Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 214 The Gold Content of The Lord of the Rings

After all, Akashi is already notorious among Lin Lan's major camps in the port area, and her wild goose-plucking personality is already well known to everyone.

If he were in another camp, he might just let Akashi take advantage of him.

But unfortunately, neither the strict iron-blooded camp nor the straight-tempered German will tolerate Akashi.

After watching Akashi call back Muscle Meow and Manju who were building the fortress at the pier and directing the repair shop, Lin Lan walked to Dezhi and asked:

How is your development of Shattered Dome's weapon system?

Dezhi raised his head and glanced at Lin Lan, then grinned and sneered:

Haha, lower animals, as you can see, those guided shells like the Donghuang missile weapons are in their final stages.

Hearing Dezhi's words, Lin Lan touched his chin. It seemed that they made the modification based on the missile equipment of Donghuang's guides.

As if to show Lin Lan the progress more intuitively, Deutsch waved her hand, and a drawing appeared in her hand.

This is our Tiexue's plan for the transformation and upgrading of the Tyrant mecha equipment. Come, let me pay my respects to you. If you don't understand anything, just ask.

Taking the drawing from the proud Dezhi, Lin Lan unfolded it and read it roughly.

I have to admit that Iron Blood Technology is truly the best in the world. These equipment drawings are so detailed that even Lin Lan can roughly understand the principles.

The tracking missile matrix used by the Tyrant Mecha is not as powerful as Donghuang's guided missile equipment, but it is worse than the saturation strike and fire suppression.

In addition, there is another weapon of Shattered Dome on the drawing, which is a melee weapon officially named the Sky-breaking Ion Blade.

Although this tracking missile matrix is ​​not as powerful as the heavy cruise-level main gun attack after being transformed through the mind cube, it can now achieve air-to-ground strikes compared to the original only air-to-air strike.

As for the ion blade, we plan to change its energy source to the Mind Cube, so that its destructive power will be even more amazing than Oran's energy source, and it can also be strengthened by our component materials.

Dezi described her methods of improving these two weapons to Lin Lan with great pride. At this time, Akashi also came over and listened curiously to Dezi's explanation.

Yes, let's continue according to your plan. If everything goes well, how long will it take to complete?

Regarding Deutsch's blueprints, although Lin Lan was not a professional, he could tell that through its transformation, the power of the Dome-Shattering Weapon System would make a qualitative leap.

The Broken Dome is originally a Tyrant mecha model that specializes in long-distance flight support. With an air-to-ground tracking missile matrix, wouldn't it be able to transform into a strategic bomber?

If this profiteer doesn't cause any trouble for me, it will take up to a week.

Dezhi took the refolded drawings from Lin Lan and glared at Akashi who had a profiteer's flattering smile on his face.

Then this matter will trouble you. If you need any help, you can ask Bismarck.

Lin Lan nodded. He was about to leave for Yunhai City in a week.

Hopefully, before he sets off, he can see Shattered Sky’s weapons getting a new look.

Bismarck, please help explain the cause of the explosion to the people coming behind you, and take care of Shattered Dome. I will be back in a moment. Akashi, follow me.

After confirming the development progress of the broken dome weapon system, Lin Lan said to Bismarck, then looked at the cute green-haired kitten girl and waved for her to follow him.

Meow meow...

Akashi, who had just blown up the store, thought it was the commander who wanted to punish her. He swallowed hard and did not dare to refuse. He quickly followed Lin Lan towards the direction where no one was around with an ugly face.

Since the explosion just made a lot of noise, many iron-blooded ship girls had already arrived here.

After Lin Lan and Akashi left, under Bismarck's explanation, the Iron-Blooded Ship girls who came behind also expressed their disdain for the profiteer's petty theft.

Of course, most of them are already used to it.

Akashi's notoriety is evident.

Just when Bismarck explained the cause of the explosion and thought everyone was going to disperse, he found that all his subordinates were standing still and did not disperse.

And they all looked curiously at the girl Sui Qiong behind them, which made Sui Qiong hide behind them shyly.

Sister, we heard that the commander wants to make an oath with this mecha girl. Is this true?

Before Bismarck could ask, her sister Tirpitz walked up to her first, stared at the girl whose head she stroked, and asked curiously.

That's what happened, but how did you know?

Bismarck frowned slightly. Logically speaking, only she and the commander should know about this matter.

At the moment, it seems that the entire Iron-Blooded camp is aware of this formation.

We just heard an explosion. U81 told us on the way here.

After hearing his sister's answer, Bismarck, as the iron-blooded flagship, could not understand what was going on.

These little guys...

She had no intention of hiding this matter, so Bismarck directly disclosed the situation to his iron-blooded companions.

Of course, they already knew the identity of Sui Qiong, and they were not too shocked after the brief surprise that Sui Qiong could make an oath with the commander.

In the old port area, due to the siren's troubles, guests from other worlds would occasionally arrive unexpectedly and live in the port area for a short period of time.

Even if he knew that the other party was not a ship girl and would return to their original world one day, the old pervert commander would still give the other party the ring of oath.

To be honest, there is a precedent in the form of the sailing tentacle ship Royal Fortune that came to the port area on Halloween.

Even if the commander now said that he would make an oath to Leviathan, they would not be able to accept it.

Lin Lan is known as the Lord of the Rings to everyone in the port area.

However, regarding Lin Lan's upcoming oath with this new companion, all the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls also began to put forward their own suggestions.

Since we need to take an oath, we must go to church, but we don't have a church here.

It was Magdeburg who spoke.

There is no church in the port area, but there should be one in the cities of this country, right?

The weak and well-behaved gray-haired light cruiser girl Nuremberg, who arrived in the port area in the same batch as Bismarck, held her sister Leipzig, who was also weak, and said weakly.

I've been to cities in this country that don't believe in that, and there are no churches.

Egil looked at Broken Qiong with his golden eyes, and spoke with a wicked smile.

Hey, there are no churches or churches? What should I do?

How about we build an iron-blooded church here?

This is too luxurious...but it doesn't seem impossible.

Everyone was busy discussing the topic of their commander's oath, causing a blush to appear on Sui Qiong's face, and he leaned on Bismarck even tighter.

Noticing Shattered Qiong's shy look, Bismarck couldn't help but sigh and said to the iron-blooded companions surrounding him:

You all should go back first. The specific matters of this child's oath ceremony must still be decided by the commander.

After hearing the words of the Chief Flag Officer, everyone said goodbye to the two of them, and then dispersed into the port area while discussing with each other.

After all, this is the first time the commander has made an oath since his return, so it is normal for them to have expectations.

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