Why do you suddenly want to make a vow to me?

Lin Lan looked at the petite girl with an innocent face and asked in shock.

Everyone has made an oath to the commander, and Sui Qiong also wants to make an oath to the commander.

Faced with Sui Qiong's extremely simple answer, Lin Lan couldn't help but twitching the corner of her mouth and asked:

Do you know what the oath means? This is something very important to your... machine. You can't just talk about it casually.

After all, if Sui Qiong's lifespan as a mecha is not included, she is still a child who was only a few days old.

Lin Lan doubted whether he really understood what the oath meant.

Zui Qiong understands that the oath is a very important ceremony. Sui Qiong loves Commander deeply. If Commander also loves Sui Qiong deeply, he will give Sui Qiong an oath ring during the ceremony.

After obtaining the oath ring, not only will Broken Qiong gain the power of the commander's love, but the commander will also do cruel things to Broken Qiong...

Before the girl could finish her words, Lin Lan hurriedly reached out and blocked her mouth.

When the Iron-Blooded Flagship Lord saw this scene, he couldn't help but cover his mouth and laugh out loud.

Where did all this come from? Who did you learn this knowledge from?

After Lin Lan stopped Sui Qiong from continuing to describe, he let go of his hand and looked at Sui Qiong with black lines on his face.

It's Sister Blücher, Sister Ron, Sister Prince Eugen, Sister Magdeburg, Sister Z16...

Okay, I understand everything.

After getting the answer, Lin Lan helplessly covered his face with his hands.

He could tell that in the past three days, the Hipper sisters and other iron-blooded ship girls had been brainwashing this simple Tyrant mecha mecha girl.

In particular, Blücher had the greatest influence on Shattered Dome. The fact that Shattered Dome was able to bring up the word oath so straightforwardly was absolutely inseparable from Blücher.

This child has been led astray by them.

It seems that he must not let Count Zeppelin and Germany come into contact with Shattered Sky, a middle-class misanthropic maniac and an arrogant female brat.

If this affects Sui Qiong's character, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous.

Listen to me Broken Qiong, this, the oath requires time to accumulate favor...

But Commander, Sister Blücher said that as long as Sui Qiong's heart is full of love for you, she can ignore the obstacles of time. As long as Commander loves Sui Qiong equally, she will soon make an oath with Sui Qiong.

you again! Blücher!

Lin Lan was about to retort, but he noticed that Bismarck beside him was smiling slightly and looking at him with eyes full of meaning.

In the game, the initial favorability of new ship girls who join the port area is 50 points (strange), but to make a vow, they must reach 100 points (love).

In order to make a vow with the ship girl faster, there are two quickest ways to improve your favor.

The first is to set up this ship girl as a secretary ship, and the second is to use this ship girl as a flagship to go out and refresh the map.

In addition to the above two points, putting the ship girl in the back house can also have a chance of improving your favorability.

Being stared at by Bismarck, Lin Lan suddenly realized that he had not even waited for two or three days to make vows with many new ship girls who had joined the port area.

And Bismarck was also one of the ship girls whom he had a flash marriage with.

I... we'll talk about this later. Well, we'll talk about it later. Sui Qiong, don't be impatient for now. The oath is a big deal. You have to give me some time to prepare.

Lin Lan was stared at by Broken Qiong's expectant blue eyes, and was also stared at by Bismarck with a smile. He couldn't say a word for a long time.

After all, it was the same thing in the game. When a ship girl or a machine girl offered to make a vow in front of him, it was really difficult for him to agree readily.

It’s a lie to say that you don’t like Broken Qiong. Who wouldn’t like such a cute robot girl who can fly.

Since he couldn't directly find any reason to refuse, he could only choose to acquiesce, saying that he would give him some more time.

Commander, you cannot deceive this child. I will testify that you have agreed to make an oath to her.

Bismarck walked forward with a smile, squatted down and gently stroked Sui Qiong's little head, and said to Lin Lan calmly.

As a commander, I keep my word, how could I lie to her?

Now that he has come to this point, Lin Lan can't go back on his word no matter what he says, so he simply looks away.

After all, he is the one taking advantage, and if you still act well after getting an advantage, you will be looked down upon.

However, Lin Lan didn't notice that the bushes in the green belt behind him moved slightly.

After moving forward, Lin Lan began to think about it. Since he wanted to make an oath with Shattered Sky, the oath ring was an indispensable item.

Logically speaking, he still had several of these oath rings when he last played the game.

However, there is a high probability that these Oath Rings are currently stored in his old port area and are protected by the royal camp.

After a while, he had to ask Akashi to see if this little profiteer still had any vow rings for sale in his store.

As kryptonite props, Lin Lan's vow rings were all purchased from Akashi, the red-pointed proprietress in the port area, and the little profiteer took a commission from them.

But just as the three of them were about to arrive at Akashi's store, suddenly, a violent explosion sounded like muffled thunder from the direction of Akashi's store!

What's going on?

Lin Lan was startled by the explosion, and Bismarck's face was also full of confusion.

So the three of them immediately quickened their pace, and soon saw a large amount of black smoke coming out of the entrance of Akashi's store, and even a small part of the back of the warehouse-like store collapsed.

Just when Lin Lan thought it was an enemy attack and was extremely worried about Akashi's safety, he rushed to the open space outside the store and was about to go in, when Akashi's crying voice came from inside the store:

Deutsch! Didn't you promise it wouldn't explode? You must compensate for the damage to my store today!

As soon as Akashi's voice fell, Lin Lan heard Dezhi's angry voice:

You still have the nerve to criticize me? You profiteer has definitely touched the accidental explosion-proof materials I debugged yesterday! I debugged them according to the safest ratio!

Where's the...evidence? You can't frame me without evidence, meow!

Evidence? What kind of temperament are you, a profiteer, that you still need evidence?

In the midst of the argument, Germany's ship-mounted mechanical dragon poked its head out from the door of Akashi's shop and slammed open the collapsed door frame.

Later, Akashi and Deutsch, who were covered in messes, walked out of the black smoke-filled store, covering their noses.

Deutsch, what happened here?

Before Lin Lan could speak, Bismarck looked at the black-haired heavy patrol girl in front of him with a serious face and asked.

Lord Bismarck? Lower animal?

It seemed that he didn't expect to see his flagship master and commander standing outside the door as soon as he came out.

Deutsch straightened the military cap on his head, coughed out two clouds of black smoke from his mouth, and complained in an angry tone:

I was originally going to assemble the guided artillery shells today, and I fixed the various assembly materials last night.

But this Chongying profiteer actually stole some of my safety and accidental explosion prevention materials!

Upon hearing Germany's complaint, Akashi, who also exhaled two puffs of black smoke, quickly waved his hands and shouted to Lin Lan and Bismarck:

It's unfair! It's unfair, meow! That workshop is my shop, and there is no way I can make fun of my shop, meow!

As a result, as soon as Akashi finished speaking, she was lifted up from the ground by the German ship-suited dragon with her clothes in its mouth.

Then you should explain, why are the mechanical tools in Magdeburg missing? Why are my drawings missing? And how come the mechanical dragon maintenance materials we put in the workshop before are missing so much out of thin air every day? ?”

You have to come up with evidence...

Faced with Germany's aggressive questioning with its shark fangs exposed, Akashi still wanted to defend himself.

But Germany said fiercely:

I've said it all, and what we know about you is the best evidence!


The poor green-haired kitten was lifted up in the air. Seeing Lin Lan and Bismarck staring at him with unkind eyes, he finally admitted his mistake:

Stop talking, stop talking. At worst, I'll compensate you for everything, meow!

Seeing Akashi's confession, Lin Lan smiled lightly and lowered his voice to Sui Qiong beside him:

You see, that's the consequence of being a bad boy. You can't just follow this profiteer's trick of tricking others.

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