Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 293 Differences in styles of camp technology

Hahaha, Commander, you organized and built the academy lecture hall in the port area. Later, you asked us to write down the combat experience as exercise data after the attack, and give it to the children to read and improve their experience.

After York City said to Lin Lan with a smile, Lin Lan instantly understood what was going on.

In the game, as the commander level increases, players can unlock the academy lecture hall facilities in the port area and upgrade them as the level becomes higher and higher.

In the original version of the game, the Lecture Hall sent ship girls to consume their mood points to learn. The battle experience gained by the ship girls who attacked was used to improve the proficiency of the Lecture Hall, which was then converted into experience after the learning was completed.

With the game version update, the functions of the lecture hall have also been redone.

Although the battle experience gained by the ship girls who are still going out is converted into proficiency and accumulated in the lecture hall, the proficiency will be converted into props: ship drill data.

This kind of prop is similar to an experience book. The player can choose the ship girl to upgrade the level at will. The ship girl no longer has to waste her mood and time to learn.

After the revision, when you click on the lecture hall, you can still see that the lecture hall is full of ship girls, and the lecture hall is a must-click upgrade for every player.

Thinking of this, plus he also asked every ship girl to go to the Tactics Academy to read textbooks and learn skills, and also bought many ship girls school-style outfits...

It seems that no matter what, he agrees to let the ship girls, especially the destroyers, take classes.

Lin Lan only smiled awkwardly, acquiescing to York City's words.

As for Commander, you haven't seen the academy in Iron Blood. I guess it's because their number is relatively small, and because they can use mirror sea technology to directly conduct simulation exercises, there is no academy.

York City saw the surprise on Lin Lan's face and explained to him in detail with a very careful smile:

When we return to the port area in the future, the kids from the Z-driver and the wolf pack will still have to go to the lecture hall in the port area, hehehe~

York City saw what he was thinking just now, and Lin Lan finally understood why he didn't see the lecture hall or college in Jiesue.

At the same time, he also thought of a detail that he had ignored before.

Each camp of his port ship girls has very different technological directions.

The iron-blooded camp is because they have cooperated with the sirens for a period of time in previous games, so the armors of the iron-blooded ship girls are very ferocious, either steel sharks or steel dragons.

Moreover, the Iron-blooded camp also obtained the technology to build floating island fortresses like Siren strongholds from the Sirens, as well as the technology to create mirror sea areas.

As for the White Eagle camp, they chose the Xinghai project to reversely analyze the mental Rubik's Cube, and their mastery and utilization of Rubik's Cube technology far surpassed other camps.

For example, Yorktown and Hornet, who are holding his arms, as well as Harman and Northampton, who have not yet met, their Type II ship equipment are all the result of this technology.

While Lin Lan was recalling the camp technologies of each camp, he walked out of this high-rise building with the three sisters from York City.

As the automatic glass door opens, the morning breeze carrying the refreshing smell of the ocean blows in your face.

Lin Lan took a few deep breaths of the fresh morning air, and at the same time noticed that the morning breeze also carried the silky long hair of York City, Enterprise, and Bumblebee beside him.

Outside the building is a clean and spacious road with self-service vending machines, automatic ice cream machines, street lights, benches and other facilities.

There are neatly trimmed vegetation, shrubs and street trees planted between the buildings. You can tell at a glance that it is the work of the barbarians.

I have to admit that the Barbarians are indeed magical creatures. They can be transformed into Brees to help the ship girls break through the upper limit of the ship equipment level, and they can guarantee all the logistics work in the port area and the fleet.

No wonder the Siren once imitated the Manju and used it to drive a self-destruct ship. He must have hated the Manju so much.

Commander, this is the hilly core area of ​​the island. It is also where everyone works, studies and lives on weekdays.

Enterprise's tough voice came from behind Lin Lan. Bumblebee continued to follow Enterprise's words and said to Lin Lan with a smile:

If it's at the bottom of the mountain, it's a leisure area~ It's like a shopping mall, a concert hall, a theme park, etc. Where do you want to go, Commander~ Hey, do you want to see a theme park? I'll take you on a roller coaster~

Let's go to Saratoga first. I still have a lot of questions to ask her, and then I have to go to Anchorage.

Lin Lan looked at York City and said, pretending not to hear.

He is not in a hurry to go to the foot of the mountain today. He still has many questions to ask little Jia Jia.

If possible, he was also going to personally contact Tie Xue to report that he was safe and give some instructions.

There was also Anchorage. Lin Lan remembered that this girl couldn't live without him. He had been away from the port area for so long, so there was no telling how worried Anchorage would be about him.

So to sum up, he decisively ignored Bumblebee's proposal.

It's definitely not because he was scared to tears by roller coasters when he was a child, and he has a childhood shadow about roller coasters and is afraid to ride them.

Hmph~ Commander is indeed a workaholic by nature. He thinks about work when he wakes up...but that kid in Anchorage does need you to coax him personally to make it work, hehe.

Bumblebee was ignored by Lin Lan, but he wasn't angry at all. He smiled evilly and complained against Lin Lan's arm.

With Bumblebee hugging her arm so affectionately, Lin Lan could only find an excuse to excuse herself:

When I recover a little and wake up from lying down for a few days, I'm afraid it will cost me half my life if you want me to ride a roller coaster.

Then it's agreed. When you feel better, I'll definitely drag you to the theme park. You won't regret it!

The blond cowboy lady took his arm in her arms and rubbed him gently like a baby. Her green eyes stared at him expectantly, making Lin Lan's mouth twitch slightly.

The straight-tempered Bumble Bee has a figure like a model, so if he still uses this trick, it must be too lethal.

In the end, although Lin Lan was full of reluctance, she really couldn't refuse such an invitation from such a beautiful and hot blonde sister, so she nodded with a wry smile.

It seems that he will never escape the fate of riding a roller coaster.

I can only hope that the roller coaster in the theme park on the island is not too scary.

Okay Bumblebee, Commander must have something serious to do with Sarah, so don't be too playful.

York City spoke to Bumblebee dotingly at the right time, and then looked at Lin Lan:

Commander, Sarah's office building is not far away. Let's go with you.

Walking along the spacious road towards the office building in Saratoga, Lin Lan became familiar with the functions of each building here under the explanation of the three sisters who accompanied him.

On the way, he also saw Olan's car parked on the roadside.

There is still a certain distance to go down the mountain from here to the port area, and it will be much more convenient if you have a car.

Just as Lin Lan and the four of them were walking by the building, with the road bifurcating in front of them, a conversation suddenly came from the corner in front.

Baltimore, Anchorage, want to see, teacher...

No, Anchorage. The commander is still resting now. I will definitely take you to see the commander when he wakes up. The Kitchen Goddess said that the commander needs to rest now...

No, Anchorage, I need it now, go see the teacher.

Obey Anchorage, it's not like I won't take you to see the commander. The commander really needs to rest now...

Woo, woo woo...

The girl's choked cries followed, causing Lin Lan to slow down.

Isn't this Anchorage?

In Baltimore, Lin Lan also remembered this girl from the Justice Patrol who impressed him deeply.

Hearing Anchorage's sad cry, York City and Bumblebee also let go of Lin Lan.

York City gently pulled back his silver-white hair, looked at Lin Lan and said with a smile:

Commander, it seems to be a coincidence. Go quickly, that child has been waiting for you for a long time.

Lin Lan heard York City's words, nodded to the three sisters, and hurriedly quickened her pace and ran forward.

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