Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 263 Lin Lan: So many years in Hong Kong (2800 words, please vote for more updates)

Just as Egil was laughing loudly, a huge purple thunderbolt formed in the sky silently and struck hard towards Egil.

However, Egil didn't even raise his head. A rotating blue energy shield appeared above Egil, blocking all the purple lightning.

The huge purple current splashed in all directions, but it didn't hurt Egil at all.

Hehehe, you really trust my [all-round armor], God of the Wild Sea.

The sickly laughter of Ron, the scientific research patrol patrolman with short pink hair, sounded, and she was raising her hand to aim at Egil.

Isn't it already common sense in Minato to hand your back to your comrades who are fighting alongside you?

Watching Ron's skill shield hovering above his head dissipate, Egil finished speaking with a smile, then suppressed his smile and showed a hint of solemnity.

It seems that this Sea Lord Leviathan is not like the ordinary Leviathan and cannot be solved so easily.

And that was exactly what happened. As the sea surface in front of the two men slowly rose, an ugly purple monster that was several times larger than an ordinary Leviathan emerged from the bottom of the sea.

It would be fine if it were just like this, but what surprised Egil and Ron, who retreated and distanced themselves, was that the tentacles that had just been severed on the body of the sea lord Leviathan continued to grow again at a speed visible to the naked eye. out.

In just a few breaths, several thick purple tentacles grew back on the purple Leviathan's body, as if it had never been harmed.

On the upper part of the ferocious mouth of the Sea Lord Leviathan, eight golden eyes stared condescendingly at Egil, and the endless anger contained in them seemed to have substance.

Oh, Egil, you seem to have been targeted by it~

Ron looked up at the ugly purple beast, licked his lips, and teased Egil with a bloodthirsty smile.

Then blow out its eyes and let it recognize the reality.

Egil was stared at by eight golden eyes with mental damage, but he was not affected at all and looked at him with a provocative sneer.

Just kidding, let’s not mention that they are ship girls transformed from battleships and have innate immunity to mental attacks.

The scientific research ship built from scratch by the commander from the drawings was originally designed to fight against the existence of high-level sirens and metas, and has always been the trump card of each camp.

In addition to the mental flaws inherent in their birth, scientific research ships are difficult to metamorphize and only recognize the commanders who created themselves.

It can be said that in terms of spirit, scientific research ships have stronger willpower than other ships.

And with the commander's training and companionship, their mental flaws have long been made up for.

Egil, are you okay?

Lin Lan's voice rang out from the communicator. He had already seen the ugly behemoth through the telescope, as well as the purple thunder and lightning that sneaked up on Egil.

Haha, Commander You underestimated me, but this monster's recovery ability is amazing.

While Egil was speaking into the communicator, he also noticed that the Siren fleet behind Sea Lord Leviathan had reached the attack range.

Boom! Boom!

A dozen Ocean Leader IIs at the front of the Siren fleet launched the attack first, and several stray bullets hit Egil and Ron.

It's just that their attacks only tickled Egil and Ron. The two of them were even moving at high speed on the sea, avoiding most of the cannonball attacks.

At this time, there was also a dull sound of explosions on the sea behind them. It was obvious that Emden had taken Z46 and Z23 to start dropping depth bombs for anti-submarine warfare.

The Siren submarine fleet has reached behind them.

Egil, Ron, I am going to attack Leviathan with all my strength. Zeppelin and August's aviation strikes are about to arrive. After releasing the torpedoes, retreat immediately. The two gamebreakers are coming.

After receiving Huten's instructions, Egil and Ron evaded the shells and fired back. At the same time, they threw all the loaded torpedoes from the torpedo tubes installed on their dragon ship.

Jinsi Magnetic, a quadruple 533mm magnetic torpedo, the standard graduated surface torpedo in Linlan Port.

While releasing the torpedoes, the two of them also began to fight and retreat to the rear. Their mission had been completed, and it was time for the main fleet to take action.

But they wanted to leave, but the sea lord Leviathan didn't seem to agree.


Along with the angry howl, all eight giant pillar-like purple tentacles were raised.

Seeing that his lightning magic attack was ineffective, this time the Sea Lord Leviathan was ready to use his tentacles to beat the two little ones who dared to provoke it to death.

Just like what it did with the tribe these days.

However, this time it was destined to be difficult to achieve.

Dong dong dong dong!

Because their bodies were too large, Ron and Egilsa's golden four magnetic torpedoes dragged white tail waves in the churning waves. They all hit the target and hit the purple body of Sea Lord Leviathan.

A series of dull explosions were heard, and while a large amount of water splashed, it also carried a large amount of purple sticky flesh.

But the eight golden eyes of Sea Lord Leviathan were filled with human disdain, and his actions were not affected at all...


Sea Lord Leviathan suddenly found that its body seemed to be out of control, and its movements became extremely slow.

The sea surface beneath its body seemed to be restrained by something, making it extremely difficult for it to even move.

The eight pupils of the sea lord Leviathan immediately lowered their heads to look carefully, and saw that a huge whirlpool had formed on the sea surface next to its body, constantly pulling on it, making it difficult for it to move.

Idiot, just wait to die!

Egil's mocking voice floated from the distance through the rain curtain, and at the same time, a row of blue armor-piercing barrages similar to the ones just hit the body of Sea Lord Leviathan again, causing several pieces of his purple body to be blown out. A deep purple bloody hole.

Yes, this whirlpool is her masterpiece, [The Devouring Abyss].

When Egil, the God of the Wild Sea, hits an enemy with a torpedo weapon in battle, the enemy's movement speed will be greatly reduced.

But her skill can only slow down the enemy's movement speed, but it will not slow down the enemy's thinking speed.

A suppressed buzzing sound came from the rain curtain, and the dense fleet of carrier-based aircraft flying at low altitudes showed who the person was who slowed down the sea lord Leviathan's thinking speed.

The Iron-Blooded Witch, August von Parseval, who is on the fourth-stage research ship with Egil.

Under the influence of August's full-level [Insight Technology - Thought Mastery] skill, Sea Lord Leviathan could only widen his eight eyes, all his tentacles slowly drooped, and his thoughts became slower and slower until he was completely unable to move.

Boom boom boom...

The next second, a large number of aerial bombs and airborne rockets invested by Count Zeppelin and August's carrier-based aircraft fleet fell accurately like raindrops, instantly exploding large yellow flames on its ugly purple body.

Count Zeppelin's ship can already have two bomber equipment slots, all of which were put into XSB3C-1 by Lin Lan. The output is mainly bombers.

Coupled with August's skill [Attack Technique-Id Bombardment], in addition to being able to throw a large number of additional airborne rockets at enemies with light and medium armor, it will also cause an additional armor-breaking effect.

The huge purple body of Sea Lord Leviathan, who was unable to move for a while, turned into an orange light on the dim sea, and was completely enveloped by the flames of the violent explosion. Purple blood and flesh mixed with rainwater overflowed and splashed.

Such a saturated terrorist bombing directly stunned Qi Yue and other naval commanders who were far away on the shore.

Just listening to such a dense and violent explosion made Qi Yue swallow his saliva.

She even dismissed the idea that this fleet was owned by Lin Lan from the bottom of her heart.

Are you kidding me? Can humans really control a ship girl with such power?

And all of this is just the appetizer for the main fleet attack of the Iron-Blooded Fleet!

Before the attack of airborne rockets and aerial bombs ended, a golden barrage of bright stray bombs carried several terrifying large-caliber 460mm main gun shells. It roared with air waves and tore through the violent wind and rain with incomparable accuracy. descended on the body of Sea Lord Leviathan from afar.

Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!!

The bursts of terrorist explosions, which were more shocking than the explosions of aerial bombs and airborne rockets, made Qi Yue and others have to close their eyes and cover their ears.

Lin Lan, who was standing on the top floor of the high-rise building with Sui Qiong, was watching all this with a telescope, and an exciting smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

It's not over yet, there's another wave of attacks!

As if to confirm Lin Lan's words, dozens of torpedoes with white waves all gathered from all directions towards the body of Sea Lord Leviathan.

The cluster torpedoes dropped by August and Graf Zeppelin's torpedo planes arrived.

After a round of full bombardment by Huten's main gun ended, the huge splash caused by the explosion of several torpedoes directly pushed back several meters of the Siren Ocean Leader II that came from around.

Seeing this scene, Lin Lan suddenly recalled a classic quote from a villain he heard in a TV series when he was at Blue Star.

At this moment, he could completely adapt it into words that fit the scene before him:

Over the years in the port area, I have spent so many parts to enhance my equipment, and I have leveled up so many ship girls...

Aren't you just saving it for today?!

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