However, Lin Lan hated the Tianxing Consortium, but he actually approved of these so-called third generation robots after watching them for a long time.

That's why he asked Sun Dewang to send all these household robots to the Western Continent Academy of Science and Technology for research, as long as these robots can become his own in the future.

Prior to this, there were two generations of robots in the United States of Oran.

The first generation is a Tyrannical mecha similar to Shattered Qiong. Although it has artificial intelligence, it is extremely large and is mainly responsible for attacking tough battles.

After the war with the Natlan Empire ended, all the remaining Tyrant mechas were sealed, but Oran's technological research and development of artificial intelligence has never stopped.

Soon, the second generation of robots was born, which are the service robots used most in Olan today, as well as the AI ​​system for autonomous navigation cars.

However, carrying this kind of artificial intelligence system still requires a lot of physical space.

Therefore, these second-generation robots are either still large and slow, or they are used as vehicle- or ship-based systems and are only used for navigation and radar functions.

After the Siren Disaster broke out, the research and development of artificial intelligence came to a standstill due to the destruction of a large number of cities and the political instability in the United States of Oran.

The Tianxing Consortium has now developed the third generation robot without any publicity in the media, so this is the first time Lin Lan knows about it.

He only needs to stay in this villa temporarily for a week at most, and he really doesn't need a household robot, so he just lets Sundewang take it all away.

Seeing Sun Dewang ordering the robots in butler costumes to line up and prepare to walk out of the villa gate with just a few words, Lin Lan said to Akashi who was looking at all this curiously:

Would you like to take one back to study and upgrade it for the muscular cats?

After looking at a butler robot for a long time, the little profiteer Akashi replied with a smile:

It's not that I can't do it, meow. Then I'd rather be respectful than obey, meow~

After that, Akashi waved his hand and put a robot into the ship's storage space.

But when Lin Lan looked at these household robots dressed as butlers, he couldn't help but think of the maid team of the royal camp.

Compared to these household robots, real maids are indeed more attractive.

Hehe, my Befa, my Dido, my Sirius, my...

Shaking his head, Lin Lan shook off the thoughts that flashed in his mind, and then said sternly to Sun Dewang:

Okay, you can pick us up again in the evening and make it clear to Jian Qianou so that he can do all the aftermath work tonight.

Hearing Lin Lan's words, Sun Dewang quickly nodded in agreement, and left the villa after making an appointment to pick him up at eight o'clock in the evening.

Director Yang is going to be killed tonight. Such a huge impact requires preparations for the aftermath in advance, otherwise it will easily paralyze the Tianou Group and make people panic.

After watching Sun Dewang leave, Lin Lan also turned around and walked to the sofa in the lobby of the villa and sat down.

The other Iron-Blooded Ship Girls and Broken Qiong went upstairs to visit the rooms in the villa. At this time, only Akashi was left by Lin Lan's side.

Akashi, cough, are you ready for the wedding dress I asked you to prepare for Sui Qiong?

Lin Lan asked as he looked at the green-haired little profiteer sitting next to him.

Meow, hum, how could I forget the commander's instructions? Of course I am ready, meow~ Even your dress, commander, is ready, meow~

Akashi said while holding his cat ears, he took out his mobile phone from his wide sleeves and handed it to Lin Lan.

No, Commander, what do you think? If you don't like it and want Donghuang or our Chongying style, I also support tailor-made ones~

Lin Lan took the phone and saw a picture of a brand new black suit and dress on it.

He dragged down and saw the white wedding dress and matching decorations prepared for Broken Qiong.

It's not bad, you have good taste.

Lin Lan smiled slightly and returned the phone to Akashi.

Today I'll trouble you. Go to the nearest church and ask if you can rent it to us for a day. It doesn't matter if it's more expensive. Let them clean it up.

Meow, wrap it up on me~

Akashi put away his phone and gave Lin Lan a wicked smile:

I have extensive experience in hosting oath ceremonies. As long as the commander is willing to spend a little money, I can make the oath ceremony foolproof.

Lin Lan chuckled and reached out to touch Akashi's head:

Okay, then I'll leave you to worry about it. Money is not an issue.

Just kidding, what he lacks most now is money, and anything that can be done with money is no big deal.

And Akashi happens to be a profiteer in Minato who can do anything if he has money.

Commander~ Come and take a look upstairs, these rooms are so beautiful~

As soon as the two finalized the matter, Ron's voice came from the stairs of the villa.

Here it comes! It's just a room, how beautiful it can be.

Lin Lan responded loudly and took Akashi upstairs.

As a result, as soon as he walked upstairs, he gasped.

Huh, you are really a bit tall...

I saw that the entire space on the second floor was actually filled with... holographic images!

It should obviously be indoors, but at first glance, this second floor looks like it is on a vast sunny grassland. You can't tell where the walls are unless you look carefully.

Lin Lan had already seen this kind of bathhouse equipped with holographic functions before in the seaside villa in Yalang City.

However, in this high-end villa in Yunhai City, the holographic space actually covers the entire floor.

Moreover, the holographic simulation here is obviously several levels higher than the beach villa in Qilang City. It even simulates the temperature of the sun, the fresh smell of the grass and the warm breeze so vividly.

Ron and Egil stood on the lawn not far away and waved to him. Lin Lan led Akashi and quickly walked to them.

It's so amazing, Commander, look inside.

Ron, the pink-haired eldest sister, smiled softly, raised her hand and pushed into the air in front of her, and saw a sofa, table and bed appear on the grass where the four of them had nothing.

Under the sunlight, it was impossible to tell that this place was a bedroom, but more like furniture that appeared out of thin air on the grassland.

It's quite interesting. Judging from the visual effect of the light screen, it's almost catching up with the mirror sea.

Although he knew that these holographic simulations were not comparable to the mirror sea, Lin Lan was still surprised that the United States of Oran could develop this level of holographic simulation technology on its own.

Akashi, I asked you to install holographic equipment in our port bathhouse. Have you developed it?

Lin Lan looked around and suddenly remembered that in Yalang City, he asked Akashi to install holographic simulations on all the bathhouses in Minato District. He couldn't help but look at Akashi and asked.

Meow meow, I haven't had time to develop this holographic simulation technology yet...

Akashi replied with drooped ears.

Lin Lan was not surprised. After all, they had previously focused a lot of their energy on Muscle Miao and Shattered Qiong, and it was normal for them to not bother developing holographic simulations.

It's okay. When the time comes, we will go to the Western Continent Academy of Science and Technology together. I will ask them to give you a copy of all the scientific and technological achievements.

Lin Lan said calmly, anyway, this is just the difference from one hand to the other, so it's not a big problem.

He was just about to walk out of the holographic bedroom, but he was put on his shoulders by two arms from behind.

Commander, why are you leaving in such a hurry?


Lin Lan turned around and looked at the girl with golden eyes, silver hair and red highlights in front of him with burning eyes and licking her lips, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

Egil, you've been asking for it the most in the past two days, and you're not satisfied yet?

Hehehe, I am the God of the Wild Sea, and my desire to possess you is higher than anyone else~

Egil smiled charmingly, but Ron on the side was not happy:

Egil, when it comes to my desire to dominate the commander, I am very confident that I am not inferior to anyone else.

Oh? Are you serious?

Seeing the sparkling looks between the two, Lin Lan swallowed and cautiously stepped back, hoping to take the opportunity to escape from the clutches of the two.

But just when he thought he could exit the holographic bedroom smoothly, his back suddenly hit a soft body.

Commander, where do you want to go?

Haha, the familiar wants to escape from its master. This is not a good thing.

The voices of Huten and August came from behind, and at the same time they drew the attention of Ron and Egil.

Lin Lan was glanced at by several eyes and sighed helplessly:

I haven't eaten yet today, I'm hungry.

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