Fortunately, through the power of the brave, Lin Lan is no longer worried about being fragmented like last time in the Iron-Blooded Fortress.

But even so, after several rounds of beer and wine, Lin Lan drank enough.

The banquet didn't end until late at night. After hugging the ship girls good night, he finally returned to the office loft with the support of Z23, Broken Qiong and Blücher.

Even so, Lin Lan could see that Ron and others were very sorry that he did not drink the fragment.

Fortunately, he was more skilled and didn't let Jagged's conspiracy succeed.

Under the chilly evening sea breeze, Lin Lan was already much awake when she arrived in the attic courtyard.

Z23 was also in the hospital, ready to say goodbye to them, and at the same time stuffed a meta crystal into his pocket.

Commander, Master Huten asked me to give this to you, so I will go back first. Sister Blücher, please take good care of the commander tonight.

After Teacher Nimi finished speaking, he looked at the unfamiliar white-haired petite girl with somewhat doubtful eyes, said goodbye to everyone and left without asking any questions.

Watching Z23 go back, Lin Lan looked at the little sweetheart Blücher who was supporting him and couldn't wait, and sighed helplessly.

After the wheel battle, is it the night battle?

Being a commander is not easy sometimes...

Then come directly.


The United States of Oran, the Western Continent and the East China Sea.

On the sea covered by dark clouds, a large cargo ship sailing at night from the east continent was slowly heading towards Lanjiang City on the west continent.

Around this large cargo ship, six light cruiser girls from the Navy Department were conducting escort work on the sea.

In the crew rest room on the cargo ship, eight crew members wearing black Tomahawk military-industrial employee vests were gathering around a dining table to drink and eat under dim yellow lights.

Hey, Lao Ma, Lao Ma, have you read the forum recently? It seems that there seems to be some kind of ship girl force that is more powerful than the Siren in Dongyun City?

A bearded man poured a bottle of strong liquor down his throat, took a swig, and asked their captain with a red face.

The captain, who was over fifty years old and was known as Lao Ma, swallowed the drumstick in his hand fiercely and gave the bearded crewman a look:

What's none of your business? None of my business? If the sky falls, there will be something tall to hold it up, but it won't hit us on the head.

Hey, Lao Ma, you can't say this nonsense. Among us, you are the tallest.

Another middle-aged crew member, half lying on a chair as if he had eaten and drank enough, tilted his head and smiled with a mouth full of alcohol.

Ha, so you short-sighted brats can't be captains.

Lao Ma smiled contemptuously, picked up the wine glass at hand, and drank the white wine in one gulp.

You just want to make money and squander it by running a boat and leave your life to God. Have you never thought about why I always spend money on finding the Navy Department and hiring cruiser-level escorts?

Why else? I'm afraid of death, hahahaha!

The drunken crew members burst into laughter.

I really think you guys are in need of cleaning up!

Seeing that the white-eyed wolves under him actually said that to him, Lao Ma suddenly opened his eyes and cursed angrily.

But even though the crew members said so, Lao Ma didn't take it seriously.

He understood that these brothers who had died with him were deliberately trying to make him angry.

Okay, okay, don't you all know that this is for safety reasons? Everyone knows that sirens generally do not attack ships that are escorted by shipgirls on the route.

The bearded man before was Lao Ma's first mate. After everyone's whispers died down, he wiped the oil from his mouth with a napkin and said carelessly.

Hey, who told you that the monsters won't attack if the ship girl is there to protect you? Then why don't I just hire a destroyer girl to be the mascot?

Lao Ma rubbed his red nose and looked out the window behind him at the girls escorting him in the night.

The ones in Dongyun City must be those real humanoid sirens. You guys don't know how terrifying the real sirens are.

When I was in the Navy, I saw with my own eyes that the Sirens blew up the coastal defense fortress into rubble with one cannon. The dense cannonballs in the sky came down like rain.

They have similar appearance to ship girls, but they are much scarier than those warship sirens you brats have seen.

After Lao Ma finished speaking, a young crew member who had just joined their group said in surprise:

Didn't you see it, Lao Ma? Did you ever serve in the navy?

Heh, how else do you think I took you to avoid the big storm last time?

Lao Ma hummed proudly, and then continued to say in a rough voice:

Those monsters cannot be defeated by destroyer girls alone. Only cruiser girls can bring me a sense of security, do you understand?

Think about it for yourselves, how many captains are there left in the company who were at the same time as me? They are all reluctant to hire ship girls to feed the sirens in the sea.

A fat sailor with glasses and half a chicken leg stuffed in his mouth asked the old horse strangely:

Where did the sirens suddenly appear? There was no such monster recorded in the history books I read when I was in school. It's really unscientific.

And the ocean is so big, it's impossible for only sirens to dominate, right? What did the monsters in the deep sea do before?

Before Lao Ma could say anything, the bearded mate rolled his eyes at the fat man.

You fat nerd, didn't you listen to what Lao Ma said, those humanoid sirens can blast through a reinforced concrete fortress with one shot?

No matter how awesome those sea monsters are, can they grow stronger than reinforced concrete?

Seeing that the fat man wearing glasses was severely criticized, all the crew members laughed out loud with gloating.

Hahaha, don't tell me, before the sirens came out, there were sea monsters in the sea. It turns out that in the navy, I had to train emergency drills specifically for sea monsters.

Lao Ma placed the empty wine glass in front of the bearded first mate, who immediately picked up a bottle of strong liquor and filled it up for Lao Ma.

The sea area around our Oran is relatively safe.

Like the Leviathan group in the Great Trench of the Teaching State, the cow ghosts in the sea on the Nine Islands of Liaozhou, the Natlan Empire...

Just when Lao Ma was about to talk to his group of men, suddenly, there was a violent vibration throughout the ship, interrupting his words.

The ship's hull shook like a huge earthquake, knocking everyone off their chairs, and the wine bottles, bowls, chopsticks and dishes on the table fell to the ground.

What's going on? Siren? It's impossible. There's no sound of gunfire or torpedo explosions at all?

A group of people in the crew cabin were knocked unconscious. Only Lao Ma was the first to react, holding on to the fixed table legs next to him with a confused look on his face.

At this time, the sound of gunfire from the ship girls was heard outside.

Lao Ma couldn't care less about these men, he quickly looked out the window next to him.

And this sight almost made his heart stop for half a beat.

Under the flames of the artillery fire, seven or eight extremely ugly purple tentacles protruded from the deep sea.

These huge twisted tentacles still hung with kelp kept beating the ship girls who were firing on the sea, and whipped a ship girl away with just one click.

The main gun attacks of the ship girls hit these tentacles as if they were unscathed and did not cause any damage to the tentacles at all.

Ah!!! Then, what kind of monsters are those disgusting things?!

Some crew members had already seen the nightmare-like horrific scene outside and screamed in fear.

How could it be, how could it be, how could it be...

Lao Ma looked at these tentacles as if he remembered something.

The yellowed teeth in his mouth kept trembling with fear and making a chattering sound, and large beads of cold sweat fell from his forehead.

Old Ma! While those ship girls are holding this monster back, let's get on the diving escape boat and run away! If we don't leave, it'll be too late! Old Ma!

Amidst the continuous sound of gunfire and the violent shaking of the cabin, the bearded first mate barely maintained his balance on the ground and shouted at their captain.

But the next second, he saw the captain, who had always been stable, mature and omnipotent in their hearts, looking at them with a desperate expression as if he was trapped in death.

Even when they were chased by the Siren fleet, he had never seen the captain show such an expression of despair.

There's no way to escape, we're dead.

Lao Ma's voice was like a death knell, ringing in the hearts of every crew member.

Under the sea, we'll just die faster.

This is considered a natural disaster in the teaching country...Sea Lord Leviathan...

It seems to be to prove what Lao Ma said.

There was a violent sound of steel twisting above the cabin.

An ugly purple tentacle that was like a powerful force destroyed all the components on the cabin.


This cargo ship belonging to Tomahawk Military Industry was cut directly from the center by the tentacles.

The large ocean-going cargo ship made of thick steel was like a paper shell, erupting with a loud sound that resounded across the sea.

A few minutes later, there was no trace of the large cargo ship or the chess piece ship girl on the sea.

Only a few thick purple tentacles stuck out of the sea and twisted wildly, slowly retracting into the ocean.

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