Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 175 Purifier, you take the blame

Half an hour ago, the mirror sea area of ​​the AL-06 experimental site in Dongyun City.

The barefoot loli senior siren builder with white fur and white robes, her petite body leaning on her ship suit.

She stared calmly at the sky, where twisted black holes overflowing with purple energy lightning continued to appear in the mirror sea.

Large swaths of black crystalline dust erupted from the depths of this deep black hole, just like black goose feather snow, drifting everywhere in the entire venue.

Being filled with more and more black crystal dust, even the air seemed to be soaked and became thick and oppressive.

This square, located in the center of Huaiwu City, has been isolated by her special micro-layer mixture.

From the outside, it is impossible to see the internal scene isolated by her.

Although the Siren enforcers patrolling around them had discovered the ominous changes in the sky above them, they still faithfully carried out their patrol duties without any slack.

Hey, hey, hey, what's going on?! Builder, what are you doing? You don't treat me like a sister!!!

Just as the builder looked up at the distorted black hole that continued to expand, a blurry black world gradually emerged inside.

The Purifier's voice full of shock and disbelief came from the periphery of the square.

Seeing this scene, the Purifier rushed to the square in a hurry, as if he had seen something terrifying, and even the sound level was a bit higher.

But just as the Purifier was about to rush over, she found that the surrounding Siren enforcers had already pointed their cannons at her.

Ah? You mechanical brains are from my subordinates. Do you want to rebel?!

The Purifier looked blankly at the group of rebellious subordinates in front of her. Although she knew that the Executors had no mind and would not reply to her, she still spoke in disbelief.

Purifier, your acting skills are meaningless to me. I have cut off the host surveillance in this area, so there is no need to continue to pretend to be innocent.

However, the Builder's cold words made the exaggerated expression on the Purifier's face freeze, and then turned into an embarrassed smile.

Ah hahaha, how did you know I was faking it?

When you transfer all the management rights of this experimental site to me, I know that you have already started to plan for Xiao Jiujiu.

The Builder looked at the Purifier who was slowly approaching him like an idiot, and did not forget to hit him:

I don't know how you, with such an idiot's mind, managed to prevent your betrayal from being discovered by the host until now.

But it was obvious that the Purifier ignored the obviously sarcastic words behind the Builder, and instead said cheerfully as if showing off:

Don't look down on the purifier. Let me tell you, the host side...

Don't listen, don't listen, the bastard is chanting sutras.

Seeing that the Purifier who had already stood in front of him was going to talk endlessly about his legendary experience, the Builder directly covered his ears with his hands.

The strict white-haired little loli expressed that she did not want to know the history of the Purifiers' rebellion.

But are you really sure you want to do this? If that group of brainless lunatics find out, I'm afraid neither of us will be in good shape.

Before, I was just making small fuss. You usually seem to be very conscientious. It's okay if you don't take action. But when you do, you make such a big deal. It really makes me feel...bloody!

After the Purifier talked a lot to herself, she saw that the Builder was indeed not interested in what she said, so she finally spoke her true thoughts with a smile.

After all, in the past, she had only helped with the experimental materials from the previous experimental site, but this time the nature was different.

Although she didn't know what method was used to create the increasingly larger twisted black hole in front of her, she could already tell what it was from the ominous aura and black crystal particles around it.

meta beacon.

It took them several years to finally cooperate with the arbitration agency to suppress all areas of the world and expel all the meta ship girls from the world.

Once this meta beacon is re-established, all the work they have done before will be in vain.

Even those members of the Ember Organization who did not join the Commander Port area of ​​the previous experimental world will find this world through meta beacons.

The most important thing is that the Purifier knows that the mirror sea alone cannot conceal the aura of this beacon.

Once the meta beacon is completed, it will be a matter of time before the arbitration body discovers it.

At that time, I am afraid that not only she and the builder will be unable to escape the liquidation of the host, but the entire experimental institution will also be implicated.

But as a Purifier who wants to do big things, he can't wait to fight with the arbitration agencies.

It doesn’t matter whether you can survive the fight or not, how happy it is.

I know what you idiot is thinking. This is just a miniature one-time meta beacon. Under the cover of the mirror sea, as long as the experimental site collapses, it will not be discovered by the host and the arbitration agency.

As long as you cooperate well, after the collapse of the experimental site, at most you, as the person in charge of the experimental site, will be punished.

The Builder saw through the Purifier's inner thoughts and said in a calm tone.

Ah? Why am I being punished? I managed to make this experimental site so smooth, and in the end, I was the one who took the blame?

When the Purifier heard the Builder's emotionless words, his golden eyes widened and he questioned.

It's just a punishment. As a professional scapegoat, aren't you already dead and not afraid of boiling water?

The Builder looked at the Purifier in surprise and asked.


The Purifier was choked by her colleagues who had also betrayed the host like her and couldn't say a word for a long time.

Just as the two high-level sirens discussed how to hide from the host, the twisted black hole above them finally expanded to the extreme.

In the black hole, a slender figure slowly emerged.

Purifier, you have nothing to do here. I will help you prepare a perfect observation data report. Now you go to start the self-destruction cleanup process of this experimental site.

Seeing that the figure was about to descend from the black hole, the Builder looked at the Purifier who was whistling aside and ordered without fear of punishment.

Ah? I won't do it. Those guys are still having fun now. I don't want to be this evil person... Ah, by the way, guess who I just saw?

The Purifier, who was originally complaining, suddenly seemed to remember a happy event in the middle of his words. With a mysterious smile on his face as if he had discovered a treasure, he approached the Builder.

If you don't leave, I will let the tentacles send you out.

The builder replied coldly. She didn't want her clueless colleague to see the identity of the person coming from the black hole in front of her.

I saw the... Minato Commander from the last experimental world!

Behind the Purifier, the mechanical tentacles that jumped out from the ground and began to spin and charge up to hit her stopped instantly.

Who did you say you saw?

A surprised expression finally appeared on the builder's usually indifferent face.

But she was not the one who asked the question.

Instead, a girl with blue hair and red eyes appeared from the black hole, carrying dark blue crystal particles all over her body.

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