Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 247 Lin Lan becomes increasingly sinister (additional update)

President, welcome to the Western Continent Academy of Science and Technology to inspect its work. I am Sun Xingxue, the general manager and dean here.

The old man strode up to Lin Lan, introduced himself enthusiastically, and then shook hands with Lin Lan vigorously.

Hello Mr. Sun, thank you for your hard work in scientific research.

Since the other person was much older than him, and looking at his clothes, he could tell at a glance that he was a professional scientific researcher, so Lin Lan said with a smile.

You still have to be polite.

His identity as president was given by Jian Qianou, and the old fritter certainly couldn't expose his identity as head of state easily.

Therefore, Lin Lan felt that there was nothing wrong with him calling him that.

But in Sun Xingxue's ears, the young CEO's words Old Sun immediately lifted his spirits.

However, he did not show it. He just looked at Egil and Akashi behind Lin Lan and asked Lin Lan curiously:

Excuse me, Mr. President, who are these four girls?

Oh, they are my ship girls, and I am also the port commander of the Navy Department.

After all, the ship girl is much more beautiful than ordinary people. She is so beautiful that she seems to be out of this world.

Even if he conceals the identity of the ship girls, the other party, as the dean of science and technology who specializes in the research of Rubik's Cube technology ship equipment, will definitely be able to guess it.

Therefore, Lin Lan did not choose to conceal the identity of himself and the ship girls. Anyway, the identity of the commander did not conflict with the president of the Western Continent Science and Technology Institute.

You are from the Navy Ministry. It's hard to say that the Tianou Group is finally going to fight with you... ahem, okay, okay!

In the end, it was okay that Lin Lan didn't explain. His explanation made Sun Xingxue uncontrollably smile excitedly.

This old man seemed to be ten years younger all of a sudden, and even his tone of voice was no longer as steady as before.

However, Sun Xingxue soon adjusted his mentality and suppressed the joy on his face.

He turned sideways and let the tall, thin man with glasses standing behind him appear in front of Lin Lan. At the same time, he introduced Lin Lan:

Mr. President, this is my protégé, Tian Ming, a researcher who specializes in the field of Rubik's Cube technology mechas. He should also be at the forefront of the research on Rubik's Cube technology mechas in the United States of Oran.

Xiaotian, come to say hello to the president, Xiaotian?

Sun Xingxue talked for a long time, but found that Tian Ming was silent.

He turned around and saw Tian Ming looking at Lin Lan with wide eyes, as if he had seen a ghost.

Xiao Tian! What are you doing in a daze?

Sun Xingxue frowned and shouted lowly, causing Tian Ming to tremble immediately, as if he had just regained consciousness.

Then Tian Ming quickly squeezed out a smile, rubbed the back of his head and smiled awkwardly at Lin Lan, Sui Qiong and the other ship girls:

Hug, I'm sorry. I'm researcher Tian Ming. I've met Mr. Lin and all the ship ladies.

Huh? Xiaotian, how do you know that the president's surname is Lin? Have you met the president before?

As soon as Sun Xingxue heard Tian Ming's words, he immediately looked at his student suspiciously.

Ah, no, I, I didn't, I, I...

It was obviously winter now, and the cold wind felt like a knife blowing on my face.

But a dense layer of sweat appeared on Tian Ming's forehead, and he began to speak incoherently in a panic.

Especially when being stared at by the two tall and beautiful ship girls, Tian Ming felt as if all the secrets hidden in his heart had been seen through, and even breathing became very difficult.

Of course Tian Ming remembered the name of the young naval commander in front of him.

Because the first actual combat test of the three Rubik's Cube-powered mechas he originally produced was all conducted on this trainee commander named Lin Lan!

With the strength of Tomahawk Military Industry, Zhu Mobo, the general agent of Dongyun City, had already found out the name and identity of the intern commander of the Navy.

Otherwise, Ye Zhanke would not have made a sudden call to have one of the two task forces that went to occupy Lihu County suddenly turn around and attack the port area.

Of course, these two task forces were completely destroyed by Prince Ruprecht in Lihu County. No one was spared, and Tomahawk Military Industry once again suffered a heavy loss.

After that, Zhu Mobo suddenly asked him to be responsible for repairing the Tyrant mecha as if he had lost his mind. He no longer had time to find trouble with Lin Lan.

As for himself, he basically put this matter behind him and focused all his attention on the grand project of repairing the Tyrant Mecha.

Seeing that Tian Ming seemed to be too frightened to speak, Sun Xingxue had vaguely guessed something. He sighed deeply and looked at Lin Lan helplessly:

Mr. President, it seems that you and Xiaotian had some issues...

He did do a lot of stupid things in Tomahawk Military Industry before. Now he has completely realized his mistakes. I will definitely punish him severely, so please spare his life...

Listening to what Sun Xingxue said to plead for Tian Ming, he learned that Tian Ming once worked in Tomahawk Military Industry.

Then I thought about this person being a researcher on Rubik's Cube technology mecha.

Lin Lan still didn't understand who this Tian Ming was.

Before he arrived in Dongyun City, he offended an agent of the Dongyun City Coast Guard. Later, he was attacked by three highly mobile mechas at the dock and Germany and Count Spee.

At that time, Lin Lan had already guessed that this was a Rubik's Cube-powered mecha manufactured by Tomahawk Military through Rubik's Cube technology.

Although the three mechas were easily destroyed by Germany and Count Spee.

But compared to ordinary combat mechas, the Rubik's Cube-powered mecha, which had qualitatively improved reaction speed and combat effectiveness, still left a deep impression on Lin Lan.

This Tian Ming must be the man who made those three magic mechas.

Thinking of this, Lin Lan expressionlessly walked towards Tian Ming, who was already locked with Hu Teng and Egil's gaze, trembling all over and looking ugly.

Seeing this, Sun Xingxue raised his hand to stop the CEO.

From Tian Ming's face that turned pale with fear, he deduced that Tian Ming had definitely offended President Lin Lan severely.

At present, this speculation may be true.

But in the end, Sun Xingxue lowered his hands feebly, closed his eyes tightly and turned his face sideways, unwilling to see his student killed by this CEO.

Yes, in the Zhuhai Chamber of Commerce, a big shot like the president can kill ordinary people without any impact.

Because senior members of the consortium at this level already have power over the trial court.

Not to mention companies like Tomahawk Military Industry and Gou Ilia. Although Tianou Group is much better than those consortiums, it is no exception.

Sir, sir, Mr. Lin Lin, I was wrong, I was really wrong, please, please spare my life...

Tian Ming's pupils shrank sharply as he watched the young commander he had offended walking towards him with a sullen face. He wailed in fear and tried to escape.

But he desperately found that he didn't even have the strength to lift his legs.

Under the cold gazes of Hu Teng and Egil, Tian Ming felt like a small boat in the endless sea of ​​blood, so suffocated and so desperate.

Lin Lan walked up to Tian Ming, who was almost unsteady, and raised his hand.



He slapped Tian Ming hard on the shoulder, causing Tian Ming to stumble and kneel in front of him.

What are you afraid of? I didn't say I wanted to settle a score with you.

It wasn't until this moment that Lin Lan showed a smile of successful mischief on his face.

He smiled and looked at Tian Ming, a bespectacled man who was kneeling on the ground and gasping for air. He once developed a Rubik's Cube mecha at Tomahawk Industries and said:

You kid can do it. You can even build a Rubik's Cube technology mecha. Not bad. You are a talent.

That's right, Lin Lan actually had no intention of killing this guy at all.

Not to mention that he already knew that the broken sky behind him would have the chance to become a mecha girl after it was repaired at the Dongyun City Mecha Research Institute.

In a sense, this person can be regarded as making an indelible contribution to the birth of Shattered Qiong.

More importantly, his feud with Tomahawk will soon be fully understood.

At this time, Ye Zhanke, the boss of Tomahawk Military Industry, who was in Haifeng City, was on the verge of death.

The most critical point is that the attack on the Dongyun City Pier caused no damage to Lin Lan at all, and no innocent people were injured.

If the thugs in Lihu County were like those who forcibly arrested all Liaozhou people from outside the county and caused many people to be injured, then he would definitely not spare this guy lightly.

Being able to use the pseudo-mental Rubik's Cube provided by Siren to develop a Rubik's Cube-powered mecha, and even repairing the Tyrant Mecha, Tian Ming can be considered a ruthless person in scientific research.

Now that he has become a member of the Tianou Group, Lin Lan is too lazy to settle old scores again. It is better to let this person make atonement here in the future.

Seeing this scene, Hu Teng and Egil turned their eyes away and withdrew their hostility.

I always feel like the commander is getting more and more sinister, nya...but, I like nya~

The little profiteer Akashi stared at Lin Lan's back, as if he saw his own shadow in the commander, with a sinister smile on his lips.

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