Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 174 Helena meta (100,000 total subscription plus additional updates)

Lin Lan looked at Sui Qiong, whose face had begun to be eroded by metamorphosis, and was unable to say a word for a moment.

He never thought that Broken Qiong would be a machine girl created by the Yuan Magic Cube.

This black-red Yuan Rubik's Cube was like the mockery of a cunning devil, announcing to him that the machine girl was destined to be unable to be saved.

Commander, I'll leave it to you to protect Oran.

Shattered Sky, you can't. Turn into a monster and get out. The future, Oran, is left to you.

Sui Qiong stared at Lin Lan's dull expression in his arms, as if he already knew his fate, and whispered softly in a calm tone.

At this time, she was even speaking intermittently, indicating that her metamorphosis had entered the final stage.

But she still forced herself to maintain her last sanity and spoke her last thoughts to Lin Lan in her arms.

There will be a way, Broken Qiong, there will be a way. Liyun and I have made an agreement a long time ago. You must take you home...

From the future, Commander.

Lin Lan's words were gently interrupted by the black-winged machine girl.

Thank you for letting Sui Qiong know that Sui Qiong still has companions, Sui Qiong still has... a family.

Even if there is no database, Shattered Sky will admit that you are the commander of Shattered Sky...

Lin Lan's eyes widened in shock at Sui Qiong's words.

Broken Qiong has actually figured out his identity.

It's no wonder, after all, including the split cloud, everything is an illusion of the past created by the mirror sea.

Today, Shattered Sky can no longer contact the database, and there is only one reason why he can still call him commander.

That means she has truly recognized herself and sincerely called him commander.

Not as a Tyrant mecha as a weapon of the United Oran, but as an unprecedented mecha girl born from Rubik's Cube technology.

Then you have to listen to me even more and let's go out together!

Your journey can't stop here yet. Everyone is still waiting for us. You can't give up right here...

Even though he knew that the machine girl created by the Yuan Magic Cube would eventually fall into excessive metamorphosis, Lin Lan knew that there was no way he would give up Shattered Qiong.

From the moment Sui Qiong called him Commander, it was impossible for him to give up Sui Qiong.

Just like he would never give up on any ship girl in the port area.

But many things are destined not to be reversed by personal will.

Sui Qiong looked at the young man who was worried about her. Her face, which was stained by black lines, smiled for the first time since she was born.

The white-haired petite girl, although her smiling face now eroded by the power of metamorphosis, was as ferocious and terrifying as an evil spirit.

But in Lin Lan's eyes, the girl in front of her still showed a lovely and flawless beautiful smile.

Although, less than an hour had passed since they met.

But Lin Lan already deeply understood how much this poor Tyrant mecha girl longed for her companions and to go home.

That's it. Commander, thank you.

Shattered Sky, you...

...and, goodbye.

Lin Lan wanted to continue talking, but the girl grabbed his waist with both hands and threw him into the sky.

He was thrown by this sudden and violent throw, and his body directly and uncontrollably penetrated the gap leading to the outside world in the sky of the mirror sea area.

The familiar sea breeze spread into his nose, and his body was surrounded by the dusk light on the sea.

He finally came out of the mirror sea and was now high in the sea outside Dongyun City.

But Lin Lan didn't feel the slightest joy when he returned to the outside world.

Because he could only helplessly look at the petite figure of the machine girl, getting farther and farther away from him in the collapsed mirror sea world in front of him...

No, Shattered Sky!!!

Lin Lan ignored the joy of being out of the mirror sea. Instead, he looked at the girl being chased by the wave of black data with red eyes and roared unwillingly.

In order to prevent herself from turning into a dragon and harming others, the girl chose self-sacrifice and stayed alone in the final world to wait for annihilation.

Lin Lan fell in despair high in the sea, looking at the gap in the mirrored sea that was getting farther and farther away in front of him and gradually dissipating, and covered his face in pain.

Everything seems to be finalized.

But in this different world full of variables...

Miracles do exist.

Commander, don't show such a desperate expression. This is not your style.

A girl's sweet and confident voice sounded in desperate Lin Lan's ears.

who is it?

Lin Lan was shocked. This voice definitely did not belong to any of his iron-blooded ship girls.

But this voice made him feel extremely familiar, as if it was the person closest to him.

No, maybe this is just an auditory hallucination, it must be just an auditory hallucination...

He was still a hundred meters high in the air at this moment. He held his breath and listened, but all he heard in his ears was the sound of falling at high speed through the air.

Sure enough, it's just my fantasy...

It seems that you have indeed forgotten me, you big carrot.

The girl's voice sounded again, making Lin Lan 100% sure that this was definitely not his auditory hallucination!

He immediately released the hand covering his face and looked around, but no matter what, he couldn't find where the girl's voice with an angry tone came from.

Just as he was getting closer to the sea, he suddenly saw large dark blue crystal particles surrounding his body.

Immediately afterwards, his rapidly falling body was pressed against by a soft body.

Behind his downward facing back, he was also dragged by a pair of cold, slender arms, gradually slowing down his fall.

Really, where did you hide from all of us? Now you are so young. It's really hard for me to find you.

As the girl complained like a spoiled child, a slender figure hugging him in a princess hug gradually emerged.

Dark blue waist-length hair, a white and delicate face with a gentle smile.

The tight white skirt outlines the graceful curves of the girl's body in an extremely alluring way, and the blue-black gloves and over-the-knee boots add incomparable sex appeal to the originally pure girl.

But the most concerning thing is the black-blue ribbon hanging on the girl's clothes, which turns into dark blue crystal particles at the end.

And those deep red eyes that seemed to be burning with fire.

The blue-haired girl who hugged him tightly and had a sense of science fiction all over her body, her extremely gentle smile was full of love and affection, as if she had found a lost lover., Helena meta?!

Lin Lan widened his eyes, looked at the face of the girl in front of him, and immediately called out the name of this powerful ship girl who was unique in his port area.

That's right, the blue-haired girl hugging him, although she has a slender figure, looks like a cute and innocent girl.

But she is Helena who fell into metamorphosis after experiencing the destruction of everything she cherished!

This was the first time Lin Lan saw a meta ship girl in his port area, but he couldn't feel any ominous atmosphere of meta transformation.

Only the deep love from the ship girl.

That's right, Commander, it seems you still remember me. Helena is very happy.

Hearing Lin Lan call out her name, Helena Meta showed a bright and happy smile.

As the two of them slowly fell to the sea, the meta girl opened the ring-shaped ship suit behind her and stood steadily on the sea.

Helena, you are also a meta ship girl. Is there anything you can do to save her...

Although Lin Lan was also very excited to see Helena Meta, whom he had not seen for a long time, he had endless things to say to Helena Meta.

But at this time, it is not the time to slowly reminisce about the past.

Broken Dome is still in the mirror sea that is about to collapse and disappear!

As a resourceful and very reliable meta, Helena must have a way to save Shattered Qiong.

But before he finished speaking, Helena Meta suddenly lowered her head and kissed him gently on the mouth.

Feeling the cold touch in his mouth, Lin Lan's anxious heart seemed to calm down.

After a few seconds, Helena Meta reluctantly raised her head again, looked at him with a confident smile and said:

Sure enough, it's still the Commander I'm familiar with. Don't worry, Commander, everything you have in mind has been arranged by Helena.

After Helena meta said these words lightly, Lin Lan saw that the space in front of the two of them suddenly collapsed and a gap formed.

The black-winged mecha girl Broken Qiong, who had been wrapped in dark blue crystals, fell out of the gap and floated in front of the two of them.

At this time, Sui Qiong closed his eyes tightly and curled up in this transparent dark blue crystal. The traces of metamorphosis on his body had also faded.

Except that the wings were still black, the petite white-haired girl seemed to be asleep.

Lin Lan was shocked and looked back at the face of the meta girl holding him again, and found that the other person was still looking at him, as if she had never looked away.

This is meta Helena, a meta ship girl who devoted all her strength and wisdom to the commander after losing everything.

Even in the game plot before joining Minato, the former members of the Ember Organization who persecuted the Commander were not persecuted.

At this time, Lin Lan's heart was filled with words widely circulated by the friends in the Tieba:

You can always trust your Haima.

She always loved her useless cub.

No matter whether she is transformed or metamorphosed, you Haima will always be your Haima.

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