Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 218 Iron-Blooded and Weak Sisters

Hearing what Lin Lan said, Bismarck immediately understood what he was holding.

After all, the Iron-Blooded Ship girls would write battle reports every time they went out. She already knew what this was from the wolves and had no choice to continue asking.

The three of them walked downstairs together, and as soon as they walked out of the main door of the attic, Lin Lan found that everything in the outside world was covered with a thin layer of white.

It was still early morning and the sky was not yet bright.

Through the light yellow street lights at the entrance of the yard, you can see small white snowflakes floating in the air.

As a native of Donghuang in the south of Blue Star, Lin Lan has seen snow falling only a handful of times.

Last year at Hongye Naval Academy in the Eastern Continent, because he had to avoid the persecution of the Sky Star Consortium, he didn't have much thought to enjoy the snow scenery.

Commander, I won't go to the dock. I hope you can have fun today.

After walking out of the yard, Bismarck suddenly took out a meta crystal and handed it to Lin Lan and said.

This is?

After receiving the meta crystal, Lin Lan looked at Bismarck in confusion, wondering why she gave him this meta crystal.

You may stay overnight in Lihu County tonight, just in case.

After hearing what Bismarck said, Lin Lan couldn't help but smile. It wouldn't take much time to get back from Lihu County, and Bismarck was too cautious.

After putting the meta crystal in his pocket, he hugged Bismarck and said goodbye.

After watching Bismarck leave, Lin Lan led Sui Qiong on the way to the port area.

He looked at the cute girl wearing only a thin white combat uniform and couldn't help but ask:

Broken Qiong, aren't you cold in what you're wearing?

The petite girl with white hair shook her head: Commander, Sui Qiong didn't feel the cold.

After getting the answer, Lin Lan shrugged and let out a breath of white mist.

He knew that neither Broken Qiong nor the ship girls were afraid of the cold.

But as their minds gradually change towards humans, they will also choose appropriate outfits according to the seasons.

Broken Qiong, when the outside temperature is low, you can wear thicker clothes like me.

After Lin Lan finished speaking, he decided to go to Lihu County to pick out some winter clothes for Sui Qiong today.

Of course, in addition to Shattered Dome, he also wanted to buy more winter clothes for his Iron-Blooded Ship girls.

Yesterday, the atmosphere in the port area was still autumn, but after just one night, Lin Lan discovered that there was already snow on the trees and green belts on both sides of the road.

But this should only be temporary. If the snow stops after dawn, the snow will melt away. After all, winter has not officially entered yet.

When winter really comes, I'm afraid the snow in the port area will be thick enough to make a snowman.

The two walked in the falling snow and soon arrived at the port area.

On the pier, there were already several Iron-Blooded Ship Girls waiting for him.

Through the lights on the pier, Lin Lan could clearly see the women from the Iron-Blooded Ship who were heading to Lihu County with him today.

Auggut, Tirpitz, Ruprecht, Emden, Leipzig, Nuremberg, Z16, U1206 and U110.

To Lin Lan's surprise, his ship's ladies had all put on winter clothes and did not wear the clothes they usually wear for sorties.

It's my turn to be your secretary, familiar~ Come on, come to me.

The iron-blooded witch August, who was today's secretary ship, saw him arriving, with an elegant smile on her face that was hard to look away from, and took the initiative to greet him.

Even though he was wearing winter clothes, August still paired it with black silk and high heels.

His perfect tall figure, stunningly charming face, and extremely doting tone made Lin Lan take a breath of cold air.

The witch who seduces people's hearts is indeed terrifying.

Ahem, you can come to me even if you are not a secretary ship. Since that night, I haven't seen you in the past few days.

As August gently held his free hand, Lin Lan coughed twice, and while talking, walked side by side with him and Sui Qiong toward the large group of people at the pier.

Seeing August's long, smooth gray-purple hair flying as he walked, the faint aroma reminded Lin Lan of the time August found him on the passenger ship.

It's not a good thing to have a witch come to your door, my lovely familiar.

August had one eye covered by his bangs and said with a very pleasant voice with a slight smile.

After saying good morning to his shipmates, August waved his hand and his white yacht appeared on the river.

August must have asked Egil to get it back yesterday.

After boarding the yacht and slowly starting the boat, Lin Lan sat on the sofa in the cabin and turned on the yacht's own air conditioner.

However, even though he had adapted to being with his shipmates during this period, it was still difficult for him to withstand the attacks from Emden and August.

What's more, there was a dissatisfied pink-haired evil dragon girl staring directly at him from the sofa opposite him.

I said, Rip... Ruprecht, you look like you want to eat me. I'm scared when you look at it.

Lin Lan was stared at by the pink-haired girl in front of him, and finally found a topic to joke about.

But Ruprecht hadn't spoken yet. Leaning on his shoulder, Emden Bai, who was wearing a white windbreaker, said with a smile:

After all, everyone wants to monopolize the human-san, but there is only one human-san.

Humph, he belongs to me anyway, and he can't escape from my hands, so I'll let you enjoy it for a while.

Ruprecht said forcefully, but everyone could hear that she was gritting her teeth when she spoke.

Well, compared to Ruprecht, several other iron-blooded ship girls can still restrain their possessiveness.

Except for Tirpitz, who was on the deck with Broken Qiong, the lively little lolita Z16, and the red-haired twintail U1206, who were watching the river view, Lin Lan couldn't help but take a few more glances at the two weak patrol girls.

The two sisters, Leipzig and Nuremberg, are both Leipzig-class light cruisers, and they are also rare soft-spoken sisters in the iron-blooded camp.

Sister Leipzig is a slender girl with short yellow hair and red eyes. She was the person who collided with Prince Eugen in the fog in history.

Originally, she had retired after many battles, but due to the severe war situation she had to return to the battlefield.

As a result, the poor girl who returned to the battlefield collided with Eugen within a year.

Prince Eugen was fine, but she was seriously injured and was later used as a sea fort and post-war dormitory ship.

Her skill in the game can reduce the damage caused by collisions between teammates and enemies [Safety first! 】, is the incident from which.

Noticing that she was seen by the commander, the lovely Leipzig immediately tensed up nervously and lowered her head, not daring to look at Lin Lan.

This made Lin Lan sigh inwardly, even after the oath, Leipzig's character was still too weak.

In the game, Leipzig would even speak intermittently after seeing him, and even fainted when he was too nervous.

Only when the ship-mounted fish is summoned does this poor weak girl reluctantly become brave.

As for Nuremberg, a girl with gray hair and red eyes who wears floor-length double braids, although her personality is slightly better than her sister's, she will not faint due to fright or nervousness.

But when encountering emergencies, he still speaks intermittently.

Nuremberg's appearance and figure are very different from her sister Leipzig.

This is because when she was built in history, she had exceeded the Treaty of Versailles that limited tonnage at that time.

Compared with Leipzig at that time, Nuremberg not only had a larger displacement, but also had an increase in overall length, width and draft, all of which were reflected in her proud figure.

At the same time, Nuremberg is also the longest-serving warship in the entire Iron-blooded Third Reich - although its service time after the war is counted in the Northern Combined Fleet.

During most of her service time, this gray-haired light cruiser girl served as a training ship, so she has a very gentle personality and is very good at grilling sausages.

Lin Lan often saw Nuremberg helping Ron in the cafeteria these days. During this period, the cafeteria also had a variety of delicious grilled sausage dishes.

But every time Lin Lan wanted to talk to Nuremberg in the cafeteria, he would avoid him with a blushing face.

He understood that Nuremberg was not avoiding him on purpose, but because that was his character.

Through the lines of Nuremberg in the game, Lin Lan knew that this equally weak light patrol girl had a certain degree of paranoia of persecution.

For example, right now, Nuremberg, who was next to Leipzig, was caught by his turned gaze. He also blushed and lowered his head, while tightly holding the hand of his sister beside him.

These two weak sisters seemed so out of place in the iron-blooded camp, which was known for its brutality and bellicosity.

At this time, Lin Lan suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a ship girl who did not appear in his sight.

Where has the silver-haired garlic shark U110 gone?

Just as he was looking around the cabin, he suddenly felt a heavy weight behind him.

Commander - play with me~

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