Lin Lan was following the two barbarians in the base with a confused expression, shouting.

He walked from the seaside to the main entrance of the base and passed directly through the fence.

Except for the huge White Eagle camp logo on the house, and the two Manchus who threw away their work and surrounded him when they saw him, proving that this is indeed the base of his White Eagle ship girls, there is no trace of him. Not seen.

Under the leadership of these two wild chirps, he walked all the way towards the four-story houses in the base, while looking at everything in the base.

Rows of evergreen trees, green lawns, 24-hour convenience stores, and a stain-free basketball court...

And a stage with several colorful lights?

Well, it really is a military base with White Eagle characteristics.

But the only drawback is that he still hasn't seen a White Eagle ship girl along the way.

Really, aren't his White Eagle girls really afraid of intruders?

In fact, what he didn't know was that before he entered the base and met Manju, he had been locked by the automatic defense cannons on several walls.

But these defensive cannons only aimed at him for a while, and then turned their muzzles to continue to guard other directions.

Saratoga had long ago registered his appearance in the defense system of the White Eagle camp when he was communicating with them through three-dimensional images at the Iron-Blooded Fortress.

Finally, Lin Lan followed Manjiu to the open space in front of these houses. He had no choice but to let go of his voice and call.

So where are all the people? Are they all out for patrol training? No way?

After shouting twice, there was still no sign of anyone. Lin Lan was thinking doubtfully and talking to himself as he looked at the two wild chirps standing on the ground.

But obviously, at this time, Manjiu had not yet evolved into sister Zibuli, so she could not answer his questions, she could only watch him and chirp.

Before he could take his eyes away from Manjiu, he suddenly heard the sound of the door being pushed, and then a gust of wind hit him.

The next second, he felt as if he had been bombarded. He was knocked down by a yellow-haired figure and sat down on the ground.

Mean, Commander! It's really you! It's really you!

Am I dreaming!

Before Lin Lan could react from this sudden attack, he was suddenly touched by the yellow-haired girl who was riding on him, touching his cheek with both hands...

Big tears rolled down from the girl's red eyes and landed on his chest.

Lin Lan instantly recognized who this slender girl wearing star-striped knee socks and a white shawl was.

Isn't this his father...

This is Cleveland!

As we all know, in the early stages of the game, Cleveland was one of the first choice ship girls for early players to push due to her excellent attributes, popular rarity, and powerful team-increasing skill [Strike Order].

In addition, due to the strong air defense power of Cleveland at the Minsk Shipyard next door, it is called Ke Daddy by aircraft carrier players.

This title was carried over to Azur Lane, and even the Sea Knight eldest sister in front of her would complain about not letting the commander call her daddy.

No matter how you put it, Cleveland was undoubtedly the biggest contributor to Lin Lan's pioneering work, and was also one of the first batch of ship girls to reach full level.

Lin Lan looked at Cleveland's face and wanted to say something.

But when he saw Ke's dad, who had always been confident and strong, actually riding on him, looking at him tightly, constantly rubbing his cheeks with his hands, big tears fell on his chest.

His words stopped as soon as they reached his lips.

This is Ke Daddy!

The No. 1 Cleveland-class ship, the target of countless White Eagle Sea Knights, the most perfect White Eagle Sea Knights’ elder sister, Cleveland!

And Cleveland actually... cried.

Lin Lan suddenly realized that all the words he had prepared were so pale at this moment.

Just as he opened his mouth slightly to say something, the face of the white-haired little loli who was still awake appeared in his field of vision.

Then a group of White Eagle ship ladies with faces full of surprise and joy surrounded him, tightly surrounding him and looking down at him from above.

Lafite, South Dakota, Fearless, Benson, Montpelier, Independence...

Lin Lan glanced at him and recognized the girls from the White Eagle Ship with tears in his eyes.

Cleveland pulled Lin Lan up from the ground, and five Benson-level girls jumped directly on him and hugged him tightly.

Hey, be gentle, Lafite, don't rub it on my clothes even if you haven't wiped off the snot from your nose...forget it.

Lin Lan had already experienced the experience of being surrounded by little lolita in Iron Blood, but it was obvious that the little lolita in White Eagle were even more enthusiastic.

Moreover, Benson was White Eagle's cute bunny-like little lolita. At this moment, she was surrounded by him and choked with sobs, unwilling to let go.

Although the eyes of the other sea knights were also filled with tears, they all stared at him, as if they were afraid that he would disappear in the next second.

Commander, weren't you captured by the observers? Why are you here?

As for his South Pang, South Dakota was also pleasantly surprised, but after all, as a battleship, she was mentally more mature than other girls.

At this time, South Dakota forced herself to stay calm and asked, but Lin Lan could obviously listen to the uncontrollable joy and crying in South Dakota's tone.

But just as Lin Lan was about to answer, she was slightly startled.

Does Bai Ying already know that he was captured by the Sirens?

But when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that this was normal. After all, Frederick the Great and the others had already arrived when he was in Yunhai City.

Including the time it took for him to return from Yunhai City to the port area of ​​Lihu County, the Iron-Blooded Camp should have been communicating with other camps about his arrest in the past two days.

It's a long story. In short, I 'escaped' from the Siren Stronghold...

While stroking the little heads of several rabbits and lolita who were close to him, Lin Lan briefly told the White Eagle Ship girls about his experience of escaping from the Siren stronghold after waking up from a dream with the help of Shinano. Explained again.

Although what he said was simple, it could be seen that in the eyes of his White Eagle ship girls, he had undoubtedly accomplished a feat.

As expected of a commander, he can even escape from the Siren stronghold. Isn't this just like the superheroes in the comics?

After listening to Lin Lan's prison escape process, Denver was the first to laugh and praise him.

Haha, that's the commander of all of us! There's nothing the commander can't do!

Cleveland had also wiped away his tears, and his face once again showed the confident smile that Lin Lan was so familiar with.

Lin Lan's face turned red after being praised by everyone.

In fact, he only had a near-miss in the Siren stronghold, and his escape process went surprisingly smoothly.

It's so different from a superhero.

Don't talk here, go inside quickly, Montpellier, you and I grab Manju and go to the convenience store to get more drinks and food. We must have a party tonight to celebrate the return of the heroic commander!

Columbia chuckled, and her words were unanimously approved by everyone.

A happy event like this suddenly comes to the commander, so we must throw a big party!

The difference between the White Eagle Ship Girls and Iron-Blooded became apparent at this time.

They are more cheerful and lively than the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls who are always strict and serious most of the time. They also have a very open-minded personality and will speak out directly if they have any needs.

For example, the lovely Lafite just opened his arms, looked at him with his eyes and said seriously:

Commander, give me a hug.

It was naturally impossible for Lin Lan to refuse such a request from such a cute little white-haired lolita. He bent down and held Lafite's petite body directly in his arms.

It seems like Nimi should learn more from Lafite about this good habit of taking the initiative to hug.

So holding Lafite in his arms, and closely followed by a group of happy bunny rabbits, Lin Lan followed a group of White Eagle Sea Knights, Fearless, and South Dakota into the lounge of the base.

After walking into the lounge, Lin Lan also saw the various entertainment facilities that the White Eagle girls usually have at this base.

Hey, your lounge here is pretty good. It even has game consoles.

Lin Lan, who was hooked by Lafite's neck, looked at the various comics, Coke bottles and card games on the table, as well as the handle connected to the big screen, and said in surprise.

It's just that the computer doesn't have an internet connection, and I'm so tired of playing single-player games...

Columbia complained softly beside him, while Cleveland smiled cheerfully:

Now that the commander is back, of course we don't have to continue stationed here. Will you still worry about having no one to play games with you when you return to the port area?

That's right. We can go back to the port area after the commander comes back!

When Columbia heard what the eldest sister said, she suddenly realized and smiled happily.

Of course Lin Lan also heard what they said and was in a good mood.

Originally, he had planned to come to the White Eagle camp in the Eastern Continent at the end of the year, but now he came ahead of schedule by accident.

What Ke's father said is correct. Goyilia is a consortium that started from energy extraction in the Eastern Continent. There is no way White Eagle is short of oil right now.

It won't be long before he can take the White Eagle girls back to his old port area.

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