Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 350 Sneaking into the Artificial Lake

He glanced out the window. It was still not bright yet, and the room was still basically dark.

After clicking to connect, the anxious voice of the big mackerel came from the mobile phone:

Commander, Commander! Something bad has happened! Levi... No, something unexpected happened to Dailan. Please call Sister York City and the others to come and take a look!

Hearing the anxious words of the big mackerel, Lin Lan's first reaction was whether this girl was playing a prank to trick him.

But he soon realized that if the big mackerel really lied to him, he would definitely have called him to come out alone, and it was impossible for him to call York City and the others as well.

And the big mackerel sounded so anxious, something must have really happened that made them unreasonable.

What a big mackerel, wait a minute, we'll be here soon... Don't get close to the lake yet, pay attention to safety.

So even though he hadn't slept enough, Lin Lan also understood that it was not the time to snooze. He quickly sat up from the bed and ordered to hang up the phone.

At the same time, his movement also caused the naked York City and Enterprise to open their eyes and look at him sleepily.

In a few words, Lin Lan told him about the big mackerel looking for him. After hearing this, the two of them woke up completely and started to get ready to change clothes and go out.

Only Bumblebee was still sleeping soundly on the bed. It seemed that the series of movements just now did not wake up the cowboy sister at all.


Seeing his sister's appearance, the company was angry and funny and slapped her hard on the butt, making a loud crunching sound.

Ah! Commander, I want more...

Unexpectedly, the slap from the company not only failed to wake up Bumblebee, but actually caused the sleeping Bumblebee to talk in his sleep.

Seeing the blushing Enterprise's hands clenched into fists, Lin Lan suddenly burst into laughter, while York City smiled and stretched out his hand to stop Enterprise from adding a buff to Bumblebee's head.

Bumblebee, if you don't get up, you won't be eating today~

Hearing York City's light words, Lin Lan covered her mouth and laughed out loud, secretly complaining in her heart, what age is it, there are really people who can wake up with this trick...

Before he could finish the complaint in his heart, he suddenly saw Bumblebee, who was still sleeping, tremble all over. He quickly opened his eyes and sat up energetically.

At the same time, the bumblebee's cry also sounded:

No, no, no, no! Sister York City, I was wrong, I'll get up right away!


Although Lin Lan thought he knew his ship girls well enough, the truth of this scene still opened his eyes.

But now was no time for joking. He was more worried about what was going on with the big mackerel.

Wasn't Leviathan Dailan fine yesterday? It's impossible for such a big-headed monster to have a stress reaction. She sent it overnight as soon as she saw him coming, right?

After changing clothes, Lin Lan didn't bother to wake up Anchorage and Northampton who were sleeping downstairs, and went directly with the three York sisters out.

But as soon as he opened the door of the villa and walked out of the room, Lin Lan felt a cold air on his face. At the same time, he also saw faint white spots floating in the sky.

It finally snowed on the artificial island, but this little snowflake was not enough to cover the snow, and it would completely dissipate as soon as daybreak.

Taking advantage of the bright morning light in the sky above the distant forest, Lin Lan and others came to the lake and saw all the White Eagle submarine girls in the lake.

The commander is here!

Spiny Fin saw Lin Lan and others, and waved to him with excited exclamations in the lake.

What happened? What happened to Dailan?

Lin Lan walked directly to the pier by the lake, looked at the little girls soaking in the lake early in the morning and asked.

He wasn't worried at all that the little submarine girls in swimsuits would catch a cold. Submarine girls usually lurked in the deep sea when going out, and the temperature was much lower than this.

Several submarine girls looked at each other, and finally the big mackerel swam to the edge of the pier, looked up at Lin Lan and said:

This morning we prepared to go to the bottom of the lake to play with Dailan as usual, but unexpectedly we found that Dailan was missing. There was only a huge...

Speaking of this, the big mackerel paused, as if he didn't know how to describe it.

Do you have a mass-produced submarine? Just take me down there to have a look.

When Lin Lan saw that even the always lively big mackerel couldn't find an adjective, he realized the seriousness of the problem and spoke directly to the little lolita.

Hearing that he was going to go to the lake in person, the company quickly said:

Commander, please let me go. It's too dangerous for you to go to the bottom of the lake yourself.

Lin Lan shook his head, looked at the company with a smile and said:

It's okay. This is originally an artificial lake you built. How dangerous can it be? And the Big Blue Fish and the others are also good divers, so they can guarantee my safety, right?

Halfway through, he also looked at the submarine girls in the lake and asked.

Yes, that's right. In fact, it's not dangerous in the lake. The main reason is that the scene is so strange. It has nothing to do with us diving in the mass-produced model, Commander!

Several little lolita nodded and said that they could completely protect Lin Lan's safety. At the same time, the Spiny Fins also roughly explained the situation under the lake.

Let's do this. Enterprise, and the York City Hornet, you deploy your ships and patrol the lake to be on guard. If the situation is discovered, I will immediately ask Big Mackerel and the others to call you for help.

Lin Lan saw that York City and the others seemed to be hesitant, so she suggested.

...Okay, Commander, if you find something wrong, retreat immediately and surface.

After the three York City sisters looked at each other, Mrs. York City finally nodded and spoke to him solemnly.

Then the big mackerel released her mass-produced submarine from the cabin space and stopped on the lake.

This White Eagle mass-produced submarine is the same as the Siren mass-produced submarine that Lin Lan rode before. It is much smaller than a real submarine.

If it were a real Catshark-class large-scale long-distance submarine in history, it would have to be nearly a hundred meters long. It would be difficult to complete the dive in this artificial lake, which is not considered a large one.

But as the saying goes, concentration is the essence.

Although mass-produced submarines are smaller than real submarines, they are still born through the transformation of Rubik's Cube technology, and their maneuverability and combat effectiveness are only slightly better than those of real prototype submarines.

Nautilus, go to the mass-produced submarine with the commander. You will be responsible for driving the submarine.

After the mass-produced submarine was released, the company looked at the little lolita in the lake and called them by name.

Ah, okay, okay.

When he heard his name being called, Nautilus, an introverted little lolita with short blue hair, blushed and nodded in response.

So Lin Lan and Nautilus, who hadtily wiped the water stains on his swimsuit with a towel, got into the interior of the mass-produced submarine.

Under the leadership of Nautilus, he came to the familiar submarine cab.

The reason why I say familiarity is because there is almost no difference between the White Eagle's mass-produced submarine cab and the Siren's mass-produced submarine. They are both very small spaces.

It's just that this time he finally didn't have to control it himself with a blind eye. Although Nautilus was an extremely introverted little lolita, he was undoubtedly an experienced submarine pilot.

Seeing Nautilus activating the submarine's control interface, Lin Lan couldn't help but smile.

How should I put it, having a submarine girl drive a submarine is really a bit subtle.

Commander, Nautilus is going to take you down.

Since there was only one driver's seat in this narrow cab, Lin Lan let Nautilus sit in the main driver's seat while he stood behind the little lolita in a swimsuit.

After hearing Nautilus's shy words, he gently stroked Nautilus's little head, which had not completely dried the lake water, and agreed to dive.

After receiving his signal, Nautilus used the communicator on the mass-produced submarine to inform the other submarine partners, and then began to control the submarine's console.

There is another update today!

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