Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 349 Mrs. York City betrayed her

After the lively barbecue dinner, Lin Lan took Anchorage and Eldridge back to their dormitory in York City after saying goodbye to the White Eagle ship girls.

After all, York City and the others had already prepared the bedroom in the afternoon, so there was no way he could let Mrs. York and Bumblebee's work go in vain.

If you want to exercise together, there will be plenty of opportunities. Lin Lan tonight belongs to Mrs. Yue's family.

Although he drank some wine, after he learned how to use the power of the brave to cleanse the alcohol from his body, his drinking capacity was no longer at the same level as when he was in the Iron-Blooded Fortress.

However, it is worth mentioning that Mrs. York City's drinking capacity is still very poor as always, and she is already a little dazed when she smells just a hint of alcohol. This is the main reason why he does not drink much.

You must know that Mrs. Yue has a physique that makes her drunk even if she eats wine-filled chocolate.

Of course, Lin Lan also received an electronic physical examination report from the Kitchen Goddess after he came to the bedroom.

Seeing that all the items were healthy physical examination results, although he thought it was normal, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

When he was at Blue Star, he almost didn't dare to go for a physical examination after starting work.

Occupational diseases such as fatty liver, stomach problems, contact dermatitis, and pneumoconiosis are almost always with him. Now that his body has become so healthy, he has decided to cherish it even more.

However, items such as Rubik's Cube adaptability were all excellent, which also made Lin Lan realize that his body might also have received some unknown bonuses during time travel.

If becoming young and healthy can be explained by being a brave person, the abnormally high adaptability of the Rubik's Cube has absolutely nothing to do with being a brave person.

Rather, it is more like it follows the commander's settings in the game and is inexplicably placed on him.

Commander! What are you looking at so seriously?

Just when he was about to turn off his phone after reading the medical report, Bumblebee's excited voice came from the door.

It turned out that the blonde denim aircraft carrier girl, who had already finished washing, was wearing a sexy white camisole and was peeking at him from the door.

Before he could answer, Bumblebee was hit on the head with a hand knife.

Oh! Sister Enterprise? When did you come here!

Don't disturb Commander, you think everyone is living as carefree as you.

The company's calm voice came from behind Bumblebee. The silver-haired, purple-eyed ship girl had a helpless smile on her face and was also wearing home short-sleeved pajamas.

Her long, silky silver hair was spread out against her smooth back, and she still smelled fragrant after just taking a shower.

The two aircraft carrier girls walked into the bedroom together, and sat on either side of Lin Lan, who had already attracted their attention.

Is this...the physical examination report from the Kitchen Goddess yesterday?

Enterprise noticed the content on Lin Lan's mobile phone and said with some surprise.

As soon as Enterprise finished speaking, Bumblebee, who was clinging to his side, snatched his phone away with a smile, went back and started to slide the screen and start reading.

Hey, Commander, you are so healthy now. You are completely different from when we saw you a few days ago!

Lin Lan also turned over and lay on the soft bed, snatched the phone back and said with a smile:

I told you at the party that I am a brave man. Although I don't know how I was chosen, my body's recovery speed and condition are no longer ordinary.

Then the water dragon in the lake this afternoon was also a hero's skill?

Lin Lan was not surprised when he heard the cowboy sister's doubts. Although Bumblebee and the others were not present at the time, they might have noticed such a big movement in the villa.

Yeah, but you've seen its power. It can't break Leviathan's defense at all. It's just a show-off.

While he was speaking, Enterprise had also taken off his slippers and lay on the bed, looking at him with a smile on his face.

The commander is getting stronger all the time. Maybe he can join us in attacks in the future.

That's quite embarrassing. I still know what my own strength is.

Lin Lan looked at Enterprise's flawless face, stretched out his hand to gently smooth the silver hair on Enterprise's cheek, and laughed at himself.

His strength is indeed enough in front of ordinary people. After all, he competed with Eugen and the others every day when he was still in the port area of ​​​​Lihu County.

But forget it if you are trying to compete with the Sirens.

Regardless of how many shells his flesh and blood body can withstand, even if he wears the magic cube shield generator of Tomahawk Military Industry and uses the shield skills of the brave, his strength and brave skills will not be able to break the siren's defense. .

Just like his ship girls, although the Siren's executor looks like a human female, its combat power and defense are also at the level of a genuine battleship.

In the face of this absolute strength, even the most powerful monsters and Natlan Ultras cannot easily defeat the ship girls or sirens.

It is enough for him to ensure that he will not hinder his ship's girls, and can provide support from behind or be able to protect himself in a short period of time.

But before the company could reply, footsteps and gentle words came from outside the door:

Commander, you are wrong to do this. We at White Eagle have already been prepared.

As the voice fell, York City, who had put on a pure white translucent dress, also walked into the room, looking at him with a warm smile in her pure lake-blue eyes.

Sister York City, are you referring to...

Shh, it's not the time to tell the commander yet.

Enterprise seemed to understand something, and when he was about to speak, he was interrupted by York City who walked to the bed and gently raised his index finger to his mouth, smiling.

Bumblebee blinked and understood what York City was referring to, and smiled excitedly.

Lin Lan watched York City also go to bed, but she was extremely confused in her heart. What preparations did Mrs. York talk about?

Is it possible that the White Eagle camp really has some black magic cube technology that can greatly enhance his combat effectiveness?

It can't be because of the high-tech button on Fearless's chest, right? The electromagnetic power isn't enough to allow him to face the Siren's attack?

York City, who was already lying next to him, saw the puzzled expression on his face and couldn't help but laugh out loud, reaching out his hand to rub his face gently.

Commander, please let York City get through first. You will know after a while.

Well, since York City has said so, Lin Lan will not continue to ask, it is not an important matter anyway.

After York City also went to bed, the commander's nightlife officially began.

Naturally, Lin Lan still didn't sleep comfortably until late at night in Mrs. York City's soft arms.

Doctor, is this the new ANTI-X that you applied for actual combat testing? Her ship is so huge, it shouldn't be a small ship, right?

Yes, I tried to innovate this time, using the Dow's deepwater louse and the giant squid as prototypes, and her ship type has the functions of both a submarine and an aircraft carrier. The design is based on the once eliminated Chongsakura submarine carrier. Ship type.”

The prototypes are actually these marine creatures. Doctor, your laboratory is worthy of the name 'Somers Island Marine Fish Research Institute'. You shouldn't use this to get inspiration, right? But speaking of latent mothers, last time I was still a student in the military academy when I heard this term, hahaha.

Cough cough cough...

Okay, time for small talk is over. Doctor, what's her name? I need to register it in the federal database.

Builder, her name is Builder.

Early the next morning, Lin Lan was awakened by the ringing of the phone next to his bed.

Being in a daze, he didn't pay much attention to the dream about sirens, and just thought it was another dream about the plot in the previous game.

He reached over the still sleeping Bumblebee's crouched body and took his phone from the bedside table.

Looking at the caller ID with sleepy eyes, Lin Lan realized that the call was actually from Big Mackerel.

This made his sleepiness dissipate slightly. What did this little girl want to see him for so early in the morning?

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