Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 215 What is the longest road in the world?

As for Lin Lan at this time, he had already taken Akashi to the beach some distance away from the store.

Even after two o'clock in the afternoon, the weather was still sunny, but there was already a bit of chill in the sea breeze.

It is indeed almost winter.

Commander, I was wrong, meow. I promise never to steal everyone's materials again, meow...

Because he was called by the commander alone, but he didn't say a word on the way, the little profiteer became more and more worried, and even took the initiative to admit his mistake again.

Well, it's best if you have this awareness. Although I know that your nature is hard to change, I'm afraid this guarantee will not be valid until tomorrow.

Lin Lan burst into laughter. He was originally thinking about how Jian Qianou would ask him to clean up the house after arriving in Yunhai City.

Now that Akashi has taken the initiative to speak, let's talk about the plan to get money out of him first.

So Lin Lan straightened the collar of the commander's uniform around his neck, turned around and bent down to pick up Akashi from the ground.

Seeing the smile on the commander's face, Akashi felt relieved. It seemed that the commander was not going to worry about the explosion today.

As a result, just as she thought this, the next second, Lin Lan's words caused Akashi to suffer cardiopulmonary arrest.

Akashi, I remember that you should still have a lot of equipment boxes that have been painted by you, right?

Meow meow...then, that was all Shiranui's doing. I, I just helped her, meow meow...

Lin Lan couldn't help but be amused when she saw the yellow cat eyes of the little profiteer in her arms turning away, with an embarrassed excuse on his face.

No need to explain. I still don't know what you two profiteers have done? I'm not blaming you. Why are you so anxious?

Afterwards, Lin Lan briefly told Akashi his plan to deceive the Navy Ministry at the trade fair.

Hey, commander, this kind of thing is not easy. Let me analyze it for you slowly~

After learning about the commander's plan, Akashi's soul as a profiteer immediately ignited, swaying a pair of green cat ears and showing a sly smile.

Since the commander is already the big boss of the trade fair organizer, the rules of the trade fair are decided by the commander.

The income from a simple auction is too low, meow. I have rules here that make them want to stop, meow~

After hearing what Akashi said, Lin Lan hugged Akashi, let the little profiteer sit on his arm, and asked curiously:

Oh? Tell me about it?

First of all, Commander can come up with a piece of equipment that everyone desires extremely much, meow.

Then, we can make a lottery machine and use this piece of equipment as a grand prize, allowing people who attend the trade fair to spend money to buy the qualifications to get this piece of equipment.

Of course, in addition to this grand prize equipment, we can also put some other small rewards in the prize pool, such as blue equipment boxes, blue equipment blueprints, etc.~

Hearing what Akashi said, Lin Lan immediately understood what was going on.

As the president of the organizer, the Western Continent Scientific Research Institute, he naturally has the power to modify the auction mechanism.

Akashi's method is equivalent to changing the original auction of the trade fair into the krypton gold lottery mechanism in the game.

First, an extremely rare grand prize is released as the finale of the lottery pool, and then attendees are asked to spend money to purchase lottery qualifications.

Basically all the chess pieces and ship girls in the United States of Oran currently have white equipment, and blue equipment is extremely rare.

Then he only needs to take out a piece of purple equipment as the finale, put some blue equipment boxes in the prize pool, and the people in the Navy Department will go crazy.

But what those people didn't know was that the blue equipment box he put in was a white equipment box painted blue by Akashi and Shiranui.

Basically, only white equipment can be found inside.

I had to admit that Akashi's proposal was very good, but Lin Lan suddenly showed a strange smile.

Akashi, I think we can make some modifications based on your lottery pool mechanism.

Seeing the weird smile on Lin Lan's face, Akashi suddenly felt as if he was seeing a colleague. He tilted his head in confusion and asked:

Meow? Commander, is there any better way?

Lin Lan began to explain Akashi's doubts:

Think about it, if we use purple equipment as the finale item, and those who draw the lottery find that they can't get it no matter what, will they question whether we deliberately lowered the probability?

Once the number of draws exceeds their psychological expectations and they still don't get the purple outfit, they will choose to stop or make trouble with us directly. This is very bad, right?

Upon hearing what Lin Lan said, Akashi also discovered the problem and nodded blankly:

Then...Commander, do you have any other improvement measures?

Lin Lan narrowed his eyes and smiled:

We can change the lottery method of this trade fair to an online lottery through mobile phones, which will make it easier for us to operate in the background.

Since everyone will suspect that we have lowered the probability of the lottery, wouldn't we just disclose the probability of the lottery directly?

We made it clear at the beginning that the probability of the lottery is one percent, but the mechanism needs to be changed.

For example, the probability of drawing purple equipment for the first hundred times in the lottery is one percent. After every ten draws, the probability will increase by one percent until it reaches ninety-nine percent.

And in order to stimulate some commanders who think they are very unlucky to draw the lottery willingly, we can also set up a guaranteed redemption mechanism for the prize pool.

Lin Lan's voice was like a greedy devil, with temptation in every word:

For example, we can set up a special prop called the Ultimate Gem in the prize pool. Eighty Ultimate Gems can be exchanged for this purple equipment.

But with the probability of the ultimate gem, we can target everyone in the background and operate secretly.

Lin Lan paused and continued to explain to the already stunned little profiteer:

For the first forty pieces, we can set it to have a 20% probability of winning. From the 41st to the 70th piece, we can change it to 10%.

This makes people who feel that they are very unlucky think they can exchange for purple equipment through the exchange of ultimate gems.

“You have to know that once a person invests money and gets stuck in a quagmire where he can see the end, it will be difficult to get out.”

Akashi was stunned when she heard this, but she quickly realized that there was a problem:

Commander, there are only seventy ultimate gems. Where did the next ten go?

Lin Lan smiled and said calmly:

Starting from the 71st one, this person's probability of drawing the Ultimate Gem will be reduced to 5%, but at this time, a new prop called the Ultimate Gem Fragment will be added to his prize pool.

The probability of drawing a Supreme Gem fragment is 10%. Five Supreme Gem fragments can be exchanged for one Supreme Gem.

Then, when this person accumulates seventy-nine supreme gems, the fun begins.

Next, he will no longer be able to draw the Ultimate Gem and the Ultimate Gem fragments. In his prize pool, he will unlock a new prop called the Lucky Crystal.

The probability of winning the lucky crystal is very high, with a 50% probability. Twenty lucky crystals can be exchanged for one ultimate gem fragment.

Then when he changed to the fourth Supreme Gem fragment, he was only one step away from the last Supreme Gem...

We can give him a prize pool to unlock a new item with a 90% probability, called the Bingli Sword.

Ten parallel swords can be exchanged for one lucky crystal...but it doesn't matter, because at this time he has basically reached the final guarantee of 99% probability of winning the purple outfit.

After listening to Lin Lan's words, Akashi was dumbfounded, feeling like his brain was no longer full.

Even though she has been in the business of profiteers for many years, she has never seen such a lottery mechanism that is comparable to a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

And the scariest thing is that generally speaking, when a certain amount is drawn in the lottery, people will choose to give up.

But the lottery mechanism proposed by the commander will tell you directly that as long as you are willing to draw, you will definitely get this purple outfit.

Commander, where did you learn these routines from? It's so scary, meow...

After carefully calculating in his mind how many times he would need to draw the prize to get the purple outfit, Akashi realized that this would definitely be an unimaginably huge sum of money.

The little profiteer suddenly felt shuddering.

So Akashi asked her commander with a tremor in her voice.

Regarding Akashi's question, Lin Lan just smiled lightly.

In his vicissitudes of life, a mixture of regret, unwillingness and anger flashed through his eyes for a moment, as if he was recalling the past events at Blue Star many years ago.

In the end, all the emotions in his eyes were restrained, and he allowed the chilling sea breeze to slap on his face.

Lin Lan looked at the cute little profiteer in his arms, slowly smiled and said:

Oh, Akashi, let me tell you, the longest road in the world is the trick your commander once fell into...

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