Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 262 How dare you be called Sea Lord at any level? (2900 words)

These monsters are really easy to fight, but they are so disgusting that even the sea water is dyed this color...

After gaining a brief ceasefire, Egil couldn't help but look at the sea below his feet in disgust and complain.

She really didn't understand why the Siren would create such a biological weapon that was useless except for being disgusting and durable.

GuluGulu... Report to Lord Ulrich that a large number of Siren stalkers and Leviathan are attacking us under the sea.

At this time, U37, which had already dived under the sea, received a communication, and everyone also saw a large number of siren fleets and tentacles surging on the sea in the distance.

Hey, the warm-up is over, are you starting to get serious now?

Hu Teng's dark golden eyes were ignited with fighting spirit, and he chuckled.

Emden, Z23, Z46, the anti-submarine work will be left to you.


Egil, you and Ron cover Emden and the others for anti-submarine operations. Deutsch and Spey, you and Akashi guard Zeppelin and August. They can be mobilized at my command at any time.

no problem.

Using this time, Zeppelin and August have reorganized the carrier-based crews and are ready to deal with the Breakers, Advanced Sirens and Purple Leviathan at any time. Just let the mass-produced models carry out air strikes first.

Wolves, you guys are now returning to the mass production line for oxygen filling and torpedo replenishment.

Under Hu Teng's series of mission arrangements, the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls began to perform their respective combat missions in tacit understanding.

Their day-to-day combat drills in the port area and the fortress turned into efficient execution and silent cooperation at this moment.

Under Hu Teng's calm command, the entire Iron-blooded team continued to advance toward the deep sea in an orderly manner, even in the face of a large number of Sirens and Leviathans.

Yes, they were at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers. Not only did they not choose to rely on the attack area defense of the coastal defense artillery, but they took the initiative to meet the Siren main fleet and the Leviathan group.

Of course, the other chess pieces and ship girls will not back down. Their commander does not have an anti-jamming communicator like Lin Lan, so he can only let them fight freely.

Therefore, these chess piece ship girls will naturally believe that the iron-blooded ship girls are friendly forces, and choose to assist the iron-blooded fleet in fighting together to create more results.

At this time, Lin Lan, who was on a high-rise building, also noticed dozens of chess pieces and ship girls appearing on the beach.

Several port commanders also followed the chess ship girls and arrived at the shore in the face of heavy rain and strong winds, preparing for on-site combat command.

Hey guys, the death squads are here.

After Lin Lan saw all this, he couldn't help but praise him with admiration.

At this time, the port commander who dared to rush to the coast to conduct on-site command operations can definitely be called a death squad.

Because not only do they have to face Leviathan, but they also have to face Siren cannonballs or aerial bombings.

Fortunately, the Leviathan and Siren around the coastline have been killed by the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls, and the coastline has been recaptured. They are safe for the time being.

Just when Lin Lan was about to look away and look at the girls on his ship, he suddenly discovered that Qi Yue was also among the death squad.

This made him admire Qi Yue. This senior is so brave.

At this time, these commanders were looking at the dark green Leviathan wreckage and huge gun craters on the coast, all with blank expressions on their faces.

In their conception, now that Leviathan has landed, they will definitely have a heroic and bloody battle with Leviathan on the coast against the artillery fire of the Siren fleet.

The reason why Qi Yue also came was because she volunteered and said that she had faced Leviathan and might be more experienced.

But now, these commanders with their respective ship girls discovered that all the Leviathans on the coast had been eliminated, and the sirens along the coastline had also been cleaned up.

Those black and red battleships did not look like the Siren fleet. The ship girls from the port area of ​​Yunhai City also came to the sea to fight side by side with these black and red battleships, which is enough to prove that these battleships are friendly forces.

At this time, Qi Yue also used the telescope to see the iron-blooded ship girls using shark and steel dragon ship outfits.

Could it be him...

The black and red shark and dragon ship outfits of the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls were very obvious, and Qi Yue immediately thought of her junior classmate who had just lost her.

But Qi Yue couldn't help but think too much, because more Siren fleets and Leviathans were approaching from the distance. This number made Qi Yue and the port commanders beside her feel numb.

No matter what, that black and red fleet is helping us protect Yunhai City, and we can't let them fight alone!

A commander in his fifties was obviously the commander-in-chief of their group. After quickly analyzing the battle situation, he immediately issued an order to everyone:

Everyone, let your ship girls get close to that fleet and fight together against the invading Sirens and Leviathan!


There are hundreds of chess piece girls beside them, including destroyers, light cruisers, heavy cruisers and light aircraft carriers, and there are even two battleship chess piece girls.

After receiving the order, they all rushed to support the Iron-Blooded Fleet in the ocean under the orders of their respective commanders.

This number of chess pieces and ship girls can definitely be considered a strong force, and even Lin Lan can't help but be a little surprised.

But when he thought about it, this was actually normal.

After all, the Siren's attack coincided with the trade fair, and all the port commanders who could come from surrounding cities and counties came to join in the fun and take a vacation.

The chess piece ship girls he saw at the trade fair just now must be only a small number. After all, the commander cannot bring all his ship girls to the meeting.

Originally, it would not be a problem for the Iron-Blooded Fleet to defeat the Sirens and Leviathan. With these hundreds of chess pieces and ship girls, the battle should be over soon.

Just when this idea arose in Lin Lan's mind, sudden changes occurred on the sea surface!

Just as Egil and Ron, who were at the forefront of the fleet, aimed their main guns at the approaching Siren fleet ahead, preparing to fire.

hold head high……

A long, soul-stirring low cry came from the sea below them.

Ron, retreat quickly!

Although this strange chirping sound had no effect on either Egil or Ron, Egil felt something was wrong and quickly backed away while loudly reminding Ron.

Although Ron was belligerent, he was not entirely unreasonable, and he immediately retreated and distanced himself.

The two of them just stepped back, and five or six thick and long purple tentacles suddenly emerged from the sea where they were just now.

Compared with the other dark green tentacles of Leviathan, this purple tentacle is like a giant pillar holding up the sky, reaching straight into the sky and pointing towards the clouds.

The next second, the purple tentacles flickered with a strange bright purple light, and even the clouds above shone with a purple luster.

As the purple light spread in the clouds, a large number of purple thunder crashed down from the clouds in the sky, piercing the ocean, accompanied by rumbling thunder that resounded throughout the ocean.

Such a grand and sudden appearance made Lin Lan's eyes widen and she took a breath.

The sea lord Leviathan finally appears!

Although the true body has not yet been seen, even these tentacles are already as thick and long as Optimus Prime. So how huge must the true body of Sea Lord Leviathan be?

Moreover, this method of inducing lightning strikes is really visually impactful. Above the entire dim ocean, this tentacle glowing with purple light has undoubtedly become the focus of everyone's attention.

Egil, be careful! It should be Leviathan, Lord of the Sea, don't get hit by lightning!

Lin Lan immediately turned on the communicator and said anxiously to Egil through the communicator.

Oh, Sea Lord? You really don't know how to live or die!

But Egil, who received Lin Lan's message, not only showed no fear at all, but even had a sneer on his face.

The huge two-headed dragon suit next to her opened its ferocious mouth and aimed at the thick and long tentacles that were causing the thunder.

Ever since Egil was created from drawings by Lin Lan and came to this world, he has regarded himself as the God of the Wild Sea.

But now that such an ugly monster dared to challenge her dignity as the God of the Wild Sea, Egil was immediately aroused to fight. Facing the heavy rain and thunder, he laughed wildly and shouted:

Be swallowed up by the giant mouth of the God of the Wild Sea!

gnawing jaws!!


The rumble of thunder was instantly covered up by the even louder roar of artillery.

A row of blue large-caliber armor-piercing stray bullets carried two orange streams of light, tearing through the heavy rain and sea breeze, like punishment sent by the gods, bombarding these purple tentacles!

hold head high!!!!!!

Heart-rending howls of pain exploded from the ocean, and the purple tentacles that reached the sky disappeared after the explosion of light, leaving only a few purple pieces of flesh falling from the air.

What the hell, is that exaggerated?!

Lin Lan saw this scene in the telescope, his eyes widened and he blurted out.

He has long known that Egil is one of the strongest super patrols in the port area. His damage resistance is among the best and his output is also high.

But he never expected that Egil's strength could be so terrifying!

After all, the Lord of the Sea of ​​Disaster is synonymous with destruction in the Teaching Country. In addition, it may have been strengthened by the sirens. It will only be more powerful than the one that appeared in the Teaching Country hundreds of years ago.

But those purple tentacles that called for thunder and lightning were exploded by Egil at any time, and turned into pieces of meat on the spot.

It was only then that Egil's arrogant voice with a sneer came from the communicator:

What level do you dare to call me Sea Lord in front of me, the God of the Wild Sea? Hahahaha!

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