Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 346 White Eagle BBQ Dinner by the Lake (Part 2)

Of course. We have personally confirmed that these prey are edible. They taste great when grilled. I have classified the unpalatable prey separately. Don't worry, Commander!

Seeing Minneapolis patting his chest and smiling as he assured her, Lin Lan felt relieved.

If he can't even trust an experienced hunter like Xiao Ming, then he'd better not eat wild game.

Most of the fatal injuries on these prey were gunshot wounds, and some had wounds on their feet. It seemed that Xiao Ming and the others had set traps in the forest.

The next step was to process the prey, which was carried out by the three South Dakota sisters. They took the prey to the lake for cleaning and processing.

At this time, Lin Lan suddenly felt his phone vibrate. He took it out of his pocket and saw that it was actually a call from Little Gaga.

Lin Lan couldn't help but wonder, did Saratoga call him for something at this time?

With doubts, he answered the phone and signaled Xiao Ming to continue working. He walked aside and asked on the phone:

Hello? Little Jia Jia, what happened?

Commander is like this. Today, several city general agents contacted us and said that many residents in their cities protested why the Rubik's Cube energy robots were not sold.

Saratoga's lolita sound came from the phone, but the news did not exceed Lin Lan's expectations.

He had long known that this would happen in the early stage, so he said calmly:

This is not simple. Just ask them to tell the Oran people that the Rubik's Cube energy robot is currently in uncontrollable danger and needs to be uniformly inspected.

Anyway, it won't be long before the real problem is exposed. We just have to delay it for a while.

After receiving the answer, Saratoga paused and seemed to be thinking.

Sister Sarah understands, just delay it for time, right?

Lin Lan smiled confidently:

That's right, you should also have access to the media channels of the Gou Ilia Consortium. Directly ask the general agents to arrange for reporters to go to other cities for real-life shooting, and immediately broadcast the riots if they occur.

If it goes as expected and the Tianxing Consortium continues at this pace, a wave of unemployment will begin in about a week.

Of all the people here, he is the only one who understands how snobbish Zhuhai Business can be.

Once the subsidiaries of the chamber of commerce discovered that the work efficiency of the Rubik's Cube energy robot could far exceed that of human labor, their first reaction was undoubtedly to lay off people on a large scale.

And it is definitely more excessive and ruthless than Blue Star's company.

Lin Lan clearly understood that Blue Star had experienced turbulent social development for hundreds of years, especially the period when the Northern Alliance was at its strongest, which made many companies no longer dare to act too recklessly.

After all, a hero once left a famous saying that they will change after we leave, not because of conscience, but because we have been here.

These are the rights that countless heroes have bought for ordinary people with their blood and tears.

But in this different world, there is no such great hero in Oran.

Lin Lan clearly remembered the night when he first arrived in Dongyun City, how arrogant and arrogant the Tomahawk, Military, Industrial and Marine Police officers on the dock were.

If the Tomahawk military industry is like this, how much better can the Star Consortium and the Noah Dexin Consortium be?

I am afraid that among the five major consortiums, only the Tianou Consortium, which has strict rules set by Tianou's stalker Jian Qianou, is slightly better.

Sister Sara understands~ Leave it to us, Commander!

Knowing that Saratoga was still busy, Lin Lan was a little heartbroken and chatted with little Gaga for a while.

While he was chatting with Little Jia Jia, the sky was gradually getting darker, and the dusk in the distance had turned into red flaming clouds, as if they were burning, extremely beautiful.

However, the problem of insufficient light did not trouble his White Eagle ship girls. Soon the lights and the torches used for barbecue were lit, and the brightness was completely sufficient.

Anchorage, Archerfish and Spinyfin who went to the lake to fish also returned with full loads of fish, and handed over the live fish to South Dakota and others beside the lake for processing.

After instructing both Saratoga and New Jersey to rest and eat on time, Lin Lan also hung up the phone with the reluctant little Gaga.

At this time, Mrs. York City also came with Enterprise, Bumblebee, and Northampton. It happened that they met Essex and others on the way here.

As a result, a powerful aircraft carrier formation arrived in front of Lin Lan.

Uh-huh! I haven't held an outdoor barbecue for a long time. Barbecue is my favorite!

Bumblebee was the first to rush to Lin Lan's side. She had already put on a white shirt and jeans, and looked at the lit bonfire with a smile.

For some reason, Lin Lan suddenly felt that these words coming from the mouth of Bumblebee, the executor of the Doolittle Raid, were somewhat subtle.

I originally prepared a sumptuous dinner for the commander, but it looks like we can only eat it at noon tomorrow.

York City also walked up to Lin Lan and showed a gentle smile.

As soon as York City finished speaking, several bald eagles flew down from the sky and landed next to Lin Lan.

These bald eagles are exactly the eaglets of the women of the White Eagle aircraft carrier. Except that the electromagnetic energy ship equipment used by Dreadnought does not have eaglets, they are almost standard equipment.

But when Lin Lan thought about it, it seemed that Little Gaga and Mrs. Lie didn't have eaglets either, and he couldn't figure out what standards the bald eagles were allocated according to.

Maybe it's a characteristic of the Yorktown and Essex classes.

Sister York City, I already said that with the Commander's popularity, everyone will definitely invite the Commander to have dinner together tonight. There is not enough space in the villa.

Enterprise waved her hand and called her eaglet into her arms, smiling and joking to her sister.

Regarding the company, York City also covered his mouth and smiled and admitted generously:

It seems that I still underestimated the charm of the commander.

Looking at the happy York City, Lin Lan also smiled happily and put the matter of Olan in the back of his mind.

The gentle Mrs. York City is completely different from the closed-minded character she had when they first met her.

He really helped York City really come out of the darkness.

But when it comes to barbecue, you can't miss out on drinks. Commander, I brought Coke and beer. Which one do you want to drink later?

Before Lin Lan could think too much, Bumblebee grabbed his neck like a loyal friend and asked with a wicked smile.

Of course it's saffron tea. The commander's health is the most important thing. Bumblebee, don't bring the commander down!

Before he could speak, Shangri-La pushed up her glasses and walked over, glaring at Bumblebee.

Ah hahaha, the commander finally came back, you let him drink saffron tea, Shangri-La. I know you are worried about the commander, but do you know that drinking too much saffron tea will cause you to get angry.

Hearing Shangri-La's words, Bumblebee chuckled, while Shangri-La looked at Bumblebee in surprise:

You actually know this? No, no, the commander will recover, or you have to...

Shangri-La, take your choice, Commander. His health is really fine now.

The person who interrupted this dumpling was Essex, who had already changed into loose clothes.

Sister Essex, how can you be so sure...

Huh~huh~huh~ Because she proved it herself last night.

Bumblebee looked at Essex with a smirk, but Essex's face suddenly turned red and he turned his head away, not daring to look over again.

The intellectual bespectacled sister Shangri-La didn't realize for a moment what Bumblebee meant.

After staying for a few seconds, she realized the meaning of the senior cowboy's words. Her face suddenly turned red and she hesitated to stop him.

Seeing this scene, Lin Lan couldn't help but laugh out loud. In terms of pornographic accent and cheerful personality, Bumblebee, a cowboy, was really ranked among the best in his entire port area.

So he directly grabbed the soft waist of the blond cowboy who was still whistling triumphantly, smiled evilly and whispered in the ear of the sassy cowboy sister:

“I don’t see it, you cowboy is still so pragmatic?”

Of course, I'm a hard worker. Commander, if you want to drink beer, we can compete to see who is stronger in a while, hehe~

Although Bumblebee's face was also flushed, she still had a hearty smile on her face and allowed Lin Lan's hands to touch around her waist.

While Lin Lan was joking and chatting with Bumblebee and others, South Dakota, Massachusetts and Alabama had also returned from processing the ingredients.

Their return announced the official start of the lively barbecue dinner.

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