Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 292 When Bai Ying suspects that you have weapons of mass destruction, you better really have

After hearing Bumblebee's words, Lin Lan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He slowly calmed down his anger under York City's gentle caressing palm, and waited for York City's next words.

Since they said so, he wanted to hear the price paid by the Gouliya Consortium.

After all, his ship girls are so kind, and it would be bad if the other party takes advantage of their kindness.

Before that incident happened, although the Goiliya Consortium had found reasons to deduct our entrustment remuneration, no one paid too much attention to it.

After all, we were relatively new to this country at the time, and we were unwilling to harm ordinary humans.

But during one of Cassin and Downs's escort missions, they actually deliberately tampered with the goods. They said that the two children were not responsible for the escort and made us sign a breach of contract.

Lin Lan started to sneer when he heard this.

He naturally knows the two destroyers Cassin and Downs.

Although these two loli sisters with completely different personalities were once part of his low-consumption child labor team, at least in the middle of the game, he also gave them breakthrough transformations and bought costume changes.

After graduating from the Salvage Illustrated Book, he never formed a low-cost team again.

It's great, Go Ilya, for the sake of profit, he actually even does this kind of thing to bully children.

After we obtained sufficient evidence, Saratoga personally led a team to Go Ilia's headquarters, which is the Xinyang artificial island, to negotiate with their board of directors.

York City continued to say to Lin Lan:

However, the other party did not admit that they had tampered with the goods, and threatened to use weapons of mass destruction to destroy us, forcing us to submit to their management.

So in order to avoid being destroyed by weapons of mass destruction, our White Eagle fleet sailed to this island and completely blew up all their buildings. They dug three feet into the ground, but no so-called weapons of mass destruction were found.

When York City said this, he shook his head regretfully, seeming to feel sorry for wasting so much oil and ammunition:

Later, we learned through the surrendered members of the board of directors of the Goyilia Consortium that they had no weapons of mass destruction at all and were intimidating us.

Hearing this, Lin Lan already understood that it was no wonder that Bumblebee said that the Gou Ilia Consortium had paid the price in blood.

He originally thought that Bai Ying, like him in Iron Blood, would force the opponent to become a vassal and give up this new foreign artificial island by showing his strength.

Unexpectedly, his White Eagle Ship girls directly destroyed the headquarters of this consortium.

This made him feel relieved and his face looked a little better.

For unruly financial groups like this in another world, they have to use this thunderous method to destroy them, just like he did to the Tomahawk Army.

But after he was relieved, he couldn't help but feel a little funny.

The Goillia Consortium is really looking for death, and they dare to say such cruel words in front of Saratoga.

After all, there is a saying that has been circulating in Blue Star for a long time:

When White Eagle suspects you have weapons of mass destruction, you better actually have them.

Facts have proved that the arrogant Goiliya Consortium does not have weapons of mass destruction, and will only end up with devastating revenge.

After that, the board members they surrendered swore complete allegiance to us, and Saratoga and New Jersey also officially took over all government affairs of the Goillia Consortium.

The two of them have also made a series of reforms to the consortium's model. Well... in short, they should be reforming in a good direction. Many people in this country seem to like them very much, hehehe~

Hearing York City's smiling words, Lin Lan already felt the same way.

He was rescued by a few workers in the oil field in Anna City, and he already knew how prestigious the White Eagle Ship Girls were in the eyes of the workers of the Goilya Consortium.

But he is still very curious about what reforms Saratoga and New Jersey have carried out that can really make the Gou Ilia Consortium, one of the five major consortiums of the Oran Candle Sea Chamber of Commerce, great again.

After all, what he saw in the oil field was completely different from the rumors he had heard at Hongye Naval Academy.

However, he planned to ask Little Gaga or the cute rabbit New Jersey in person, so he didn't need to bother asking his wife to explain it in detail.

After he cleared his mind, he looked at York City and said with a smile:

So all the facilities on this island were rebuilt by you using Manju. I would say that it always feels like a port-area style.

Since the Gou Ilia Consortium that bullied little Loli now basically has only a name left and has completely become part of White Eagle's assets, Lin Lan naturally no longer has any anger towards the Gou Ilia Consortium.

Sister York City, we've been talking about it for so long, shouldn't we take the commander to visit the outside?

When the company heard what Lin Lan said, they smiled and proposed to York City.

Bumblebee even said with a smile:

That's right, it's so boring to stay here, why don't you take the commander out for a walk.

That's true. Commander, if your health is okay, how about we go out with you together?

York City smiled and extended an invitation to Lin Lan.

Well, then you can help me take a tour of it. This Xinyang artificial island looks really beautiful. I'm really looking forward to what it will be transformed into by you.

Lin Lan readily agreed and looked at the island scenery outside the window.

His body has almost recovered from the conversation he just had with the sisters in York City. Although it will take some time before he is in his best condition, he can still walk without support.

He just left. After getting up and stretching his muscles a little, Lin Lan left the room with the three sisters from York City.

Commander, this is the medical center on the island, and the floor below is the dormitory for the children of the destroyer.

After arriving at the empty and clean corridor, York City introduced Lin Lan with a smile.

No wonder it's so quiet here. Generally speaking, it's not used here.

This place is usually closed. Commander, you are the first person to live here.

The answer to Lin Lan was Enterprise. She had just opened the window and let her bald eagle fly out.

The four of them walked into the elevator, and Bumblebee, a handsome cowboy who had already put on a cowboy hat, excitedly pressed the button to go to the first floor.

Only then did Lin Lan see that the building he was in actually had twenty floors.

When the elevator went down, Bumblebee directly held his arm, looked at his face with a smile and asked:

Commander, do you want to eat ice cream? There will be an ice cream shop downstairs in a while. I can treat you to it for free~

Hehehe, Commander has only been awake for a long time. How can he eat ice cream? Bumblebee, you can't eat up the Commander's stomach.

York City turned around, gently straightened the cowboy hat on Bumblebee's head, and also took Lin Lan's arm.

The four of them soon reached the first floor. As the elevator door opened, Lin Lan saw a wide and clean lobby when he stepped out of the elevator.

The bright sunshine in the morning shines through the glass walls around the hall into the hall decorated like a business building, making Lin Lan feel like he was in a big city when he returned to Blue Star.

In the hall, there are many sofas with pillows and clean quilts, and coffee tables with many comics, magazines and toys.

There are also many bookcases with baseball bats, kneepads and other sports equipment.

Lin Lan could see that this was indeed the place where the destroyers usually rested.

The destroyers should all be in class or doing drills at this time. It's very lively here after school.

The company saw that there was no one in the hall, and after thinking for a moment, he explained to Lin Lan.

Are they actually still going to class?

The four of them walked towards the door of the hall. Lin Lan was slightly surprised after hearing what the company said.

He thought that the ship girls only needed exercises and the like, and there was no need for classes anymore.

For example, in the Iron-Blooded camp, he never saw the Z-drivers attending classes. Instead, they often conducted cleaning or confrontation drills.

Commander, what are you talking about? All the children in Minato City have to go to class. This is what you agree with.

What York City said with a smile made Lin Lan confused.

He couldn't help but look at Mrs. Yue who held his arm in surprise, with surprise written all over her face:

When did I agree to endorse such a thing?

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