Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 275 Why is it so familiar (2900 words)

Of course, the matter of leading the White Eagle Ship girls back to the old port area would have to be put aside later. He still had to convey the news of his safe return to the Iron Bloods first.

Otherwise, Bismarck and the Emperor's mother would go crazy with worry.

Moreover, he was also worried about the current situation of Broken Qiong and whether the observers had captured Broken Qiong.

It would be okay if he wasn't captured. After all, he didn't have to do the steps to suppress the metamorphosis of the machine-girl girls himself. It was also possible for the iron-blooded shipgirls to use mechanical equipment to smash the meta-crystals.

It's nothing more than a trouble spot.

But if Broken Qiong is captured by the Observers again, then it will really be...

Thinking of this, Lin Lan looked at Cleveland and asked:

Speaking of Dad Ke, can your base contact the Iron-Blooded camp?

Hearing this long-lost unique title, Cleveland, who should have been embarrassed at first, didn't care at all. He happily acquiesced to Lin Lan calling her this:

No, Commander, we can only contact the bases of White Eagle's other partners here, but Saratoga should be able to do it.

Wuwei, who went to get two packs of chocolates for Lin Lan from the refrigerator nearby, took the initiative to ask Lin Lan for help and said:

Commander, I will contact Saratoga now and tell them that you have successfully escaped from the Siren stronghold.

Lin Lan nodded, hugged Lafite and took the chocolate with one hand. He looked at the handsome blue-gray twin-tail ship girl wearing a black dumpling-level uniform and said with a smile:

Then I'll trouble you, Wuwei. You and I will go contact Saratoga together. It will be safer for me to explain the situation to them in person.

After saying that, Lin Lan put down Lafite Jiang who was holding him reluctantly, and patted Lafite's little head with a smile:

Just wait for me for a while. I'll go and make sure everyone is safe. I'll be back soon.

Well, Lafite is very energetic now. I will wait for the commander to come back.

Although the cute little Lafite still looked like she had not woken up, she showed a happy and pure smile and said to Lin Lan sensibly.

Lafite also understood that it was a big deal to tell the other companions in the port area that the commander was back safely, so she obediently walked to her Benson-level sisters.

Everyone, let's decorate this place together first. When the commander comes down later, we can start the celebration party!


Under Cleveland's shouts, several sea knights and Benson-level girls immediately began to decorate the lounge with high spirits.

Their beloved commander was finally back, and they felt filled with inexhaustible energy.

Seeing everyone energetically starting to clean up and clear the tables, Lin Lan smiled slightly and followed Wuwei and South Dakota upstairs.

Of course, as soon as they went out, whether it was Wuwei who looked serious but had a slightly red face, or South Dakota, the healthy wheat-colored skinned lady who was wearing cool and sexy clothes, they both held his arms tightly.

If they hadn't known that the two White Eagle Ship Girls, who had different looks and styles of dress, wanted to express their intimacy to him, outsiders would have thought they were trying to drag him along for interrogation.

Of course, compared to the proud twin peaks of South Dakota, Fearless must be slightly inferior.

But fearlessness left a deep impression on Lin Lan.

As its name suggests, this serious dumpling-class aircraft carrier is a brave, fearless and indomitable maritime warrior.

In addition to being given the proud fighting title of I in battle, she is also an out-and-out astronomy enthusiast.

Fearless's rich astronomical knowledge is probably related to the fact that she served as a return capsule recovery ship for the recovery of manned spaceflight twice in the history of Blue Star, and after her retirement, she became the White Eagle's Sea, Air and Space Museum.

But what Lin Lan remembers most is that this fearless person who looked rigorous and serious was actually a typical lucky E-ship girl.

During the war against Chongsakura, Wuwei, the third sister of the dumpling class, was struck by kamikaze four times. It can be said that every time she went out after repairs from the dock, she would be severely damaged and sent back to the dock for overhaul.

Although Wuwei relies on her tenacious fighting spirit to burst out with the most powerful combat power at critical moments every time, her luck is the worst among the dumplings, which is an undisputed fact.

This is reflected in the fearlessness of a ship girl, that is, she will always do careless things inadvertently despite being careful.

Feeling Lin Lan's gaze on him, Wuwei's face turned redder and he whispered:

Commander, watch the road carefully and don't trip over the steps.

Haha, you guys are holding me up, it's okay even if I trip and fall.

Lin Lan chuckled, and then noticed the high-tech style cloak button on Wuwei's chest that glowed with a faint blue light.

He asked curiously:

Fearless, I've always wanted to ask you, did you make this button yourself? Does it have any other functions, such as providing nanoparticle energy for your ship's equipment?

Originally, Lin Lan was just joking casually, because the cape button of Fearless had already felt to him very much like the nanoparticle memory of Iron Man in the White Eagle Marvel character.

But the slightly surprised answer in Wuwei's tone the next second made him really stumble on the steps.

I did this myself. Commander, how did you know that it can provide nanoparticles to my ship to help fight? I remember I never told you about this.

If Wuwei and South Dakota hadn't supported Lin Lan firmly, he would have fallen to the ground.

He couldn't help but stare at the button with wide eyes, shocked in his heart.

Is this really the same type of nanoparticle energy storage device that Iron Man wrote? How could Bai Ying's application of Rubik's Cube technology be so terrifying?

Well, if you think about it carefully, it seems normal that even Iron Blood can take out the floating island fortress...

Don't ask, just ask about Rubik's Cube technology, kid.

Anyway, he has to ask Wuwei to make one for him later, it’s so cool.

Commander, do you want to touch it? If I didn't summon the ship suit, the buttons can be touched by humans... Only you are allowed to touch them.

Seeing that the commander was very concerned about the buttons of his windbreaker, Wuwei hesitated for a moment and whispered to Lin Lan in embarrassment.

Well, this is her trust in you. She never lets us touch that button.

South Dakota, who had been silent until now, gave Wuwei an assist in a timely manner with a calm tone.

Hearing the words of the two White Eagle ship ladies, Lin Lan restrained his surprise. Looking at Wuwei who was looking directly at him with a blush on his face, he chuckled and said:

Let's wait until later. I will take a closer look then.

Lin Lan just mentioned it casually and didn't take it too seriously.

But Wuwei seemed to think of something and turned his gaze away, the blush on his face getting even redder.

South Dakota on the side looked at Wuwei with envy, his wheat-colored face also turned red, but he didn't say anything more.

The current headquarters of your White Eagle camp should be on that Xinyang artificial island. If I remember correctly, Anna City should be quite far away from Xinyang City. Why were you sent here?

While talking, the three of them also arrived on the fourth floor.

Lin Lan looked at the sunny ocean outside the corridor window and asked curiously.

The original purpose was to find you. After we arrived on this continent, we spread out and were able to be more efficient.

It was South Dakota who answered Lin Lan. The calm Indian battleship girl hugged Lin Lan's arm tightly, letting Lin Lan's arm be clamped on her chest, and continued:

In the process of looking for you, one of the most powerful consortiums in this country, the Goiliya Consortium, first conducted normal trade with us, but then they actually dared to try to deceive us.

After finding the evidence, we directly destroyed their headquarters and took over everything in this consortium... including the jurisdiction of various cities, oil fields and factories everywhere.

After learning that you were found by Iron-Blooded, Saratoga asked our search fleets to set up bases near Goilia's oil fields, mainly to protect the smooth exploitation of oil and supervise the nearby Siren fleet.

After all, we all know that the commander will need a lot of oil to bring other camps back to the port area in the future, so we don't have any objections.

Of course, ensuring that the general agents of the Goiliya Consortium in cities around the base obey our orders honestly is also one of our main responsibilities when stationed at the base.

Hearing this, Lin Lan couldn't help but be stunned.

Why did the actions of the girls on his White Eagle ship make him feel so familiar?

I always feel like there is something missing...

By the way, it would be perfect to have another powerful BGM song that makes White Eagle great again.

Of course, all joking aside, Lin Lan had absolutely no objection to his White Eagle girls doing this. It would be better to say that he would do the same thing if it were him.

Based on his previous knowledge of the Gouliya Consortium's evil practices when he was at Hongye Naval Academy, I'm afraid South Dakota's word cheating is considered an understatement.

His ship girls don't have any bad intentions in the first place, not to mention they are the most open-minded White Eagle camp in the port area.

Oh, Marco Polo, who wants to restore the glory of the Sardinian Empire at this moment, should focus on mentioning that this guy has bad intentions.

But all in all, based on his understanding of Saratoga and the others, if the other party hadn't gone too far and pushed them into a hurry, how could they have directly attacked Gouliya and turned such a large consortium into a vassal?

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