Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 290: York City Level Full of Loyalists (2800 words)

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Lan saw a girl with double ponytails and floor-length blond hair wearing a black cowboy hat appear at the door.

Green eyes, a vibrant black midriff-baring halter top and a black and yellow motorcycle jacket, paired with hot pants and black stockings...

It was Yorktown's feisty cowboy girl, his Bumblebee.

As soon as he saw Lin Lan, who was already walking down the ground with the support of the enterprise, Bumblebee jumped up with joy and swooped directly towards him.

Commander! Are you finally awake?! You actually let Enterprise Sister take the lead!!

Wait a minute, wait a minute...

Lin Lan secretly thought something was wrong as soon as he saw Bumblebee's eager swooping posture, but it was too late to stop him.


He and Enterprise were immediately hugged by Bumblebee, who was so excited that he even dropped his hat on the floor, with open arms, and lay back on the bed.

I finally stood up...

Fortunately, the recovery effect of the hero's skills was efficient enough, and the porridge he had just eaten had already given him some strength.

Otherwise, just one powerful swoop from the bumblebee would cost him half his life.

Bumblebee, Commander just woke up. He is very weak. Please pay attention to your strength.

The company had naturally determined that Bumblebee's pounce would not cause harm to the commander, but it still reminded the little girl with a little seriousness, who hugged her and the commander tightly together and pressed them on the bed.

After hearing what the company said, Bumblebee let go of the two of them with an embarrassed look, sat on Lin Lan, smiled and stretched out his hands to rub Lin Lan's face, and said with a bright giggle:

Ah, I forgot about this. I'm so excited to see the commander wake up, hehehe~

Seeing Bumblebee being so enthusiastic and clinging to him, Lin Lan helplessly allowed Bumblebee to act coquettishly towards him, with a smile on his lips.

This beautiful and hot cowboy is still as straightforward as in the game.

The third Yorktown-class ship Hornet, as the younger sister of Yorktown and Enterprise, she once cared too much about the pressure her sisters put on her.

But later in her personal plot, with the help of Lin Lan, she got out of this knot, and at the same time she expressed her love to the commander very frankly.

Of course, Bumblebee, like Enterprise and York City, is a ship girl that was installed when the game was launched. She joined Lin Lan's port area when he was still a newbie.

And because she was sunk by the Sakura Fleet in the history of Blue Star, the current Hornet ship has been reborn through the fusion of the keel of the Essex-class ship and Type II ship technology.

Well~ Commander, how on earth did you change back to your youthful appearance? It's really amazing. As expected, you are still likeable with this pure and handsome appearance~

While Bumblebee was ravaging Lin Lan's cheek crazily, Enterprise suddenly poked Bumblebee's side and said with a smile:

Bumblebee, there will be plenty of time for you to play with the commander later, but you are blocking my sister.

Lin Lan was slightly startled when he heard Enterprise's words, and Bumblebee immediately stopped what he was doing and hurriedly got off Lin Lan.

Ouch! I'm too excited, Commander, look who's here~

As Bumblebee stepped away with a smile, Lin Lan saw a graceful shipgirl with long silver-white hair standing at the door, wearing a white dress, covering her mouth and looking at him without saying a word.

Yorktown, Mrs. York.

This was the Yorktown-class No. 1 ship that he couldn't help but caress his face every time he saw it in the game interface.

Commander...Long time no see...

Such a gentle voice, such simple words.

Lin Lan looked at the beautiful woman who stood at the door and stared at him deeply, with tears falling from the corners of her eyes and falling to the ground. There were so many things she wanted to say, but she couldn't speak no matter what.

Too many memories flashed through his mind in the brief silence of this moment.

When York City joined his port as a ship girl, she had never known the history of battleships. Lin Lan, who was still a student, was intrigued by York City's passive and even inferior lines.

As a ship girl, why is she different from other ship girls, why is she so negative, as if she has closed her heart?

With this question in mind, Lin Lan, who skipped the main plot of the game, began to look up the history of York City online. This was also the first time he looked up the past of his shipmates.

But this look deeply touched his heart.

USS Yorktown, CV-5.

In the early Pacific War, facing the menacing Sakura Fleet, York City participated in the first aircraft carrier duel - the Battle of the Coral Sea, and suffered heavy losses.

Afterwards, Yorktown, which was not fully repaired, once again participated in the Battle of Midway.

Facing the Chongsakura Fleet, which had an absolute advantage in the Pacific at that time, the three York City-class sisters embarked on this tragic battlefield with the expectations of countless people.

Before that, Lin Lan only knew that the White Eagle Fleet had won the final victory, reversing the war situation that was extremely dangerous for White Eagle at that time.

But when he saw that York City met its end in this battle, he suddenly became stunned.

After York City was severely damaged by the Sakura Fleet, even though it had tilted seriously, it still stood strong and did not sink, waiting for rescue.

The destroyer Hamann has been waiting beside the seriously injured Yorktown to protect it, and provided power to Yorktown for rescue.

But in the afternoon, the Chongsakura submarine I168 discovered the seriously injured York City and launched a fatal torpedo towards York City.

In order to protect York City, Hamann, who discovered the torpedo attack, desperately attacked the torpedo with his main gun and tried to detonate the torpedo, but all in vain.

Hamann finally used her petite body to stand between the immobile York City and the torpedo, and was eventually blown up by the torpedo and sank.

The remaining torpedoes also gave York City the final blow.

This Yorktown-class No. 1 ship, which carried White Eagle's will and fought bravely against the huge Shige Sakura fleet, suffered a fatal blow, dragged its seriously injured body for two days, and finally slowly sank to the bottom of the sea. .

Lin Lan didn't know what York City was thinking in the last two days of her life.

Are you worried about how your sisters will face the Chongsakura Fleet in the cruel war in the future?

Or are you crying for this Haman who gave his life to protect her who was paralyzed?

But when he reached this point while reading the historical information, he burst into tears.

He also understood why York City, who had joined his port area, said those words.

For the first time, Lin Lan realized the sad stories hidden behind those wars that were briefly mentioned in history textbooks.

And after he read the history of Bumblebee, he was even more shocked.

In the Battle of Santa Cruz after the Battle of Midway, Bumblebee, the youngest of the three Yorktown-class sisters who was the famous initiator of the Doolittle Raid, also experienced the same fate as her elder sister.

In the battlefield, Hornet, who was severely injured and paralyzed by the cluster fire of Zhongsakura carrier-based aircraft, originally wanted to give up the struggle.

However, her frigate Heavy Patrol Northampton has been braving heavy bombings from Sakura's carrier-based aircraft, covering her with anti-aircraft guns, and trying again and again to drag her away from the battlefield.

But after seeing the Chongsakura fleet chasing after them, Bumblebee forced Northampton to leave in despair, and chose to stay where he was.

In the end, this York City-level girl, who had made great military exploits with her eldest sister York City and her second sister Enterprise, was completely sunk by the pursuing Chongsakura fleet.

Since then, the Enterprise, still under repair, has become White Eagle's only aircraft carrier in the South Pacific, and her two sisters have left her.

Before she had time to grieve, all the burden fell on her alone.

It is precisely because of this critical situation that the company, which is fighting alone, is forced to let the goddess of the kitchen go to the battlefield with her, making a declaration of Corporate VS Chongsakura, repairing and fighting at the same time.

Lin Lan already knew the story of the company after that.

The company that led the Essex-class juniors who joined the battlefield and eventually won the war became White Eagle's legendary ship, winning countless medals and military honors, achieving countless victories, and receiving numerous prestigious nicknames.

But everything the company did could not bring back her beloved sisters, and she was eventually dismantled by Bai Ying alone.

The whole family is loyal to the city of York, and it is also a comment left by the author who compiled the information online.

Precisely because it touched Lin Lan so much, Lin Lan took almost every possible care of the low self-esteem and negative York City.

Since God had given him the opportunity to reunite the three sisters from York City in his port area, he would never let those past events happen again.

He vowed silently in his heart that he would definitely make York City, which was stuck in the quagmire of historical memories of the past and difficult to get out of, bloom a happy smile again.

As time passed day by day, with his care and companionship, York City gradually opened up to him and trusted him more and more.

Until that day, Lin Lan finally put on the vow ring she had saved frugally for York City.

He finally saw the silver-haired ship girl who had once closed her heart to the York City-level eldest sister, and she showed him a gentle smile.

This smile gradually overlapped with the face of the beautiful ship girl who stood in front of him and wiped her tears with a smile.

I once fell into the abyss of darkness. It was Commander you who gave me light and pulled me back.

So now it's my turn...let me bring you the freedom and peace that the name York represents.

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