Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 237 The Third Generation of Robots

The harsh words immediately attracted the attention of everyone, including Lin Lan.

The door of a luxury car opened, and a pink-faced young man wearing a black suit, black-rimmed eyes, and slicked-back hair walked out elegantly.

Seeing this person's appearance, Sun Dewang's face instantly turned pale and he remained silent.

As luck would have it, this young man was none other than his previous competitor for director qualifications - Yuan Yongle.

You don't stay in your countryside well, but you dare to run back to Yunhai City privately and hang out with people from the Navy Department. Do you want to be completely removed from all positions?

Yuan Yongle completely ignored Lin Lan and the group of iron-blooded ship girls, but looked at Sun Dewang arrogantly and continued to speak mockingly.

Sun Dewang just buried his head silently and said nothing.

However, Lin Lan noticed that Sun Dewang was constantly trembling, and it was obvious that he was extremely angry inside.

It seemed that the arrogant and greasy young man in front of him did not know that he was the head of state, and Jian Qianou did not mention Sun Dewang's position back.

After Lin Lan came to this conclusion, her eyes turned cold as she looked at Yuan Yongle.

If you beg me, I might not report you to Director Yang. Think about it, if Director Su, who has been protecting you, knows about you...

Just when Yuan Yongle wanted to continue to mock Sun Dewang, he only saw the man next to Sun Dewang, a naval commander from a certain port area, snapping his fingers.

The next second, Yuan Yongle's words were interrupted by several murderous intentions that seemed to penetrate his soul. He stared at the beautiful, cute, but deadly ship girls around him with wide eyes.

Even without the summoned ship equipment, the murderous aura of the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls alone is enough to frighten an ordinary person.

When they were in Dongyun City before, Deutsch and Spee alone could control dozens of coast police officers with murderous intent.

And now, not only Deutsch and Spey, but also heavyweights such as Hu Teng, Zeppelin, Egil, Ron, Emden, etc. all have their murderous intentions focused on one person. How can Yuan Yongle withstand this?

As the saying goes, when you beat a dog, it depends on the owner.

With her hands behind her back, Lin Lan slowly walked up to Yuan Yongle, who was shivering and lying on the ground, shrouded in murderous intent. He knelt down, grabbed his hair, lifted it up, and said coldly.

Yuan Yongle, who had his head lifted by him, looked at the young face in front of him with a dull expression and even a hint of childishness in fear, and his teeth kept chattering.

He actually didn't even have the strength to speak.

Sun Dewang, come here!

Lin Lan suddenly shouted loudly, which made Sun Dewang, who was also shocked when he saw this scene, jump to his feet and immediately ran to his side and knelt down beside him.

Yuan...Yuan, Mr. Head of State, what are your orders?

This guy has a grudge against you. Now his life is in your hands. I don't care if you want to kill him or not. I don't want this person to appear in my sight again in the future.

Lin Lan slapped the person's head on the ground. Yuan Yongle was immediately smashed to pieces, but he still lay on the ground unable to move.

Thank you... no, Paul, I promise to fulfill the orders of the head of state!

Sun Dewang's face was overjoyed, and it was only then that Yuan Yongle realized who this extremely young commander was.

It turned out to be the head of state who was rumored to be able to easily destroy the United States of Oran with the help of ship girls, and who was begged by Director Jian to protect the Tianou Group at a huge price!

But it was too late to regret it now. Yuan Yongle never expected that Sun Dewang would actually get into such a big deal.

After watching Sun Dewang call his cronies in Tianouzhong, drive Yuan Yongle into a sack and take him away, Lin Lan didn't notice Dezhi walking quietly beside him.

The next second, the Iron-Blooded Heavy Patrol girl hit him hard on the waist with her elbow.

I'll go, Germany, what are you doing...

Lin Lan felt in pain and immediately covered her waist, looking at De Zhi who looked dissatisfied in confusion.

Inferior creatures, why don't you just kill the guy who dares to provoke us?

Deutsch's words also asked the questions in the minds of other Iron-Blooded Ship girls and cast their gazes.

Especially Ron and Black Emden, whose eyes turned red. Both of them are ship girls who don't mind killing.

Ahem, just let Tianou handle this matter internally...

Lin Lan looked at De Zhi and said this, but he blinked and looked at the cute robot girl Sui Qiong.

Didn't he just want to kill this guy who dared to provoke them with a knife?

But with Sui Qiong around, it might not be a good idea to kill Oran citizens in front of Sui Qiong without going through legal procedures.

Although the current laws of the United States of Oran have become ineffective for the rights class, at least they are still in operation most of the time.

Hahaha, I see, you are really thoughtful~

Dezhi immediately understood what Lin Lan meant, grinned and showed his shark fangs, and laughed loudly.

My lord, I'm sorry to make you laugh.

Sun Dewang watched the car with his former competitor leave. After standing by the road for a long time, he walked over with a smile on his face.

It is obvious that Sun Dewang's smile is not forced this time, but a smile from the heart.

It's just a small thing, just keep leading the way.

This incident did not disappoint Lin Lan and the others. Even Lin Lan didn't bother to know the clown's name.

Soon, under the leadership of Sun Dewang, everyone walked into the extremely luxurious villa.

The villa here is completely different from the one Lin Lan rented before in Yalang City.

The exquisite decoration and various complete facilities in the yard alone are not comparable to that of the villa in Yalang City.

What surprised Lin Lan the most was that after they walked into the main gate of the villa, several robot servants wearing butler clothes and about the same height as humans came out.

Huh, are robots developing so fast now? Do they already have home-use models?

Lin Lan looked at Sun Dewang beside him and asked in surprise. He had only seen service robots in docks, factories or shopping malls before.

Those robots are not very intelligent and can only perform some simple physical tasks. Their bodies are also several times larger than ordinary humans.

This was the first time he had seen a robot like this that could perform detailed work at home.

Not only are the joints more delicate and perfect, but the body shape is also consistent with humans.

Back to the head of state, these third-generation robots are the latest achievements of the Eastern Continent Star Group. Only senior members of the Zhuhai Chamber of Commerce can experience them first.

These third-generation robots can perform more complex and diverse tasks than the previous robots, and they also have certain autonomous artificial intelligence...

Originally, Lin Lan thought these household robots were quite novel. When Sun Dewang mentioned where these robots came from, he frowned and said:

Take them all away. Send all these robots to me to the Western Continent Scientific Research Institute and ask them to start copying them immediately.

Lin Lan had no idea that these robots were actually produced by the Tianxing Consortium, and he suddenly lost any interest in these robots.

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