Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 246 Western Continent Academy of Science and Technology

Tian Ming, who is now out on bail, has been at the Western Continent Academy of Science and Technology for less than a month.

He never expected that he would be chosen for the opportunity to meet with the top CEO of Tianou Group.

Hehehe, Tian Ming, you don't have to be so reserved here, just call me teacher like before.

The dean of the Western Continent Academy of Science and Technology stared at Tian Ming with a faint smile and said slowly:

Think about it, you used to work in Tomahawk Military Industry. During this time, many people had strong opinions on you, and you can see it.

If other colleagues see that you can be by my side and strike up a conversation with President Tianou, will they be able to cooperate with you more in the future?

Hearing what the old man said, Tian Ming suddenly understood, with a look of gratitude in his eyes.

The name of this dean is Sun Xingxue. He was the dean of the Oran Academy of Science and Technology as early as when the old regime in Oran was still there.

Now he has been engaged in scientific research for nearly forty years.

And he was Tian Ming's former tutor in the college who suggested to the top management of Tianou Group to bail Tian Ming out.

Thank you, teacher. I'll get ready first.

Naturally, Tian Ming knew that with his current slovenly beard, he would definitely not be able to directly meet with the president of Tianou Group at the Science and Technology Institute.

So after thanking teacher Sun Xingxue, he immediately left the office respectfully.

Sun Xingxue sat in his seat and watched the tall and thin Tian Ming exit the office. The smile on his face gradually faded and he sighed deeply.

His protégé was so talented and hard-working in the academy.

As a result, he had been busy with scientific research work and did not pay too much attention to his disciple, so he was recruited by Tomahawk Military Industry.

He never thought that his proud disciple would be harmed by the working environment of Tomahawk Military Industry and his personality would change a lot from before.

I hope it's not too late to remedy it now. Fortunately, he has not neglected scientific research over the years. The current working environment should slowly bring his character back, hey.

Shaking his head and expressing his heartache for Tian Ming's experience over the years, the gray-haired Sun Xingxue looked at the photo of the Tianou Group president that Sun Dewang had just sent to him on his laptop.

Huh? So young?

He couldn't help but be a little surprised and said to himself.

The president was also too young, and it was difficult for him to imagine how he could hold such an important position at such a young age.

That's all. In terms of government affairs, we can just let nature take its course. People engaged in scientific research don't need to think so much.

Sun Xingxue closed his laptop, stood up from his seat, walked to the wall and put on the white coat hanging on the wall.

Calculating the expected arrival time of the CEO sent to him by Sun Dewang, the young Tianou CEO of the Academy of Science and Technology is almost here.

I hope he can value scientific research and development and not be like those previous consortium presidents who messed around for profit.


The surrounding environment is not bad, but it is too remote. Yunhai City has not designated this place as a development zone, which surprises me.

Lin Lan sat in the passenger seat and sighed as she looked at the plains outside the window.

Broken Qiong, who was sitting in the main driver's seat, did not use automatic driving, but actively asked Ying to drive himself.

After hearing his words, Sui Qiong tilted his head, not understanding the meaning of Lin Lan's words.

The location of the Western Continent Science and Technology Institute is said to be in the outer circle of Yunhai City, but it is surrounded by an empty plain with very few buildings.

It can be seen that this area has not been developed in recent years.

If it weren't for the high-rise buildings in Yunhai City that could be seen under the clouds in the distance on the plain, Lin Lan would have had a hard time imagining that this remote place could actually have a high-end scientific research department on which the United States of Orange relied for development.

Hehehe, the Science and Technology Institute may be building in a sparsely populated place for experimental testing.

Egil, who was sitting in the back seat, was also looking out the window, arranging his long silver hair and saying with a smirk.

Lin Lan nodded slightly, saying that did make sense.

But at the same time, another question arose in his mind.

Generally speaking, it is normal for the experimental testing place to be built in such a remote place, but a science and technology institute of this level should have an office building in the city.

Even if it has now become a subsidiary of Tianou Group, it is impossible to say that even the external offices are set up in such a remote place.

Reminiscent of the fact that Tianou Group cannot keep up with the Tomahawk military industry in the application of Rubik's Cube technology. Most of Rubik's Cube technology's ship-mounted research results are sold to the Ministry of the Navy. Lin Lan had some speculation in his mind.

Of course, this guess can only be confirmed after he arrives at the Western Continent Academy of Science and Technology.

As he was thinking, Egil continued:

After all, if the weapons test is in the urban area, there might be some accidents. Didn't a certain profiteer in the port area do this kind of thing before?

After saying that, Egil's golden eyes glanced at the green-haired Sakura Loli who was sandwiched between her and Hu Teng in the back seat of the car.

Meow meow, it was Yubari's fault before, the responsibility cannot be placed on me, meow!

As soon as Akashi heard what Egil said, he immediately raised his cat ears and retorted:

What's more, your iron-blooded U73 came to help make the chemical weapons for that accident. Who knew she had turned the original ingredients into tea, otherwise how could it have exploded in the end?

Lin Lan couldn't help but laugh out loud as he listened to the quarrels among the girls on his ship, talking about past events in the port area that he didn't know about.

Yubari is Shige Sakura's light cruiser girl. She specializes in weapons research and development in the port area.

It can be said that many of the black technological achievements in the port area were developed by Yubari. At the same time, Yubari is also a cute black-haired little fox girl who can call the commander Master.

And U73 is one of the iron-blooded wolf submarine members, a lively and cute little lolita with long purple hair and red eyes who has the attributes of a sister (self-proclaimed).

In the game, the two costume-changing portraits of U73 are related to making chemicals, holding a test tube or a distillation glass bottle in hand.

It can be seen that this little loli who calls herself a sister really loves chemistry.

But listening to what Akashi said, U73's chemistry level may not be consistent with its love level...

U73 is still at the Iron Blood Fortress and should arrive at the port area with Frederick the Great and the others soon.

While Lin Lan was listening to the two bickering and recalling the hobbies of his girls, as Sui Qiong drove the car, a group of walls and white buildings appeared on the road ahead.

The Western Continent Academy of Science and Technology has arrived.

Broken Qiong parked the car firmly in front of the gate of the fence, and Lin Lan and his party also opened the door and stepped out of the car.

Since there were plains all around, the cold wind blew against Lin Lan's face, making him truly feel that winter had indeed arrived.

When two Tianou Group security guards in camouflage uniforms saw their group, they immediately stood upright and saluted with respect.

Lin Lan nodded to the two security guards and then looked up at the white plaque above the gate:

Western Continent Academy of Science and Technology of the United States of Orange.

From the guard room, two men in white coats walked towards them.

One person was tall and thin, wearing round glasses, and his face was not good-looking, as if he had stayed up late for a long time.

One person has gray hair and looks to be over sixty years old, but his waist is straight. It seems that he exercises regularly and is full of energy.

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