Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 291 The Gouliya Consortium seeking death

Now, the gentle and watery York City in front of us has gained new strength by relying on the Type II ship equipment.

Not only York City, but also Hornet, Northampton, Harman and Langley teachers have also been reborn and regained new strength through Type II ship equipment.

Lin Lan watched York City walk up to him, gently leaned down and held him in her arms.

Smelling the fragrance of roses on York City's body, and wrapping him in a gentle embrace, Lin Lan closed her eyes slightly in York City's arms, enjoying York City's embrace.

It's good that you're back, Commander, it's good that you're back.

Feeling York City caressing his head, Lin Lan said softly:

I'm sorry for making you worry about me.

Compared with the care and companionship the commander gave us all before, what we have done for the commander is nothing worth mentioning, so, commander, you don't need to apologize.

York City gently let go of Lin Lan. He stared at Lin Lan with his pure and flawless lake-blue eyes. A happy smile appeared on his fair face. He stretched out his hand to gently smooth Lin Lan's hair and continued:

Commander, can you tell us your story? Your eyes tell us that you have experienced many, many things before.

Hearing York City's words, Bumblebee made way for York City so that both her eldest and second sisters could sit side by side with the Commander.

And she took off her black boots directly, jumped onto the bed with a smile, and hugged Lin Lan from behind.

The company also looked at Lin Lan with purple eyes, looking forward to Lin Lan telling her previous experiences.

They really wanted to know what the commander said after leaving the port area, and why he left the port area.

Feeling that she was surrounded by these three sisters and that York City was gently holding her hand, Lin Lan smiled and thought for a moment before speaking:

Well, it's a long story. Where should I start?

Let's start with Blue Star...

Under the guidance of Helena meta, Lin Lan knew that his ship girls would always trust him unconditionally, so he decided not to hide anything from his ship girls.

He first explained to the three of them the truth that he could only communicate with the ship girls through the screen of his mobile phone.

After learning that the commander was not in the port area, the three aircraft carrier ladies beside him were thoughtful.

No wonder that although they could really feel that the Commander was accompanying them before, they always felt that there was a barrier between them and the Commander that could never be touched.

But now it is possible to truly touch and touch the commander.

After learning the truth, the first person to speak was the straightforward Bumblebee. She smiled and stood behind Lin Lan and said as if to accuse:

No wonder, I said I wanted to take you to the White Eagle dormitory to spend the night with me, but you never talked to me once, which made me feel really sad~

Ahem, it's not too late for you to invite me now...

Lin Lan couldn't help but laugh and tease Bumblebee when he heard that such a good thing had been missed by him.

Hehehehe~ I'm telling you, Commander, those Essex-class sisters have been chattering like crazy these past two days, hiding from me when they see you. You wouldn't have given Fearless to that military base... Oops!

Bumblebee smiled mischievously and before he could finish his words, he was pecked hard on the forehead by the bald eagle of the company on Lin Lan's shoulder, causing him to be interrupted in pain.

Commander, we haven't finished telling the story yet. Why are you so anxious?

Enterprise smiled and looked at his impatient sister and said, then set his sights on Lin Lan again.

After that, Lin Lan told the three York City sisters about his experience after meeting the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls in Oransi Continent.

After learning that Lin Lan had gained the power of a brave man in this world and could cheat through the Mind Cube, Bumblebee couldn't help but pretended to be surprised and complained again:

Commander, you also said that you are not a superhero. Do you think there is any other human being who can make such a magical change in the Mind Cube besides you?

Lin Lan was suddenly stunned when he heard Bumblebee's words.

It seems that as Bumblebee said and mentioned in the game, the commander's physique can activate the energy of the Mind Cube.

And he is obviously an ordinary person, but he thought that every time he approached the Mental Cube, the light groups and particles in the Mental Cube would rotate faster.

Is it because of this that the observer wanted to capture him and slice him up for study?

If you think about it carefully, this seems very possible.

And this can also explain why the observer did not kill him in the first place, and why he was able to use the energy of the Mind Cube on the magic equipment of the Teaching Kingdom.

It's just that he really can't understand why he was just an ordinary person when he was in Blue Star, but after arriving in this different world, he actually had the power set in the game.

But now that even his shipgirl can actually stay with him, Lin Lan simply stops pondering over this issue.

After all, the matter has come to this, why is he still thinking so much? Living the present moment well is the right way.

After thinking about this, Lin Lan continued to tell the three people about the mirror sea area in Dongyun City and the Tyrant Mecha Mecha Girl Broken Qiong.

Finally, his story stopped at the time when he and the Iron-Blooded Fleet defeated the Sea Lord Leviathan and the Siren Fleet in Unkai City.

What happened after being captured by the observers in Yunhai City, York City and others must have learned about it from Wuwei, South Dakota and others, so he did not elaborate on it again.

After hearing everything Lin Lan experienced, the company said in a slightly solemn tone:

After all, the size of the iron-blooded companions is limited by their numbers, so the observers took advantage of this loophole. I had already guessed that this would happen... Damn Strenkus.

Of course Lin Lan understood what the company meant.

He already knew at the military base that the three men from York City had brought the White Eagle Fleet to the Western Continent to support him, but unfortunately they encountered Strenkus blocking the road.

However, it was inappropriate to discuss the arbitration agency at this time. Lin Lan planned to go back and discuss with the company in detail how they met Strenkus.

Right now, he still has a lot of questions to ask York City and the others.

York City, how did you White Eagle occupy the Xinyang Artificial Island of the Gou Ilia Consortium? Did they do anything outrageous before?

Lin Lan looked at the gentle lady with silver-white hair who had been listening carefully to his narration, and asked his most curious question in confusion.

Hehehe, he is indeed the commander who knows us best.

York City smiled slightly and told Lin Lan the cause and effect of this incident:

After we left the port area and set out to look for you, we crossed the vast ocean and came to the outer sea of ​​this country.

On the surrounding sea near the land, we established a temporary base using mass-produced models, and communicated with the personnel of the Goiliya Consortium, one of the country's political parties, the Candle Sea Chamber of Commerce.

We, White Eagle, conduct normal trade with them based on the principle of freedom and equality. We will also be entrusted by them to send destroyer children to carry out cargo work in order to earn rewards for materials and oil.

In the beginning, our cooperative relationship was quite harmonious, but later, they seemed to think that our good intentions were a sign of weakness, so they began to play tricks on us.

Hearing what York City said, Lin Lan had already roughly guessed how the Gou Ilia Consortium had gotten him a father.

In order to save oil, the White Eagle camp only sent destroyers to help the Go Ilia Consortium carry out escort commissions.

And given the Gouliya Consortium's shameless nature in asking for money, I'm afraid they really thought that White Eagle only had destroyers and were unwilling to pay White Eagle honestly.

If the Goillia Consortium is not willing to continue to cooperate with us, they can just say so and we will not pay attention to them anymore. But they should never bully the children of the destroyer.


Lin Lan had already roughly guessed how the Gou Ilia Consortium committed suicide, but when he heard York City's words, he was still shocked by such despicable methods and blurted out angrily.

The Goillia Consortium dared to bully his little angels. This was not something they could do just by being his vassals.

Tell me how they bullied my destroyer.

Seeing the anger in Lin Lan's tone, York City smiled softly and patted Lin Lan's palm gently, indicating that Lin Lan shouldn't be too angry.

Hmph~ Commander, they have already paid the price with blood.

Bumblebee pressed his body tightly and affectionately against Lin Lan's back, and smiled evilly in his ear, as if he had expected that he would be very angry.

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