Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 366: Two and a half years of practice

I was scared to death. I thought Teacher Ji heard that I was lying to him.

After Lin Lan hung up the phone, she patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

What Teacher Ji said on the phone just now almost gave him a heart attack. It should be said that this teacher is really oppressive.

When he was in the academy, this teacher was the one he had the best relationship with.

Although his other classmates often shunned Ji Chenlin because of his chilling temperament, he could tell that this teacher was a veteran who had experienced a brutal war, and his personality was also a typical sharp-tongued person.

Moreover, he was a teacher who was also very hostile to the Tianxing Consortium and took good care of several of their students in the college who were targeted by the Tianxing Consortium.

Shaking his head, Lin Lan put the past memories behind him. He had other things that needed more attention at the moment.

After a while, he was going to take Enterprise, Helena and Anchorage into the fortress as a conveyor of information from the Western Continent, and then hold discussions with the most powerful person in the Eastern Continent's Navy Department.

With his status of controlling three consortiums, and having already cooperated with Li Hongjun to unify the Western Continent, he believed that the Navy Department of the Eastern Continent would not deny him face.

Even if he asked Li Hongjun to write a personal letter through Bismarck and it has not yet been sent to the Eastern Continent's Admiralty, it is estimated that it will be sent in two or three days at most.

Therefore, there is a high probability that the military exercise deterrence that the White Eagle Ship girls are looking forward to will not be used.

Thinking of this, Lin Lan turned around and walked back to the cabin with the three birds of prey on him.

At this time, the heating and air conditioning had been turned on in the cabin living room, and Helena was wearing an apron and bringing the freshly baked breakfast to the dining table.

Except for the White Eagle Ship Girl who was escorting at sea, everyone else was still resting in the bedroom at this time, so there was only this blue-haired virtuous girl in the spacious living room.

After entering the cabin, the three birds of prey on Lin Lan flapped their wings and flew to the sofa.

Lin Lan walked to Helena at the dining table, looked at the sumptuous breakfast on the table, couldn't help but smile and praised:

It's so rich. I thought we would only be able to eat dry food this time.

Commander, unless you are in a hurry when you go on an attack, you will pay more attention to food nutrition.

Hearing Lin Lan's compliment, Helena's face turned red and she showed a happy and shy smile.

Last night, she finally fulfilled her long-held dream and fulfilled her wish to complete the wedding ship obligation. At this time, her heart was extremely sweet.

Seeing such an endearing blue-haired girl, Lin Lan couldn't help but reach out and wrap his arms around Helena's lower back, holding her soft body in his arms.

Helena did not refuse his bold move, but leaned on his chest like a well-behaved bird, letting him hold her gently.

After being intimate with each other for a while, the aroma of the breakfast made by Helena also successfully attracted the other companions in the bedroom.

The first person to come from the bedroom to the cabin living room was Santiago, who had regained his strength. When she saw the two hugging each other, she immediately shouted excitedly:

Hey! Commander, I want to join too, hug me!

Well, hugging one is also hugging, hugging two is also hugging, Lin Lan also smiled and directly hugged the silly girl who rushed towards her.

After Santiago, Enterprise and others also came to the living room. After happily eating breakfast with him, they changed guard with Washington and others who were escorting.

Of course, Nicholas and Lafite, the two lazy destroyers, did not come to the living room.

So Lin Lan, after accompanying Washington and South Dakota to have breakfast, packed two bags with Helena's help and personally took them to the bedroom to give to the two little sleepyheads.

When she came to the bedroom and saw the two little ones wrapped in quilts and sleeping in on the big bed, Lin Lan couldn't help but sigh, the destroyers are so cute.

Not to mention that both the white-haired Lafite-chan and the silver-haired Nicholas-chan are considered Bai Mao to attack the Donghuang people.

Walking to the bedside, Lin Lan put breakfast on the bedside table, sat on the bedside and reached out to gently poke the two little lolita's fair and fair faces.

Wake up, you two little lazy bugs, it's time for breakfast.

Hmm... Yawn...

After being poked and prodded by him like this, the two little lolita made a grunting sound as if they had just woken up, rubbed their eyes and sat up sleepily from the bed.

However, the quilts draped loosely around Lafite and Nicholas also gave Lin Lan a large view of the scenery.

Ahem, um, eat your breakfast first, and then go back to sleep.

Even though he played so crazy last night, this scene was still too exciting for Lin Lan. He turned his head and said with a blush.

Since the commander is here, let's feed us...

At this time, Lafite's pure white hair was draped softly behind her back because it was not tied into a ponytail. She rubbed her eyes, sat down on the bed, and spoke calmly.

As if asking for something completely normal.

Yawn~ Lafite is right, Commander...

Nicholas, wearing a pink and white nightgown, also rubbed his eyes and agreed.

...Okay, but Lafite, put your coat on first!

Lin Lan reluctantly agreed with a smile to the request of two such cute little lolita.

After bringing breakfast to feed the two little cuties with his own hands, he kissed Lafite and Nicholas on their foreheads, let the two sleepy men continue to sleep, left the bedroom with the breakfast box, and returned to the cabin living room. .

Santiago, I'm warning you, if you want to sing, go to the deck and sing! I'm afraid I won't be able to control my fists if I sing here!

Hey, hey, don't worry, everyone. I have been practicing hard for two and a half years in order to debut as an idol. I will never let you down this time!

As soon as Lin Lan entered the cabin living room, she heard Washington's frightened voice and Santiago's confident words with a microphone in his hand.

That's right, Santiago, you'd better go to the deck.

After he came in, he was surprised to find that even South Dakota, which had always had disagreements with Washington, rarely agreed with Washington's opinions.

How terrifying must Santiago's singing be to make these enemies put aside their prejudices and share their hatred?

Well, Santiago, why don't you try my new Coke first? We'll wait until we get back to the port area to decide what to sing...

Georgia also joined in trying to dissuade Santiago, while Eldridge came over with a bottle of fizzy Coke and handed it to Santiago.

Gulu gulu... hiccup~ Thanks, but why don't you all believe in me? I've really tried my best this time!

This silly girl did not refuse the Coke handed to her, she opened the Coke and drank it in one gulp.

But she clearly hasn't given up on the idea of ​​showing off her singing voice.

After seeing Lin Lan come in, Baltimore quietly walked up to him while Santiago and others were not paying attention, and said in a low voice:

Commander, why don't you advise Santiago? If she sings here, we may not even reach our destination and we will be annihilated.

Yes, is it that exaggerated?

When Lin Lan heard Baltimore say such shocking words, she was shocked and asked in a lowered voice.

He understands that Santiago's singing voice is very magical, but it doesn't necessarily have such power.

After all, that silly girl even used a microphone as a prop for her transformation. Isn’t it too much to harm others like this?

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