Seeing that Lin Lan had no intention of pursuing the past matter, not only did senior Sun Xing sigh with relief, but Tian Ming, the person involved, burst into tears, and the grateful one almost kowtowed to Lin Lan.

Stop kneeling. I'm warning you. Don't worry about whether or not you have something to do in your scientific research in the future. Forget what happened before and be careful with your head next time.

After signaling Tian Ming to stand up from the ground, Lin Lan said in a deliberately serious tone.

Lin, don't worry, Mr. Lin, I will definitely devote myself to scientific research in the future and will never let down your magnanimity...

After receiving Tian Ming's sworn guarantee, Lin Lan looked at Sun Xingxue and said jokingly:

Mr. Sun, you can't let us stand here blowing the wind, right?

Ah, I was negligent. Mr. President, ladies, please come over here.

Only then did Sun Xingxue realize that everyone had been standing in the cold wind for a while.

So he showed an awkward smile and invited Lin Lan and others to walk into the walls of the Science and Technology Institute.

This is your first time, President. Let me introduce to you the deployment of our Science and Technology Institute.

The group of people walked through the white buildings, and Lin Lan listened to Sun Xingxue's introduction to the various divisions of the Academy of Science and Technology.

This is an above-ground research area. These buildings mainly carry out research on energy, agriculture, industry, medicine, biology... and other aspects of people's livelihood.

Sixty percent of the patented technologies in the entire United States of Oran were developed and born from us. It can be said that this achievement is inseparable from the outstanding scientific researchers here.

Look, the farms and fields outside the fence behind are the agricultural research and testing areas.

Sun Xingxue introduced it again and again while pointing to the back of these buildings.

Lin Lan saw from a distance a large area covered with transparent greenhouses and planted with various green plants.

In the distance, you can still see some buildings that look like breeding farms, which must be experimental areas for animal husbandry and the like.

At this time, he also saw many scientific researchers wearing white coats passing by them.

Either they hurriedly walked into the building with folders and information bags in their hands, or they were arguing in groups about some topic, and they were so engrossed that they didn't even see them passing by.

Although these experimental buildings seem to have not been maintained for a long time, it can even be said to be in disrepair.

But Lin Lan could feel from the temperament of these scientific researchers that there was a pure atmosphere of scientific research work here.

It's like a pure land untainted by the world.

Lin Lan couldn't help but nodded, this was the foundation of Oran's founding.

He originally thought that after the Siren Disaster, Olan, which had been seized by the Candle Sea Chamber of Commerce consortium, had abandoned its truly pure scientific research institutions.

Now that I think about it, it turns out that the United States of Oran, as one of the most powerful countries in this other world, still has some foundation.

Soon, under Sun Xingxue's introduction and guidance, Lin Lan and others walked into the only high-rise building with more than six floors in the center of the Academy of Science and Technology.

After entering the building, Lin Lan also saw that many scientific researchers on the first floor were conducting their own scientific research in front of various precision instruments in laboratories separated by glass windows.

When they walked into the elevator of this building, Sun Xingxue pressed B1 on the floor selection interface, looked at Lin Lan proudly and said:

Mr. President, the next step is the key point. Welcome to our underground Rubik's Cube technology research and development area.

The underground R\u0026D area is mainly responsible for the development of ship-mounted weapons, the development and application of Rubik's Cube energy, and the transformation of military mechas and other high technologies.

Hearing Sun Xingxue's proud tone, Egil's eyes flashed with disdain, but Lin Lan's interest was aroused.

He really wanted to see to what extent the United States of Oran's current research results on the Pseudo-Mind Rubik's Cube had reached.

When the elevator door opened, a scene of an underground research institute that was completely different from the one above appeared in front of everyone.

Under the white light, there is a spacious corridor that is spotlessly clean.

Walking into the corridor, Lin Lan saw many... weapons placed in the transparent glass partitions on both sides of the corridor.

To be precise, there are all kinds of real naval guns, carrier-based aircraft, torpedoes, and rows of combat mechs on display.

At least dozens of scientific researchers in white coats operate mechas and hold various unknown instruments, performing scanning-like work next to these weapons.

But it is obvious that the underground space is still too small, and the total number of weapons is not many.

There are even many areas that have not been completely renovated, and you can still see exposed soil.

I have to admit that the Mind Cube is the most powerful and complex energy carrier I have ever seen in my life. The energy it contains far exceeds any limit we know.

Next, let Xiaotian introduce me to the president.

After Sun Xingxue sighed at the energy contained in the Mental Rubik's Cube, he looked at Tian Ming, who did not dare to speak the whole way.

Lin, Mr. Lin, you must also know that the Mind Cube was first announced by the Navy Department of the Eastern Continent.

They built equipment and used the Mind Cube to build a powerful ship girl to compete with the sirens. Only then did we, Oran, finally have the power to fight the sirens.

After Tian Ming explained this, he glanced at the girls behind Lin Lan with lingering fear.

He really didn't expect that the momentum of the ship girl was so exaggerated, and her eyes looked like they could kill someone.

However, after being glared contemptuously by Egil's golden eyes, Tian Ming quickly looked away and continued to explain:

But we soon discovered that the Mind Cube has many other functions besides creating ship girls.

For example, if a huge weapon is modified into a ship-mounted weapon used by a ship girl, or the huge energy contained in it... Please allow me to use the term Rubik's Cube Energy to refer to it.

The Rubik's Cube energy can completely solve the problem of the mecha's energy core occupying too much space.

I can assert that as long as we can provide enough mental Rubik's Cubes for us to study, we can make the Rubik's Cube energy completely replace all the energy sources we currently know except oil.

We can even allow Oran to enter a new era through Rubik's Cube energy.

It's just that the more we study the Mental Cube, the more we find that the Mental Cube does not seem to be formed naturally, but more like it is artificially created...

Lin Lan listened to Tian Ming's analysis. Although his expression remained unchanged, he was a little surprised in his heart.

Because the facts are indeed as Tian Ming said.

Whether it is a pseudo-Mind Rubik's Cube or a genuine Mind Rubik's Cube, they are actually finished products created by the Sirens and their creators who have mastered the real Rubik's Cube technology.

It is mentioned in the big world files in the game that in the world where Sirens and Shipgirls were first produced, the manufacturing process of the Mental Cube was the result of research and development from meteorites falling from space.

The use of Rubik's Cube technology and Rubik's Cube energy by humans in that original world reached its peak.

Even the technology used by the Sirens to create the experimental world was most likely inherited from the human creator of the original world.

Lin Lan really didn't expect that the Science and Technology Institute of the United States of Oran could even extract Rubik's Cube energy.

Even in the future, Olan can completely replace ordinary energy with Rubik's Cube energy, allowing Rubik's Cube technology to be used in all aspects of military and people's livelihood.

Isn't this just like the humans in the original world, equivalent to an energy revolution...


Lin Lan suddenly felt a chill down his back when he thought of this.

He suddenly remembered something that made him horrified to think about it.

At present, all the mind cubes in the United States of Oran are pseudo-mind cubes created by Sirens and given intentionally.

But does Siren really know that the scientific research power of the United States of Oran is enough to extract Rubik's Cube energy and research Rubik's Cube technology?

If Siren knew this and gave the Pseudo Mind Cube to the Navy Department of the United States of Oran...

So is there a possibility that what the Sirens want is to pull the United States of Oran in this other world onto the same development path as the humans in the original world and their creator? !

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