The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. After a while, it turned out that the two of them had never thought of going together.

I want to say that everyone in Iron Blood already knows about your oath to Shattered Sky.

After an awkward silence, Bismarck quickly reacted and explained the reason clearly to Lin Lan.

Okay, let me just say that I take a shower every day and the smell is not that bad.

Thinking of the way the ship girls looked at him just now, Lin Lan couldn't help but laugh at himself.

After all, his sparring sessions every afternoon were high-intensity exercises, so he would come back and take a shower every day.

Sure enough, he was overthinking just now.

Just as Lin Lan was about to go upstairs, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Who would call me at this point...Sun Xiaozhu?

Seeing the name of the call on the phone, Lin Lan clicked to connect with some confusion.

He had already told Sun Xiaozhu that he was not allowed to tell anyone about the port traffic signal.

Sun Dewang is currently in Lihu County and continues to serve as Lihu County's agent.

With the cooperation of these two people, Lihu County has become a transfer station for Tianou Group to transport oil and cargo to other ports.

Commander, good evening. I'm sorry to bother you at this time.

As soon as he put the phone to his ear, Sun Xiaozhu's voice came from the phone.

What's the matter?

Lin Lan cleared her throat and asked in a calm tone.

Generally speaking, Sun Xiaozhu would not call him unless there was a very important emergency.

It's like this. Feng Tao, the port commander of Lanjiang City, has just arrived in Lihu County with his shipgirl. He said he wanted to thank you in person.

After I explained to him the current situation of the port area according to what you told me before, he is now waiting for you in the inner area of ​​​​Lihu County. Tomorrow...

After hearing Sun Xiaozhu's report, Lin Lan suddenly realized.

Feng Tao, the port commander of Lanjiang City, had previously said that he wanted to thank him in person, but he thought it was just a polite comment.

I didn't expect it to actually come.

This port commander of a big city is indeed a real person.

I understand, just tell him that I will wait for him at the Lihu County Navy Department Office tomorrow morning.

After Lin Lan finished giving instructions to Sun Xiaozhu, he hung up the phone.

I have to go to Lihu County tomorrow morning. The person responsible for the last rescue mission came to visit.

Looking at Bismarck who was waiting for him to finish the call, Lin Lan put the phone in his pocket and said.

Tomorrow's secretary ship should be August. I will inform her of this in advance.

Then please inform her. Then we can invite a few more people to go to Lihu County to take a walk and relax.

Today's Lihu County is like Lin Lan's back garden, thriving under the care of two partners with the same surname, Sun Dewang and Sun Xiaozhu.

It just so happened that he was also going to give Sun Dewang some relief in advance, so that this native of Yunhai could be his tour guide.

After deciding on tomorrow's itinerary, Lin Lan went upstairs to take a shower, put on clean clothes, and headed to the cafeteria with Bismarck and Broken Qiong.

And at night, even if today's secretary ship is the flagship of the Iron-Blooded General, it is impossible to miss the task of making love.

It wasn't until late in the night that the two of them hugged each other and fell asleep contentedly.

The next morning, before dawn, Lin Lan was woken up by the alarm clock.

Yawn~Bismarck...huh? Where are the people?

Lin Lan instinctively wanted to hug the beautiful woman next to her, but found that she was lonely.

And just when he lifted the quilt and was about to get up and put on clothes, he felt that the temperature was obviously much lower than yesterday.

Just after putting on her clothes and washing up, Lin Lan heard a knock at the door.

Opening the door, the person who came was none other than the Iron-Blooded Flagship, carrying breakfast and a black package.

What surprised Lin Lan was that there were a lot of white snow on the shoulders of Bismarck's black military uniform and the iron-blooded military cap.

Good morning, Commander, it's snowing outside today, so before I get you breakfast, I went to the warehouse to get you a cotton coat.

Bismarck's words made Lin Lan feel warm in her heart, and she directly opened her arms to hug the blond Iron-Blooded General Flagship who was standing at the door.

Bismarck, you are very considerate, thank you.

Ah, Commander, there is porridge for breakfast, please be careful...

Although he said this, a blush appeared on Bismarck's face, and his voice became lower and lower as he spoke.

After a brief intimacy with Bismarck, Lin Lan also put on the black cotton coat that Bismarck had fetched for him.

I have to admit that the clothes of the Iron-Blooded camp are excellent. After Lin Lan put on this black cotton coat, he immediately took a look in the mirror.

This cotton coat with silver iron cross buttons on the collar made his already upright figure look even tougher and slender.

The soft fabric soon made him feel warm all over his body.

Stop looking in the mirror, come and have breakfast first, and then don't forget to suppress the metamorphosis of Shattered Qiong.

Seeing Lin Lan posing in front of the mirror looking left and right, Bismarck couldn't help but smile and put the breakfast he brought on the coffee table.

Well, the Iron-Blooded military uniform really looks good.

After admiring his appearance after putting on the iron-blooded coat, Lin Lan smiled and sat down next to Bismarck and started eating breakfast.

The iron-blooded winter military uniforms are good-looking, but if you really want to go to severe cold areas, the winter uniforms of the Northern United will definitely be more practical.

Seeing his commander gobbling down the food, Bismarck smiled lightly and said:

Commander, don't eat in a hurry. August and the others are still in the cafeteria. You can gather at the dock and set off together.

After swallowing the bread in her mouth, Lin Lan looked at Bismarck in surprise:

Aren't you going to come along?

Bismarck shook his head:

There are still a lot of trivial matters to deal with today, so I won't be with you, but my sister will go in my place.

Well, after all, Bismarck, as the iron-blooded flagship, still had a lot to do, and Lin Lan would not forcefully invite him.

After breakfast, while Bismarck was cleaning up the tableware, Lin Lan went to the next room to restrain Shattered Qiong's metamorphosis.

In order not to have the secretary ship send him meta crystals every day, he directly picked up a bucket of meta crystals from the Iron Blood Warehouse and placed it in his bedroom two days ago.

Under the guidance of the Hipper sisters in the past two days, Shattered Dome's black wings can be retracted into the space of the aircraft like the ship girls' ship equipment when not in use.

After all, Shattered Sky is also a machine girl born from a Rubik's Cube. Although the original Rubik's Cube is a Yuan Rubik's Cube, she also has many of the convenient functions that a ship girl has.

Leading the sleepy Sui Qiong back to his bedroom, Bismarck had already packed everything up.

Oh, by the way, I almost forgot about this.

Just as Lin Lan was about to close the door and leave with the two of them, he suddenly seemed to remember something he had forgotten and hurriedly walked into the house.

He opened the empty bookshelf drawer, took out a small wooden box, put it in his pocket with a solemn expression, then quickly walked out of the bedroom and closed the door.

Commander, what did you just take?

Seeing the commander's solemn look just now, Bismarck asked curiously.

After Lin Lan locked the door, he turned sideways and looked at Bismarck, who was looking at him with a puzzled expression.

He suddenly reached out his hand and gently stroked Bismarck's smooth cheek, taking care of his slightly messy blond hair at the temples.

Referring to Commander?

Bismarck also raised his hand and gently touched the back of Lin Lan's hand. He didn't understand why the commander suddenly touched him so intimately.

But looking at the commander's extremely tender and cherishing eyes, Bismarck understood that the commander's behavior was definitely related to the things he had just returned to the room to get.

Lin Lan looked at the iron-blooded flagship with a shy expression on his face under his touch, suppressed the heaviness in his heart, and said with a slight smile:

What I just took may be just a worthless accessory to us.

But for someone, it's a weight of life that can't be measured in money.

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