Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 347 Changes in the Eastern Continent

I'm sorry, sir. It is with great regret that our company informs you that you have been fired.

Wang Yuhao was on his way to get off work with his personal office belongings in hand and looked at the text on his phone, still feeling like he was in a dream.

Obviously until last week, their department was still an outstanding department in the company. The company boss commended them at the meeting and said that they would be given bonuses at the end of the year.

But this afternoon, he suddenly received the bad news without any warning.

He is already in his thirties, has two children at home, and still has a mortgage and a car loan to repay. However, his savings at this time only have one month left to spend because he just bought a third-generation robot for home use. .

Just a few minutes ago, he also learned on the phone that his wife had also been suddenly told to be laid off, and like him, he had not received even a penny in compensation.

If he doesn't find a way to find a new home this week, let alone the loan, their family of four may start to go hungry next month.

Why on earth...could it be because of the third-generation robot...

On this self-guided bus, Wang Yuhao looked pale and kept thinking about the reason why he was suddenly laid off.

The day before yesterday, the company purchased a batch of third-generation robots, saying they would be used to help them improve work efficiency, and they were asked to help teach the robots how to work.

Not only their department, but other departments as well.

As a subsidiary of the Tianxing Consortium, their company can naturally enjoy the internal price of purchasing third-generation robots, which is even half the price compared to the market price.

Is it possible...

Thinking of this, Wang Yuhao picked up his phone and dialed colleagues from other departments.

After calling several colleagues in succession to confirm, his face became even paler.

Yes, all the colleagues he contacted received news of being fired, which meant that even if he wanted to find a job again, he would face huge competitive pressure.

Only then did Wang Yuhao notice that there were many people like him on the bus holding many personal office items.

Some of these people were about the same age as him or even older, and some were as young as if they had just graduated from school.

Almost everyone's face was written with loss, sadness and hesitation, but no smile was seen.

The third generation robot must be a good thing done by the third generation robot!

Wang Yuhao looked out the window at the city streets that were about to fall into night. Many store clerks under the street lights had been replaced by third-generation robots.

Even the sanitation workers who were still cleaning the roads have all turned into third-generation robots in just two days.

The joy of buying the third-generation robot yesterday was gone. For some reason, Wang Yuhao suddenly felt a strong hatred and resentment towards robots in his heart.

These third-generation robots are almost identical to humans. Except for their blue eyes, it is difficult to distinguish them from humans by appearance.

It was this group of guys who didn't know how to rest and get tired. After learning the skills from him, they ruthlessly replaced him, causing him to lose his job!

When he got off the bus and came to the door of his community, and was about to enter the community, a gentle young female voice suddenly came from behind him:

Hello sir, I am intelligent robot number 9621. Are you interested in taking a look at our company's latest products...

Wang Yuhao was distracted at this time. He turned around and saw a smiling female-looking robot salesman wearing store clerk clothes.

Deep blue eyes, a perfectly cute and beautiful face, and long white silky hair.

Wang Yuhao, who was praising the beautiful appearance of the third-generation robot with his friends yesterday, now no longer has any favorable impression of the third-generation robot.

He just looked at the robot coldly and said one word fiercely:


Sir, um, do you have any questions about this machine...


The suppressed anger along the way finally broke out. After shouting viciously again, Wang Yuhao threw the office supplies in his hands to the ground, turned around and walked into the community without looking back.

The Rubik's Cube energy robot was left standing there blankly after being scolded, with a trace of human grievance and confusion flashing in its blue eyes.

When the few passers-by around saw this scene, no one said anything, and they just walked past it with a cold hum as if they didn't see it.

Intelligent robot 9621 rolled up the flyer in his hand and put it into his pocket, squatted on the ground, and gently picked up all the office supplies scattered on the floor, but hesitated, not knowing whether he should catch up and return them to Wang Yuhao.

After a long while, it silently moved forward and delivered the office supplies to the property management office of the community.

It's just that the property management personnel on duty are still the same kind. After the two robots looked at each other, they handed over the work in their hands without saying a word.

This scene is happening in cities across the Eastern Continent of the United States of Oran.

Also tonight, the first snow in the Eastern Continent comes quietly.

For this ancient country, perhaps the coldest winter is coming.


In the Eastern Continent, Huanhuanyang City, the capital of Oran, the headquarters of Tianxing Consortium and Zhuhai Commercial Association, Zhuhai Building.

This once bustling and prosperous building has now become extremely gloomy.

Not because most employees have gone off work, but because many positions have been turned into silent robots.

The remaining Olan employees also looked fearful and did not dare to talk to each other at all, as if they were afraid of causing some kind of disaster.

In the conference room on the upper floor of the building, a dozen consortium executives wearing customized suits from the Tianxing Consortium were sitting in their seats in silence, sweating and waiting for Zhao Tianyi, who was standing in the center of the conference room, to make work arrangements.

At this time, Zhao Tianyi looked cold, and after glancing around all the Tianxing executives present with cold eyes, he slowly said:

Now report to me about the sales of the third-generation robots of the Noah Deshin Consortium, Zhang Hengyu, you are responsible for this matter.

The person named by Zhao Tianyi was a man over fifty years old. After he was named, he trembled all over, stood up and said:

Reporting to Director Zhao, the sales of the third-generation robots of the Noah Deshin Consortium are currently going smoothly, and the inventory in various cities has been exhausted.

Feeling Zhao Tianyi's gaze on him, this man in his fifties, a senior consortium man, felt as if he was being targeted by a cold killing machine.

As long as the other party has a thought, he will turn it into dust.

And this feeling is not only reflected in Zhang Hengyu, but everyone present can feel this creepy illusion.

Obviously, Director Zhao did not have this kind of pressure before, but just two weeks ago, Zhao Tianyi seemed to have changed, exuding a frightening temperament.

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