Lin Lan hasn't been woken up by a cell phone ringing for a long time.

Ever since he came to the port area, he slept in the arms of his shipgirl every day until he woke up naturally.

For those who have experienced the social life of the civil engineering industry, this is undoubtedly the happiest life.

After arriving at the port area of ​​Lihu County, because there was no signal in this remote port area and the sky was high and the emperor was far away, he went to work and got off work, no different from taking a vacation.

Lying on the soft big bed, Lin Lan was awakened from his sweet dream by the ringing of the bell. He sleepily pushed away Blücher who was still pillowing on his arm.

As for the girl with creamy yellow hair, she was not awakened by his movements like a little pig, and changed into a bold posture and continued to sleep soundly.

No wonder I had cramps in my hands in my dreams...

Lin Lan moved his sore arms sleepily, and then picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table.

It was still seven o'clock in the morning, and a number without a note was displayed on the phone.

Lin Lan originally wanted to hang up the phone directly, as was her habit at Blue Star. Such calls were usually for scams or advertising.

But he quickly realized that the scammers in Oran have not yet developed to the level of telecommunications fraud.

So he cleared his throat and pressed the connect button:

Hello? Who are you looking for?

The person on the phone seemed not to expect that he would answer the phone. After two or three seconds, a middle-aged man's voice rang:

Is this Commander Lin Lan? Great, I am Feng Tao, the port commander of Lanjiang City.

Lin Lan was stunned by the other party's self-introduction, and he was half awake from his drowsiness.

How did the port commander of Lanjiang City find him?

Ah, hello, hello, what can I do?

Lin Lan asked curiously.

You know, Lanjiang City is quite far away from him.

It's okay if you take the sea route, but if you take the inland route, the distance will be infinitely larger.

He had to go upstream to the fork of the river where he went to Yalang City. After converging with a river called Lanjiang, he still had to walk about two or three days to reach Lanjiang City.

As the only remaining city among the six cities in the East China Sea that is managed by Tomahawk Military Industry, Lanjiang City is very close to Haifeng City, the headquarters of Tomahawk Military Industry.

But this is not the key. The key question is how does the other party know that there is a signal in his port area?

Just as Lin Lan was thinking rapidly, the commander of Lanjiang City, who called himself Feng Tao, began to say anxiously:

Originally, I have contacted the Admiralty Office in Lihu County, but every extra minute puts my girls in more danger, so I can only try to call you directly.

Fortunately, you have the signal. Tang Yanxing, the stubborn elm-headed man, has to wait for the Navy Department to issue him a rescue order before he is willing to attack. I am going crazy!

The other party's words revealed extreme anxiety, which made Lin Lan even more confused.

Tang Yanxing naturally knew that the port commander of Dongyun City was logically his immediate superior.

As long as he did not cooperate with the consortium, or if he tortured ordinary people in the jurisdiction and was sued, Tang Yanxing would basically not care about the commanders of the counties in Dongyun City.

Bismarck had talked to him yesterday and had an interview with this man who was loyal to the Admiralty while in Dongyun City.

The iron-blooded camp had saved Tang Yanxing's life before, and the other party had promised to cooperate with the iron-blooded camp to attack the Tomahawk military industry.

So, what is it that makes you contact me so anxiously? We have never even met before.

Lin Lan frowned. There must be something urgent for the other person to come to him in such a hurry, so he asked directly.

Then I'll make a long story short. You should know that our port commander sometimes cooperates with the consortium to send ship girls on escort missions.

But last night, the people from Tomahawk Military Industry told me that the signal of the cargo ship guarded by my ship's wife disappeared, and that location is the closest to your port area.

So Brother Lin, can you send a rescue team there to see if all my ship girls can come back? I will definitely give you enough reward.

The man's words from the phone made Lin Lan understand why Feng Tao was looking for him.

If nothing unexpected happened to him, the commander of Lanjiang City's chess pieces and ships might have been attacked by sirens.

It's not like you don't know that the Navy Ministry now strictly prohibits cooperation with consortiums. Aren't you committing crimes against the odds?

And I'm just a trainee commander. I haven't even cleaned up the sirens around my port area. How can I organize a rescue team?

Lin Lan knew that Feng Tao's ship girls were definitely in danger.

And no one knows his true strength now except Luo Tao, Jian Qianou and Fatty Sun Dewang.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is just a trainee commander who has just taken up the post. I am afraid that the ship's wife has not even reached double digits.

If he agrees directly, the other party will still be suspicious.

What's more, just the fact of cooperating with Tomahawk Military Industry is enough for him to refuse.

I... know that I will take the initiative to admit my mistake to the Navy Department and accept punishment.

After Feng Tao was silent for a moment, he continued:

As for the attack, I have contacted Yalang City, and Luo Tao promised to arrange for the commanders of the two Yalang City counties closest to you to form a joint rescue team with you.

I applied for a rescue order from the Navy Headquarters last night. It's just that it won't be until noon until the rescue order comes out. You will have all the compensation you should have, so don't worry.

Feng Tao finished all this in a low mood.

After listening to the man's words on the phone, Lin Lan thought for a moment and asked the most critical question that determined whether he agreed:

As the commander of the Dagang District, you should not be short of ship girls under your command. You could obviously choose to hide this matter, why would you do it to this extent?

After Lin Lan met Li Banangang, the former commander of Yalang City, he knew that commanders in big cities did not lack ship girls.

Those chess pieces and ship girls will faithfully execute the commander's orders. Obviously, as long as Feng Tao doesn't take the initiative to announce this matter, no one will know that there are several missing ship girls.

Because they are my most important girls and most important comrades, I don't treat them as weapons at all.

This incident was all caused by my mistake. I just want them to come back safely...

Even if they have died, I still want to bury them in the port area instead of being abandoned and forgotten.

I'm on my way to Dongyun City now, and I will personally come to thank you, so I really beg you...

Hearing this, Lin Lan already knew what was going on.

The other party is indeed sincerely repentant and attaches great importance to the chess piece and ship girl, so it is not a bad idea for him to be a smooth favor.

Just thinking that the port fleets from those two counties are coming here, the iron-blooded floating island fortress outside the port area has not yet been completed.

He had to go to Bismarck first and ask if the mirror sea function could be used now.

Otherwise, it would be troublesome if outsiders saw it.

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