qiong really believed his words and did not continue to be influenced by metamorphosis to seek self-destruction.

This really couldn't be better.

But soon, Lin Lan discovered a problem.

The gaps in the sky seemed not far away from the ground, but when he actually flew there, they were much further than he imagined.

Moreover, the surrounding space is constantly collapsing, and large pieces of mirror sea space debris are falling down like stone tips falling from a cave.

This also forced Broken Dome to dodge left and right as it flew high into the sky to avoid being hit by these fragments.

Fortunately, Broken Qiong's flying skills were very good. When Lin Lan felt that he couldn't avoid the falling space debris several times, Broken Qiong was able to dodge him through sudden braking and explosive acceleration, and he was able to dodge it without any risk.

Seeing that Broken Qiong's flying skills were very reliable, Lin Lan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and looked down.

This sight made his heart rise to his throat again.

The entire ground where the two of them were previously had been decomposed into a black torrent of data!

Damn it, does the disintegration of the Mirror Sea mean that everything is broken down into data...

Lin Lan's face instantly turned pale. He finally understood what would happen if he stayed in the disintegrating mirror sea.

As the collapse of the mirror sea accelerated, the black data flow gradually rose upwards like the rising sea level, chasing the two of them.

The flying speed of Broken Dome is indeed very fast, but due to the impact of the space debris that keeps collapsing and falling in the sky, the speed of flying towards the gap in the sky has dropped significantly.

This also causes the distance between the black data sea level and them to get closer and closer!

Seeing that the sea level of data was about to catch up and engulf the two of them, Lin Lan gritted his teeth and shouted loudly:

Shattered Dome! Come on! Break out of this false world! Let us return to the real Oran!

Feeling the encouragement from the commander, Sui Qiong also noticed the black sea of ​​data chasing after him, with a look of determination on his face.

The aircraft is overloaded and the engine is starting.

As this voice came, Lin Lan suddenly saw the black wing tail flames next to him turn from blue to black-red in an instant.

And with the appearance of the black and red tail flames, the distance between them and the waves of black data flow was suddenly widened!


A huge explosion came from above Lin Lan, causing him to look up.

Broken Qiong's other arm waved the black-red energy light blade, directly smashing the space debris falling from above, no longer choosing to dodge.

With the acceleration of the black and red wing tail flames and the continuous use of sword attacks to improve flight efficiency, the two of them were finally about to reach the gap in the sky.

Getting closer, getting closer!

When this gap was within Lin Lan's reach, Lin Lan could already feel the dusk sunlight from the outside world shining on his face, bringing incomparable real warmth.

He even saw the Iron-Blooded carrier-based aircraft speeding past in the sky!

They succeeded!

Lin Lan couldn't help but praise Sui Qiong's performance just now:

Broken Qiong, great job! You were so handsome just now!

However, just one step away from the exit of the Mirror Sea, Lin Lan suddenly noticed that Broken Dome had stopped.

Immediately afterwards, a black-red energy light blade slipped from his side and fell into the black ocean of data below, and was swallowed up and disintegrated into nothingness in an instant.

Shatter... Qiong?

Seeing this scene, Lin Lan felt a little uneasy in his heart.

But before he could ask any questions, his body was lifted upwards.

The flying girl immediately held him in her arms with both hands.

Shattered Qiong, the exit is right in front of you, what are you...

Lin Langgang asked in surprise, but when he saw Broken Qiong's appearance, his voice suddenly stopped.

The eyes of the girl who held him in her arms had completely turned dark red.

What's more important is that the girl's body is slowly becoming transparent.

Different from the transparency that Prince Eugen was teleported to before, in the chest of Shattered Qiong that gradually became transparent, there was actually...

There is one that is very similar to the Mind Cube, but it is actually a black-red cube surrounded by black-red light particles at high speed.

Is this the Rubik's Cube used to create you... Shattered Sky?

Seeing this black-red Rubik's Cube, Lin Lan seemed to have thought of something, and was instantly enveloped in a dizzying feeling of despair and suffocation.

Why it came out like this?

Commander, Broken Qiong, I can only send you here.

The black-winged machine girl, whose eyes had turned dark red, did not answer his question, but looked directly into his face and spoke in a gentle tone.

The transparency of Broken Qiong's body did not gradually disappear like when the Iron-Blooded Ship Girl was teleported out before, but remained in this state.

Lin Lan knew what this meant.

Broken Qiong cannot leave this mirror sea area. Once out, the girl will disappear completely.

But that's not the point.

What really makes Lin Lan despair is that even if a miracle occurs at this moment, Broken Qiong can still maintain this posture after leaving the mirror sea.

But it still won’t stop the meta-ization process.

Because the Rubik's Cube used to create the Shattered Sky is not the same mental Rubik's Cube as the ship girls in his port area.

But [Yuan Rubik's Cube].

In the large-scale combat mode in the game, he once searched for information about the origin world of the ship girl, and there was this record about the Yuan Magic Cube:

Based on the transformation of ship girls into meta-warship girls, their meta-transformation is reversible within a certain limit, and there are currently a variety of mature processing methods.

As for the meta-ship girl built based on the Yuan Magic Cube, its meta-level...


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